Here is the link to Mike McDaniel‘s funeral service. The funeral will be 11 May Saturday at
11 AM mountain daylight time.
The funeral for Mike McDaniel will be on Saturday, May 11th at 11 AM. The location will be the ward building at 3195 S. Holmes St. on the corner of W. Sunnyside Rd. and S. Holmes St. in Idaho Falls, ID.
Those wishing to send flowers are advised to use Stalker Floral (208-523-7950). who do a good job and are reasonable.
Michael Bartlett McDaniel
June 24, 1956 Burbank CA - April 23, 2024 Idaho Falls ID
This is so sad and quite shocking! Please keep the McDaniel family in your prayers. Best buddy Wes Clark wrote the following tribute...
I am very sorry to have learned that my best friend, Mike McDaniel,
passed away this morning in Idaho Falls, ID as a result of a stroke he
suffered on Sunday.
He died peacefully while in hospice care.
Neva, his wife of over 40 years, was with him, as were his kids. His
distraught son called me Sunday to tell me the initial news, and it's
been a very difficult week for everyone.
Mike and I met in
September 1972, when we were both sixteen and in eleventh grade at
Burbank High School. I had transferred into a biology class because I
found chemistry too difficult, and the only empty seat in the class was
the one in front of him. We became friends quickly. An only child like
me, Mike wasn't just "like" a brother to me - in any real sense of the
term he was my brother, and I am heartbroken.
Mike and I
have always kept in touch with one another... it was a rare day when we
did not communicate by text, email, phone, or, in earlier decades,
letter. I am happy to report that in the first hours when he was in the
hospital unable to talk but able to hear, I called him and talked to
him. I am told that he understood me. It was a very, very difficult
conversation but I told him the things I needed to. I mentally filled in
his part of the conversation because I could, I knew him so well.
In 1979 Mike gave me a copy of the Book of Mormon,
which I put up on a shelf and didn't read right away. When I did,
however, I finished reading it in only five days. The next day I told
Mike that I wanted to join the church, and he baptized me into the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints about a month later, after I
received the discussions from the full-time missionaries. (Mike served a
two-year mission in Idaho from 1975 to 1977.) In September 1979, Mike
set me up on a blind double date with he and his girlfriend - later wife
- and the woman who, in 1980, became my wife. The double date was her
idea. It was at her suggestion that I enrolled at Brigham Young
University and got my bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. As
you can see, I owe Mike a lot, and that empty classroom seat was indeed
We had an all-consuming interest in the history and lore of Burbank, California in common, and worked together on the Burbankia website since 2003. The massive amount of information on the website led to Mike and I developing three books for the History Press: Lost Burbank in 2016, Growing Up in Burbank in 2017 and True Tales from Burbank
in 2018. I am proud to note that they are still in print (available at and sell. I call the years of writing and promoting these
books in town and doing slideshows for the Burbank Public Library and
Burbank Historical Society our "Book Years" - some of the most
fulfilling in my life. Hanging around town for weeks with my best friend
and presenting fun information about our hometown was tremendously fun
and rewarding. Those books are an important part of Mike's legacy.
Mike flew out to Virgnia and visited me in October 2023, for which I am very grateful. We had a blast. The photo above is from one of our pontoon boat rides around in the lake - Mike found piloting a boat very relaxing, as do I.
I shall close by noting something that Mike and I know in our hearts: We shall meet again. This world and existence are not the beginning and end - far from it. The resurrection and atonement of Jesus Christ makes possible an eternal life, and families and friends can be forever. I look forward to once again meeting Mike in another world - a happy day! - and take comfort in this knowledge.
God be with you 'till we meet again, Mike.
Michael Reighley
Thank you for all the Burbank Memories
Penny Plate Forbes
This just breaks my heart. He was one of the good guys…spent many years working with him in the basement of Burbank City Hall.
Loanne Walker Ginchereaux
Christine Pepe Dorman
Donna Luce Veatch Neitman
My condolences and 🙏 to Mike’s family! Knew Mike from working at City of Burbank and working together on BCEFCU project! RIP Mike!
Nadine Aguirre Lujan
Sincere condolences to his family and friends. Rest in peace fellow Bulldog.
Pam Kirkwood
Mike was a Burbank Treasure. Thankfully, he and Wes Clark collaborated to share their Historical Knowledge of Burbank and so many other things with the rest of us. Mike gave so much of himself to others...his Family, his Church, his friends, his home town, the Veterans and so much more. We are fortunate to have had him for the time that we did. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
God Bless, Mike.
Ralph Rodriguez
Pam Kirkwood So sad, RIP my friend
Martin Lillibridge
RIP Bulldog 🙏
Annette Dinolfo Bennett
Omg new Mike and his family for years. He graduated with one of my sisters and considered him a good friend. R.I.P. Mike and all
Of us who knew him were very loved by him . Prayers to Neva and family.
Marvin Stewart Steinberg
Mickey DePalo
Rest In Peace, Michael. My sincere prayers and sympathy for his wonderful family. I know Mike is now living a beautiful eternal life in Heaven. Michael was a wonderful human being who was passionate in his dedication to all veterans and their families. He gave so much to the city of Burbank Veterans Committee. What a great man. 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸
Lisa Darleen
He was older than me, but I remember he and his family in church. Bless his family during this time. May their memories give them comfort until they are reunited again soon.🙏
Penny Jonas Barth
Oh, I am sad to hear this. He kept our Burbank connection so beautiful…
Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace ⚘️
Lorette Kelsey
So sorry RIP
Joanne Lento Miller
Truly heartbreaking. A Burbank Treasure is all that comes to mind …💔
Anthy Hellmers
Such a nice person
Joanie Bailey
Rest in peace. 🙏🏻s to his son.
Sandy Bryson Gohlich
So sorry to hear this very sad news. I worked with Mike for 20+ years. My sincere condolences to his family. RIP Mike
Randy Karraker
Mike was rare treasure! He is missed.
Theresa Terry Ballesteros-Thomason
RIP Bulldog
Cathy Stone
It’s always hard to see a classmate go. Sending prayers to his family and friends.
Julie Guttridge
Much too young 🥲
Nancy Ann King Kenney
He was a good friend.
Carolyn Scully
Oh noooo! I’m so sorry to hear this. 😢 I worked with him at the City of Burbank. Oh gosh.
Wendy King Bentley
A great man! Went to church with him and his kids. He will be remembered!
Gary Bric
Was taken back when I read this Post this morning. Not only was he a friend but Proudly served with him on our Veterans Committee. We will Honor Him this Memorial Day.😢🙏
Jan Klima Ayan
He was a good friend and my dance partner when we, as an LDS church group, were invited to perform at the half time of a football game. He was in the same graduating class as my brother, Ken Klima. Such sad news. 😢❤️
Marlene Zober Lipman
My condolences to his family. He gave so much pleasure by all the Burbank mobility
Marlene Zober Lipman
That’s memorabilia.
Laurie Deatrick
Such a kind soul🙏 and left a beautiful mark on our hearts.
Louis SchmidtTop Contributor
No!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear this! He was larger than life to me because of his dedication to preserving Burbank history with you Wesley H. Clark. RIP
Lori Diane Pietrantonio
Oh my gosh. I am so sad to hear this. Gone too soon, RIP Mike.
Jolene Firgens
So very sorry to hear this Wesley. My condolences to you and his family. 😢
Michael Reighley
Loved the Burbankia . See u on the other side
Rich MorrisonTop Contributor
Lorna Till Maxwell
My family lived right across the street from the McDaniels on Elmwood Ave for many years. Good people. Sorry to hear this. Way too young.
Wesley H. ClarkAuthor
Yes... Mike told me about the Till family!
Lorna Till Maxwell
Wesley H. Clark Oh no…what did he tell you?? LOL
Wesley H. ClarkAuthor
Lorna Till Maxwell Only good. He and his mother would go "visiting" - which meant that they'd walk around the neighborhood and see people like your family.
He wrote about this here, 3rd paragraph:
Lorna Till Maxwell
Wesley H. Clark Mr. Dewey was our landlord! He was the nicest man! I remember him well! We lived in the front house, and Mr. Dewey lived behind us (there was a duplex and a garage apartment behind us). Mr Dewey also owned the duplex to the left of our house.
What memories!
Jeff SteinTop Contributor
Sad news indeed…
As a lifelong Burbanker (74 years), I’ve enjoyed owning the three books that you and Mike have published over the years…
In fact, I was sharing them with my neighbor just yesterday who is from Massachusetts, and who’s maiden name is Burbank!
My wife and I have also attended some of the slideshow presentations at the main library…always an interesting and fun event.
RIP Mike McDaniel…
Patricia Nolan SteinTop Contributor
He was a nice guy
Beth Edwards Thomas
I’m so sad about his passing. My heart aches for his family. He was (and is) a good man.💕
Genise Tignanelli-Carr
I'm so sorry to hear this. 😢
I have enjoyed the books you both have published.
May he rest in eternal peace 🙏
Jim SchmittAdmin
Top Contributor
Selfishly, this is a great loss for our group. Mike's dedication to the preservation of Burbank history will be sorely missed. Regardless, this is a much greater loss to his family and friends. My deepest condolences to Mike's family. Rest in peace Mike, and thank you for your efforts.
Bob Elliot
Jim Schmitt he was a really good guy...worked with him for 19 years. Very sad news.
Susan Alef Hodgson
He was so young, so knowledgeable, so kind and SO helpful. A wonderful man, like you, Wes. My heart breaks for you, his family and all of us lucky enough to know him
Spencer Smith
Rest easy now Mike
Jonathan Doe
Sorry to hear that. The City of Burbank is lesser without him. I spoke to him many times. Reprographic Man. Historian.
Beverly Millett
I have all of their books about Burbank...May he rest in peace🙏
Kim Bacon Mustoe
So sorry to hear this! Condolences to his family.
Carolyn Scully
I am so sorry to hear this about Mike. He was always so kind to me. I always liked running into him at work. My heart goes out to his family. God bless you all. ❤️
Carolyn McCoy Brown
RIP Mike. His dad and my dad were good friends many years ago. Sorry to hear this. 🙏
Bob Burdette
This is very sad and heartbreaking news. You will be missed.
RIP my friend.
Pat Burkin
Such a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing. May Mike RIP.
Kathleen Gaston Hitt
Such shocking news! I am SO sad to read this. Mike was a classmate, but also I remember seeing Mike at so many Burbank events including the 100th Anniversary celebrations for BHS, Veterans Day Ceremonies, dedication ceremonies, and of course (as a history professor myself, and 3rd generation Burbankean) I own and treasure his book "Lost Burbank" a brilliant collaboration with historian Wesley Clark. Rest in peace dear Mike.

Tribute and Photos by Corey Fredrickson posted on Facebook April 24, 2024
It's with a heavy heart and great sorrow that I have to report of the passing of Michael McDaniel
He left us Tuesday succumbing to a stroke this past Sunday
Not only have I lost a great friend, we have lost a great pillar of our community, especially the City of Burbank
was pivotal in many activities donating his time and enjoying every minute, as he truly loved everything he set his mind to
He was very active in the Burbank Veterans Committee making sure all who sacrificed were honored each Memorial Day
Mike, along with his great friend Wes Clark, helped write books about the city of Burbank and continued to uncover additional gems about the past
Mike was a very passionate man in everything he set out to do as he will truly be missed by me and others, but will never be forgotten
I want to extend a prayer of sorrow and condolences to Neva and the whole family and friends... Rest In Peace
April 25, 2024 Update
The funeral for Mike McDaniel will be on Saturday, May 11th at 11 AM. The location will be the ward building at 3195 S. Holmes St. on the corner of W. Sunnyside Rd. and S. Holmes St. in Idaho Falls, ID.
Those wishing to send flowers are advised to use Stalker Floral (208-523-7950). who do a good job and are reasonable.