Friday, August 23, 2024

Jim Jesse Creswell, BHS '48 (1930-2024)


James Jesse Creswell BHS 1948 
(March 22, 1930 - August 4, 2024)

Jimmy passed away peacefully at home with his wife, 2 daughters and a granddaughter at his side.  He was 94 years old. He was born in Dalton Nebraska and during the depression, the family moved to Oklahoma to be with more family.  Later moving to California, he and his sister Dona Jean Creswell both attended Burbank high school.  Both Jimmy and Dona became very good friends with Debbie Reynolds, whom they called Franny. He had so many stories. Later he was drafted to the U.S Army to fight in the Korean war.  After he was discharged, Jim went home and married the mother of his 2 daughters. With a divorce some years later, he was then raising his 6 year and 3 year old girls on his own.  And I must say, i think he did a pretty awesome job at it. After the kids grew up, he remarried until his passing 24 days short of his 42nd anniversary. He left behind his wife, 2 daughters, 4 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. 
He was laid to rest in Fort Sam Houston Cemetary in San Antonio Texas.  He didn't have many of his friends at his service because he outlived them all, including his younger sister who passed 2 months before him. Jimmy might be gone, but he will be remembered through the family he left behind. Until we see him again in GODs Kingdom.

 Jim and sister Dona

Dona and Jim with young friend

Jim selling newspspers


 Jim with classmate and friend Debbie Reynolds... a photo ke kept in his wallet up until his death


The Golden Years... sister Dona with Jim

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