Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ann Wood Hand, BHS '65 (1947-2024)


Ann Louise Wood Hand
June 29, 1947 - August 28, 2024

So sorry to hear... I remember Ann from high school as a very fun and friendly gal. May God comfort the family I pray.

"Greetings to all of the friends of my mom Ann. This is her son Matthew Hand writing this post. I just wanted to let everyone know that last night around midnight my mom left this life to transition to more life. We are not sure about next steps with a service at this time, but wanted to let everyone know what was going on. I know that she was deeply loved and appreciate everyone of you that have been a part of her life through the years."

Previous post from Matthew on July 1, 2024: "A little life update, well specifically about my mom. For those of you who may have wondered since October of 2022 my mom Ann has been in a nursing home to get the care she needs. Largely she has done fine in the facility. The journey of dementia continues and fortunately for me she still recognizes me and is jovial and as loving as ever. Unfortunately since the last time I was able to come up and see her as she says “my rememberer isn’t working as well as it used to.” This is indeed true with more of the past slipping away. She is however the same loving and caring individual she has always been treating all of her amazing care givers with love and grace."

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