Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Larry Marak, BHS '68 (1950-2019)

Lawrence Virgil Marak

Sadly, received word from Annette Dinolfo Bennett and Carol Sandors that Larry Marak passed away today.

Larry retired from the Burbank Water and Power in 2015.

RIP Larry.

Lawrence Virgil Marak
August 5, 1950 - October 23, 2019

Larry Marak was born on August 5, 1950 in Los Angeles County, California and passed away on October 23, 2019. Larry grew up in Burbank and graduated from Burbank High with the Class of 1968. Larry married to fellow BHS graduate Susan Melissa Williams on September 4, 1976 in Los Angeles, California. Larry and Melissa were married for 37 years.

Larry got a Masters from U.C.L.A. in ancient history, and had a teaching position lined up on the east coast when his wife Melissa had a stroke at age 27. Didn’t have health insurance then and that put them behind the financial for 7 years, and so he entered public service. Got hired with the city of Burbank.

Larry Marak, has had a long career at BWP (Burbank Water and Power). He was recognized for 35 years of service in a program at City Hall in 2015, in fact, he says he is known as ‘old man Marak’ because he’s “outlived everyone else who was working there when he started.”

Larry did a variety of field positions at Burbank Water and Power, Messenger Bill-Deliverer, mail room supervisor, meter reader, collector and senior field rep (doing new service connects and disconnects back in the days before smart meters). The last 4 years I’ve transferred over to the credit section and process payments for transmission to treasury.

Larry and Melissa got into the construction toy hobby about 8 years ago while looking for bargains to give to a Salvation Army Angel tree. We’ve supported the Angel trees for many years. We are lifetime members of Legoland and have done quite a bit of building over the years. Larry and Melissa transferred 10 years of parts to the Fort Erie and Burbank children’s libraries LEGO clubs. Virtually all you see at the Burbank Central Library, including the cases, came from the Marak's.

Larry and his wife have also done a lot of traveling, including seeing a total eclipse in the Amazon, climbing the Great Wall, making it to the top of one of the pyramids in Tikai Guatemala, and attending opening ceremonies of both the Los Angeles (1984) and Calgary (1988) Olympics. Larry also made an occasional television appearances.

Larry will be missed by his family and fellow classmates and friends. Funeral services are pending.


Dennis Gray
Yes, I remember Larry Marak as a knowledgeable and humorous fellow high school mate (BHS). I hate to think he's gone.

Dana Ardizzone O'Neal

Jodi Tillotson Huddleston
Talked with him at the reunion last year, RIP Larry.

Nicole Peterson
Rest In Peace, Bulldog.

Bernard Brady
I worked with Larry. Not a mean bone in his body. I’ve NEVER seen him angry.
Godspeed Brother 😥

Don Ray
So sad. We talked several times on the phone in the past couple of weeks while he was in the hospital. He said that the procedure he was about to undergo was risky. He sounded as if he was prepared for the worst. Again, I’m saddened to learn of his pas…See More

Annette Dinolfo Bennett
Prayers to His wife and RIP Larry. A funny guy who worked for the city of burbank. Once a meter reader. Tried to attend most of our reunions. Would run into him at the 99cent store. 😪

Brenda Rossie-soto
My deapest condolence

Betsey Nash
Oh, so sorry.

Robin Reens Morgan
I went to Miller School ❤️

Pat Bushman
So sorry to hear this. My condolences to his wife and family. Rest in peace.

Lisa Satel Thessen
Sending condolences to his family and friends.

Teresa Brown Grant

Michael Vidger
Larry was a regular customer at the Last Grenadier on the Golden Mall. He loved historical wargames, and was well read. He knew more then we did at the store, in fact. You didn't have to "sell" him on anything. He was the one who enlightened you. We also had Latin class at BHS in common, though years apart. Always a ray of sunshine when he came in the shop on his breaks. Honored to have called him friend. RIP Larry.

Loanne Walker Ginchereaux

Virginia Hamilton
I was surprised to hear about his passing yesterday from Carol. I thought he was getting better. My prayers go out to family and friends..Rip Larry.🙏🙏

Carrie Diaz-Lathouwers
My condolences to all his family and friends. RIP Larry.

Nadine Aguirre Lujan

George Frigerio

Deb Helsley Bush
Rest In Peace 🙏🏻💜

Steve Raine
Very, very sorry to hear.

John Rocke
Larry was a great guy. He and my late Father were friends. My father taught at CSUN (then Valley State) and Larry had his class, and so their friendship began. It is a big loss for he was truly deserving of the name "wise man." He was never ostentatious or condescending despite having a brilliant mind. He will be missed as an icon, and as true gentleman and scholar.

Vicki Herrin Fields
in Peace

Linda C. Mustion

Sherrie King
My condolences to his family and friends. RIP

Robbin Moore

Tom Di Liberto
I'm sorry to hear this. I knew Bob Marak (class of '74), a very talented saxophonist at BHS and a really nice guy. Was that his brother?

Alice Ford
Lord, please comfort loved ones.

Lizzie Havens

Sandy Bryson Gohlich
So sorry to hear this sad news. I worked with Larry at the City of Burbank. He was a very friendly and knowledgeable guy. We had many interesting conversations. My condolences to his family.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Lynda Scroggie Bryant, BHS '60 (1942-2019)

Lynda Scroggie Bryant

Today, Vikki Royle Magness posted the following note on Facebook:
"Memorial service for Lynda Scroggie Bryant, Class of 1960, will be held in Burbank on December 28th. Place and time will be posted later."

RIP Lynda.

December 4, 2019 Update posted on Facebook by Vikki Royle Magness
The Memorial Service for Lynda Scroggie Bryant will be held December 28, 2019, from 2-6 P.M. at DeBell Golf Course, Sierra Room, 1500 E. Walnut, Burbank. It is a Celebration of her life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sharon Musson Shoemaker, BHS '58 Passed Away in 2010

Sharon Musson Shoemaker

Today, Kathy Musson Bice, BHS '68, posted the above photo and the following notice on Facebook:

"BHS graduate; class of 1958 Sharon Musson Shoemaker passed away after a lengthy illness in 2010. Beloved sister to Karla, Kathy & Janis . Resting in peace ✝️❤️❤️❤️"

Sadly, the family lost another sister, Janis Musson Jardin, BHS '70, in 2017. Here are a couple of links::

RIP Sharon and Janis. 

Sharon SHOEMAKER Obituary 

SHOEMAKER, Sharon L. 70 passed away Tuesday afternoon, May 18, 2010 in Burbank, CA. 

Sharon was born in Burbank, CA on December 5, 1939. She attended Burbank schools and graduated from Burbank High School in 1958. She is survived by Donald Shoemaker, her daughters Shareen and Holly and son Richard and 7 grandchildren. 

Funeral services will be held Friday, May 28th at 9:30 AM, at the Church of the Hills, Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills. 
Published by Los Angeles Times on May 26, 2010.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Peter Drost, BHS '65 (1947-2019)

Peter Drost
September 11, 1947 - September 30, 2019

Very sad news just received from close friend and classmate Eliede Drost Pounds, BHS '67...

"We are devastated as we have lost our dear brother, husband, father, and grandfather from an apparent stroke or heart attack. My brother Peter Drost always gave of himself and shared his love for his family. He loved nature and hiking. He leaves a giant hole in our hearts."

"Peter was born 9/11/47 and died last Monday."

"The Drost family immigrated from the Netherlands in 1955 and Peter grew up in Burbank. He was a Marine and was going to Vietnam, so they sent him to Vietnamese Language School in Hawaii. He was an interpreter in Vietnam. He fell in love with Hawaii and lived there 40 years and came back to the mainland about 8 years ago. He lived close to me and my brother Henry in Oakhurst, Ca. His 3 kids went to the University in California, so Sara and he wanted to be with them."

"In 1976,  Pete rode with a group called the Bikecentenial, across the US, from Oregon to New York."

"Besides his beautiful wife, Sara, Peter leaves 3 children and 4 grandchildren."

Pete with his wife, Sara.

Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.

RIP Pete.

Katharine Kekoa
Oh no, Lee!!! I am so sorry!!! This is shocking!!! Hugs and prayers for you!!!!!

Traci Black
Sending love to you. ❤️

Jim Grasse
Prayers on going for your Brother🙏🙏🙏

Marie Burke
Oh Lee, I am so sad to hear this. Peter was a dear friend and classmate at Burbank Christian School. We had such a great visit with him and Sarah in Hawaii back in 1987. I haven't seen him since then, but will always remember his friendship, hospitality, and sharing teen years in the youth group at church. Praying for you and your family in your devastating loss.

Dianne Huffman
Oh Lee, I’m so sorry for your loss🙏

Pete Black
So sad for your loss. The love of God gives us everything.

Cathy Coyle
Lee, So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved brother. May God give you comfort & peace at this time and the years ahead.

Toma Newland
Lee, Terry and I send our deepest condolences. So difficult when it comes with no warning. Prayers for God’s peace in your time of grief.

Sophia Drost Howard
So sorry Lee! Praying for you all!

Linda Lee
I send my condolences and prayers for you all. I have found memories of him next door growing up in Burbank.🙏

Sophia Pobst Ewert
You were just together. So sudden. Cherish the memories but I am sorry.

Denise Teodosio Jones
I’m sorry for your loss.

Carol Nicholls Lebrecht
Sending condolences for the passing of your brother. May Gods grace surround your family during this sad time.

Henry Drost
My Brother will be truly Missed................

Catherine Walker
We’re so very sorry.

Delores Lautsch
We're so sorry to hear this sad news, Lee. You and your family are in our prayers.

Heidi Hoppen Lofgren
Sending you my thoughts, condolences, and prayers in your time of sorrow. 💖🙏💖

Carla Rajnus
I'm so sad to lose our "Pete". He was a champion.

Shirley Krankenberg
Lee we are so sorry to hear this, I thought it can’t be. You and your family are in our prayers.

Gea Belgraver
I am so very sorry for you all. Our condolences.

Eileen Penner Isaac
So sorry to hear the sad news Lee. Your family will be in my prayers as you adjust to your unexpected loss. Eileen

Kathy Creighton
Lee, So sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in our prayers.
Kathy and Dennis

Elizabeth Zandbergen
I’m so sorry to hear this🙏🏻

Jackie Harris Goforth
I’m so sorry. I love you guys and keep you close in prayer

Chester Pounds
So sorry for your loss

Cathleen Rainwater-Swenson
So sorry for your loss, Lee! May God cover you and your family with comfort and peace! 🙏❤️

Chris N Mell Bradley
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Praying for you!

Lynda Siminske
Wonderful tribute and comments! I love this picture! Pete was an amazing and kind man.

Linda Rush
Our love and prayers are with you as you mourn the loss of your dear brother.

Judy DeRosa
My dear Sara Drost Peter now knows what we do not. May his new journey be filled with the beauty and grace of his soul. Peace. <3 br="">
Kathy Dupree
So sorry for your loss, Lee

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Allen Miluso, BHS '63, Passed is Away Sept 30, 2019

Jon and Pam Kirkwood sent the following today:

We just received a phone call that Allen Miluso BHS '63 passed away last night (Sept. 30, 2019) as a result of complications from a recent surgery.

Allen was originally from the Bronx, NY...After graduating from Burbank High, he attended L.A. Valley College and graduated from Cal State University Northridge in 1970...

Allen was very active in Burbank High Activities. He played Varsity Football, he belonged to the Lettermen's Club, he was a member of Acapella, Dance Performance, he portrayed Marcellus in the Operetta Music Man, he was in the Senior Play and served on Legislative Council, as well as several committees during his years at BHS...Allen played an active part in his Class Reunions.

Allen and Maxine are the owners of "Napa Nuts"...

Allen was a "Larger than Life" kind of guy and he will be missed by so many of us...

Please keep Allen's Wife (Maxine) and Family in your prayers.

If anyone wants to send a card of condolence:

Maxine Miluso and Family
3371 Linda Mesa Way
Napa, California 94558

Found this great news article from 2007:

Going Nuts in Napa

Local mom-and-pop company has a worldwide reach

EAGLE EDITOR Dec 27, 2007

Going Nuts in Napa

Napa Nuts owner Allen Miluso packs a gift assortment of dried fruit, nuts and candy. The north Napa company imports exotic products from around the world to sell to chefs and restaurants nationwide.

Here’s a piece of trivia: Where do Brazil nuts come from? No, this isn’t a “Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?” question.

In fact, according to Allen Miluso, most Brazil nuts come from Bolivia or Peru.

Miluso ought to know. His Napa Nuts operation imports nuts and dried fruit from all over the world to supply chefs and restaurants both locally and throughout the country.

In 1990 Miluso and his wife Maxine bought ought Rosenthal’s, a company run from a north Napa barn that mainly supplied eggs, many of which were used in wine making. It’s a little known fact that egg whites are used to fine wine, that is remove solid debris after the fermentation process along with some of the harsher tannins. The process requires several eggs per barrel.

Rosenthal’s also sold a little bit of dried fruit and nuts, mainly as side business. When he took over the business, Rosenthal’s had a catalog of 40 items. Today Napa Nuts sells 300 items, including 43 different types of almonds. Products are sold to customers in 14 states, including New York, Florida and Texas.

Locally the company supplies gourmet eateries like The French Laundry as well as non-three-star-places like Rutherford Grill and all 17 Mary’s Pizza Shacks.

Some of the company’s products are grown in California, places as close as Suisun Valley and Gilroy. But a surprising number come from all parts of the nation and the globe. Napa Nuts brings in cherries from Michigan, blueberries and huckleberries from New York, Maine, and New Hampshire, cashews from Sri Lanka and Vietnam, blanched hazelnuts from Turkey, macadamia nuts from Australia, South Africa and Kenya, dried fruit from the Philippines and pine nuts from China.

Among some of the more exotic products Milusos carry are wasabi wrapped peanuts, hazelnut flour, and cranberry pomice, the remains of the fruit after the juice is squeezed out.

Far from being a little mom-and-pop business struggling to get by, the Milusos’ specialty enterprise has been seeing double-digit growth the past dozen years, a healthy growth for any company. Product goes out at the rate of 12-15 thousand pounds a week.

But what’s most surprising about the growth is the advertising and sales effort behind it.

Maxine handles the financial side of the business. When she took their books to a tax accountant a while back he had a question.

“He wanted to know where I put the advertising expense; the entry for advertising was zero,” Maxine chuckled.

She explained to him that it wasn’t an error, that the company spent nothing on advertising.

So there must be a phalanx of high-powered sales reps crisscrossing the country calling on chefs, restaurants, food producers, etc. Wrong. Napa Nuts doesn’t employ one sales person.

The Milusos rely on the best kind of advertising, word-of-mouth. Part of that grassroots buzz is the Napa brand name.

“People want to duplicate the quality of the Napa lifestyle,” Miluso said.

In today’s corporate restaurant environment, quality and consistency are the key goals.

“Executive chefs determine what goes into recipes,” said Miluso, “they want the same kind of quality required (by restaurants) here in Napa.”

Once the chefs find an ingredient they like, the put the word out where to get it.

For example, the Chinese pine nuts are naturally rich in malic acid which gives them a buttery finish, Miluso said. They are used in pesto sauce and other recipes.

Naturally, many of their products are used in salads.

Napa Nuts also carries 60 confections to help create assortment gift boxes for the Holidays and other occasions. Word of mouth plays a big role there as well. It’s common that the recipient of a Napa Nuts assortment one year will order some to give the following year.

And retail customers pay the same wholesale price as the fancy restaurants. Maxine explained that having two price sheets was just too much bother.

As Allen Miluso explained, he and his wife have found a rich business vein in the food industry. He summed up their special niche in one sentence.

“Our products don’t make the dish, they help make it better.”
