Lawrence Virgil Marak
Sadly, received word from Annette Dinolfo Bennett and Carol Sandors that Larry Marak passed away today.
Larry retired from the Burbank Water and Power in 2015.

RIP Larry.
Lawrence Virgil Marak
August 5, 1950 - October 23, 2019
Larry Marak was born on August 5, 1950 in Los Angeles County, California and passed away on October 23, 2019. Larry grew up in Burbank and graduated from Burbank High with the Class of 1968. Larry married to fellow BHS graduate Susan Melissa Williams on September 4, 1976 in Los Angeles, California. Larry and Melissa were married for 37 years.
Larry got a Masters from U.C.L.A. in ancient history, and had a teaching position lined up on the east coast when his wife Melissa had a stroke at age 27. Didn’t have health insurance then and that put them behind the financial for 7 years, and so he entered public service. Got hired with the city of Burbank.
Larry Marak, has had a long career at BWP (Burbank Water and Power). He was recognized for 35 years of service in a program at City Hall in 2015, in fact, he says he is known as ‘old man Marak’ because he’s “outlived everyone else who was working there when he started.”
Larry did a variety of field positions at Burbank Water and Power, Messenger Bill-Deliverer, mail room supervisor, meter reader, collector and senior field rep (doing new service connects and disconnects back in the days before smart meters). The last 4 years I’ve transferred over to the credit section and process payments for transmission to treasury.
Larry and Melissa got into the construction toy hobby about 8 years ago while looking for bargains to give to a Salvation Army Angel tree. We’ve supported the Angel trees for many years. We are lifetime members of Legoland and have done quite a bit of building over the years. Larry and Melissa transferred 10 years of parts to the Fort Erie and Burbank children’s libraries LEGO clubs. Virtually all you see at the Burbank Central Library, including the cases, came from the Marak's.
Larry and his wife have also done a lot of traveling, including seeing a total eclipse in the Amazon, climbing the Great Wall, making it to the top of one of the pyramids in Tikai Guatemala, and attending opening ceremonies of both the Los Angeles (1984) and Calgary (1988) Olympics. Larry also made an occasional television appearances.
Larry will be missed by his family and fellow classmates and friends. Funeral services are pending.
Dennis Gray
Yes, I remember Larry Marak as a knowledgeable and humorous fellow high school mate (BHS). I hate to think he's gone.
Dana Ardizzone O'Neal
Jodi Tillotson Huddleston
Talked with him at the reunion last year, RIP Larry.
Nicole Peterson
Rest In Peace, Bulldog.
Bernard Brady
I worked with Larry. Not a mean bone in his body. I’ve NEVER seen him angry.
Godspeed Brother 😥
Don Ray
So sad. We talked several times on the phone in the past couple of weeks while he was in the hospital. He said that the procedure he was about to undergo was risky. He sounded as if he was prepared for the worst. Again, I’m saddened to learn of his pas…See More
Annette Dinolfo Bennett
Prayers to His wife and RIP Larry. A funny guy who worked for the city of burbank. Once a meter reader. Tried to attend most of our reunions. Would run into him at the 99cent store. 😪
Brenda Rossie-soto
My deapest condolence
Betsey Nash
Oh, so sorry.
Robin Reens Morgan
I went to Miller School ❤️
Pat Bushman
So sorry to hear this. My condolences to his wife and family. Rest in peace.
Lisa Satel Thessen
Sending condolences to his family and friends.
Teresa Brown Grant
Michael Vidger
Larry was a regular customer at the Last Grenadier on the Golden Mall. He loved historical wargames, and was well read. He knew more then we did at the store, in fact. You didn't have to "sell" him on anything. He was the one who enlightened you. We also had Latin class at BHS in common, though years apart. Always a ray of sunshine when he came in the shop on his breaks. Honored to have called him friend. RIP Larry.
Loanne Walker Ginchereaux
Virginia Hamilton
I was surprised to hear about his passing yesterday from Carol. I thought he was getting better. My prayers go out to family and friends..Rip Larry.🙏🙏
Carrie Diaz-Lathouwers
My condolences to all his family and friends. RIP Larry.
Nadine Aguirre Lujan
George Frigerio
Deb Helsley Bush
Rest In Peace 🙏🏻💜
Steve Raine
Very, very sorry to hear.
John Rocke
Larry was a great guy. He and my late Father were friends. My father taught at CSUN (then Valley State) and Larry had his class, and so their friendship began. It is a big loss for he was truly deserving of the name "wise man." He was never ostentatious or condescending despite having a brilliant mind. He will be missed as an icon, and as true gentleman and scholar.
Vicki Herrin Fields
in Peace
Linda C. Mustion
Sherrie King
My condolences to his family and friends. RIP
Robbin Moore
Tom Di Liberto
I'm sorry to hear this. I knew Bob Marak (class of '74), a very talented saxophonist at BHS and a really nice guy. Was that his brother?
Alice Ford
Lord, please comfort loved ones.
Lizzie Havens
Sandy Bryson Gohlich
So sorry to hear this sad news. I worked with Larry at the City of Burbank. He was a very friendly and knowledgeable guy. We had many interesting conversations. My condolences to his family.