Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mark Covert, BHS '68, Sets 45-Year Record!

Mark Covert sets 45-year, one-mile run streak

Track and field: Burbank High alumnus, former GCC Coach Mark Covert caps 45-year-old streak of running one mile each day in front of family, friends Tuesday morning.

Mark Covert

ARCHIVE PHOTO: Burbank High graduate and former Glendale Community College assistant track and field Coach Mark Covert, right end of the top row, has run one mile a day the past 45 years without a break.
Courtesy of Glendale Community College (July 23, 2013)                                        

LANCASTER — What had often been described as a solitary streak was anything but lonely at the end for Burbank High alumnus Mark Covert.

The one-time Glendale Community College track and field coach capped a historic 45-year run, in which the former Cal State Fullerton star ran at least one mile each day without pause since 1968, on Tuesday morning at Antelope Valley College with one final mile lap through the campus.

Covert, who owns the longest national streak ever, according to the United States Running Streak Assn, trailed only Great Britain’s Ron Hill, who began his running in December of 1964.

While most of the 16,436 consecutive days or 149, 651 miles Covert had run since beginning his journey on July 23, 1968 were done alone, on Tuesday the current Antelope Valley College coach was joined by a group of nearly 70 runners who had known Covert from his various stops at Burbank High, Glendale college, Cal State Fullerton, Antelope Valley College, Los Angeles Valley College and places in between.

“We had over-unders [on the number of people present] and I went way under,” Covert quipped. “I was very surprised when people starting contacting me – high school friends, college buddies, roommates – that said they were going to make the trip out here. Then I started getting kids that ran for me that flew in from across the country. It’s very humbling to say the least.

“To think what this streak has done, what it means to different people is quite amazing to me and it’s fun.”

Many present at Covert’s final run received an initial email from the 62-year-old Lancaster resident on May 23 declaring his intent to end the streak that began while the Vietnam War was raging due to a foot injury.

“I have a mid-foot collapse and my foot is completely twisted to the outside. I really can’t lift or push off anymore; I just kind of drag it around,” Covert said. “I’ve taken a couple of headers when I’ve been out on the road.

“This is the right time to do this. To keep doing this just to do it, to keep the streak alive isn’t worth it. I’m not getting any benefit.”

Covert confirmed he is having surgery on his foot soon and will be sidelined from running for a while. To fill the void, Covert has turned to cycling, which allows him to train significantly harder.

What was evident during Tuesday’s run, which began at 7:03 a.m. with favorable 72-degree weather, was Covert’s struggle to complete his mile as the former U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials runner hobbled and finished his race in just over 13 minutes.

Covert’s grit proved an inspiration to many, including 34-year-old Matthew Fischer, an engineer who traveled from Austin.

“I’ve never meet Mark before, but I had to be here for his last run,” said Fischer, who owns a four-plus-year streak of his own. “What he’s done for the running community across this country is great. It’s my honor to be here.”

Crescenta Valley High alumnus Bill Read didn’t run with Covert in high school, but always remembered a cross-county camp that Covert hosted in the summers of 1973 and 1974 at Yosemite Valley that the then 16- and 17-year-old Read was involved.

“This is the first time I’ve seen Mark since then and seeing him reminded me about his intense training and passion for the sport,” said Read, 56, a La Cañada Flintridge resident. “He helped put me on the path toward running and I wanted to thank him.”

Also in attendance was Sherman Oaks Notre Dame cross-country Coach Jon Sutherland, who was a teammate of Covert at L.A. Valley College from 1968 to 1970, where Covert won two individual national championships.

“When I heard he was stopping I couldn’t believe it. Mark never stops, he never quits, he’s one of the toughest guys I know,” said Sutherland, who is close behind with a 44-year streak that began on May 26, 1969. “I had to be here for this great guy.”

A trio of Burbank teammates made the trek to Lancaster as Richard Aspey (Diamond Bar), John Sargenti (Escondido) and Larry Ehrlich (Costa Mesa), all of the class of 1969, wanted to deliver personal well-wishes.

“Honestly, I haven’t seen Mark or these guys for a long, long time,” Ehrlich said. “This was something special. Something that started while Mark was at Burbank High and I had to be here. I was there when it started and when it ended.”
--- end ---



Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Donald Delg, BHS '66 (1947-2013)

Donald Delg's Senior photo from 1966 Ceralbus yearbook


Donald "Donnie" R. "Wab num dah" Delg, 65, of Lawrence, KS passed away unexpectedly July 10, 2013. He was born December 21, 1947 in Holton, KS the son of Salvador and Mary (Wishkeno) Delg.

Donnie attended Bell Grade School on the Potawatomi Reservation and graduated from Burbank High School in Burbank, CA. After graduation, he proudly served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. He had lived in the Lawrence area for over 25 years where he was a bus driver for the Lawrence school district.

Donnie was a member of the Drum Religion and Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

Survivors include his mother, Mary Delg of Lawrence, KS; a sister, Barbara Ferguson of Green Valley Lake, CA; 2 brothers, Dale Delg of Topeka, KS and Darrell Delg of Lawrence, KS and many nieces and nephews.

Drum services will be Saturday evening, July 13, 2013 at the Danceground Building on the Potawatomi Reservation west of Mayetta, KS. Burial will be Sunday afternoon in the Wishkeno Cemetery. Mercer Funeral Home in Holton is in charge of arrangements. www.mercerfuneralhomes.com

Please sign this guestbook at Obituaries.LJWorld.com.

Published in Lawrence Journal-World on July 12, 2013


Monday, July 8, 2013

Randy Rhoads, BHS '75 (1956-1982)


Randy grew up in Burbank and was a guitar prodigy who started at the age of six and taught at his mother's school.

During his professional career, he played in an early version of the successful 1980s heavy metal band "Quiet Riot", and was the original guitarist for heavy metal singer Ozzy Osbourne's solo band.

Known for combining classical and heavy metal music together, his work on Osbourne's first two solo albums "Blizzard of Ozz" and "Diary of a Madman" are hailed today for their ingenuity, and songs like "Crazy Train" and "Flyin' High Again" are considered heavy metal classics.

He gave the inspiration for Grover Jackson, founder of Jackson guitars, to start a guitar company.

Tragically, Randy was killed in a private plane crash in Leesburg, Florida at age 26.


Read this great article about Randy today



Whenever I hear ‘Crazy Train’ I’m immediately transported back to 8th grade Guitar class. One dude will forever be etched in my mind. Dave was 1/2 Japanese, all of about 5 ft tall, and probably weighed 80 lbs soaking wet, if that. His hair, alone worthy of open adoration, making up the bulk of his weight and height. This ‘Metal Mane’ was streaked, sprayed, and stood a good 6 inches above his head, cascading down to the middle of his back in perfectly teased strands. My 13 yr old brain could not fathom the ridiculous routine and expense this must have required. But damn if he didn’t more the rockstar part than 90% of the bands on the cover Cream and Hit Parader magazine. His bare arms were like sinewy, wire pipe cleaners. And I’d never seen jeans that tight in my life. Not even on a girl. No sir. I don’t know where the hell he found them, or how he breathed. The entire situation was delicately perched upon tiny black (or white) Capezio, soft-as-hell-leather lace-up dance shoes. Boom. Mind blown. Only a handful of dudes had the nuts to wear these. Dave’s look was definitely balls-out for West Phoenix. But nobody questioned him, because Dave was the reigning guitar badass. While the rest of us fumbled through the opening of ‘Stairway to Heaven’, Dave was staring at the ceiling tiles, biting his lip, soloing like the Segovia of Heavy Metal.
Dave even brought his own guitar to class. Lugged it around in a case thicker than him, covered in cool stickers. Rather that than play the nylon-strung acoustic beaters they had in class. I don’t remember what kind of acoustic it was, but the strings (always Dean Markley) were so light that you could hardly see them, let alone feel them. You had to lean in to hear a damn thing, but it was worth it. And the action was set so low that you could run scales faster than a hot knife through butter. But if you strummed it would buzz like crazy. No worries. No one was strumming shit. Everyone was shredding– with varying degrees of success. Dave was a Rock God in the making, and everyone at Maryvale High School seemed to sense it. Dave was into the hot, new Japanese Metal bands that no one else even heard of. And he spoke of Yngvie, Eddie, and Randy in hushed whispers like they were comrades. Knew all their solos and tricks, and could perform them on cue. Eruption, Spanish Fly, Dee, and of course, Crazy Train were all in his finely honed repertoire. We moved from Phoenix to Tempe that year, and I changed schools, so I don’t really know whatever became of Dave. But my fascination with the marvel and mystery of Randy Rhoads was firmly cemented. No head-banging hooligan. A sensitive, immensely talented man taken too soon.
Ozzy and Randy Rhoads
“I never really got into Black Sabbath when I was in England. Right? And then Ozzy came out with this great first album, you know, it really was good. And we got to see them play after that, like almost every night. And so, Randy Rhoads, although being a wonderful guitar player, could not play Asteroids for shit. I beat him right across this country. From East coast, to West and back.
Randy Rhoads was like just, brilliant. You know, I mean of course he got better after he died. You know, because everybody does. Right? But uh, I loved Randy, yeah. He took risks. He wasn’t scared, you know. I mean, he knew his instrument, you know? So he’d just go for it. That’s what I used to like about him. And you could…like, Ozzy used to just throw him around, throw him up on his shoulders while he was playing. And he never missed a note.”
–Lemmy from Motorhead

randy rhoads flying v
Randy Rhoads pre-concert soundcheck –photo by John Livzey
“The very first time Randy Rhoads saw Van Halen, he took his girlfriend Jan with him. Jan told us that Randy was ‘devastated’ after the show. Here he was, the king of Burbank. Everyone was always telling him how great he was. Then he saw Eddie and it opened his eyes and he got a major reality check. It was healthy for him. He was inspired. He thought Eddie was great. He wanted to be great also. I know they met at least four times.
Quiet Riot and Van Halen played on the same bill at Glendale College in April 1977. Quiet Riot opened, Van Halen was the headliner. Randy once approached Eddie and asked him how he was able to keep his guitar in tune without a locking nut for his tremolo. Eddie refused to tell him and said it was his own secret. Randy couldn’t comprehend because he was a teacher at his core. He loved to help others and he was always willing to share anything he knew. He would teach anyone anything they wanted to learn. So, he was quite disappointed in Eddie’s treatment of him.”

Ozzy Randy Rhoads Diary of a Madman

“Randy and his good friend Lori Hollen were in the parking lot behind the Whisky loading his gear into this car. Eddie and Dave (DLR) pulled up alongside of them in a white Mercedes diesel and began harassing him. Lori quickly put a stop to it and actually slapped Dave across his face. Quiet Riot’s drummer, Drew Forsyth, has said that the Eddie/Randy rivalry has been made up to be so much more than it was. He also said that Eddie used to come watch Randy play way more than Randy used to go see Eddie play. They were both great, and I’m sure there was an immense amount of mutual respect. Randy told journalist John Stix that he does a lot of Eddie’s licks live, and it kills him that he does that. But he added that it’s just flash, and that’s what the kids want to see. That’s what impresses them. He also said that it kills him because he believes in the importance of finding your own voice and style. He thought the worst thing a guitar player could do was copy someone else.
Finally, when Randy was home on break from the Ozzy tour, he decided to drive to his local music store to buy some classical albums. Randy said that when he walked into the record store, Eddie Van Halen was standing on line at the register purchasing the Diary of a Madman album. Imagine that scene. Can you imagine walking into a record store on any given day and seeing both Eddie and Randy in there at the same time?”

“Randy was one in a billion. He didn’t try to be different. He was born different. I don’t think he dressed that way because his goal was to be different. He wore what he wanted to wear. He used to take his first girlfriend, Jan, with him when he shopped for shoes. He preferred the girl’s shoes, and he would have her try them on for him. Clearly, he was embarrassed to buy them for himself, and he knew he would get grief for wearing them. It didn’t matter to him. He was very committed to doing what he wanted to do. Sometimes it did get him into a lot of trouble, especially at school. He constantly had jocks wanting to beat him up. They called him names. It didn’t affect him. Randy may have been frail, but he was emotionally strong. It took more than names to rattle him. He just laughed at them.”
Randy Rhoads polka dot flying v

“One of the things Ozzy loved about Randy Rhoads was that he was a teacher at his core. He used to sit with Ozzy and help him. Randy would find the right key for songs so that Ozzy would feel more comfortable and within his singing range. They worked out melodies together. Ozzy would hum ideas to Randy, and he would, in turn, convert those melodies into songs. ‘Goodbye to Romance’ was created this way. When Randy would noodle or test sounds, Ozzy would say, ‘What was that?’ And Randy would say, ‘What?’ Ozzy would say, ‘Play that again’ – and sure enough, songs were born that way as well. ‘Suicide Solution’ and ‘Diary of a Madman’ were born that way.”
randy rhoads ozzy bw

“I know Randy was a salvation for Ozzy. Ozzy was really down on his luck. He had just been thrown out of Sabbath. He was broke, constantly drunk, and basically living in squalor. Then, Randy Rhoads walked into his life. I am not so sure Ozzy was a salvation for Randy. I think Randy could take it or leave it. His arm had to be twisted to go to the audition, and when he was given the job, he didn’t want it. He didn’t want to hurt Quiet Riot and his friend Kevin DuBrow. Although they were frustrated and going nowhere, he was prepared to stick it out. He was not one to seek auditions, and I don’t think he would have quit had he never met Ozzy. So, I would have to conclude that Ozzy needed Randy way more than Randy needed Ozzy. This is evident at the end of Randy’s life. He informed the Osbournes he was quitting the band. Ozzy went crazy over this and begged Randy to stay. Randy had made up his mind and nothing was going to change it. Ozzy knew what he had. When they first got together in 1979, Ozzy would introduce Randy to people by saying, ‘This is Randy, my secret weapon.’ When they met producer Max Norman for the first time, Ozzy said to him, ‘Keep everything Randy records – don’t erase anything!’ Ozzy Osbourne is no dummy. He knew what he had.”
ozzy osbourne randy rhoads

“The band had a great relationship with Ozzy. From the beginning, they were managed by Sharon’s brother, David Arden. He managed the band well. He was very attentive to their needs. It was ultimately David’s decision to bring Randy to England. David tried to convince Ozzy to find a guitarist in London who was local in order to make things easier. Ozzy begged and pleaded and said Randy was the only one he wanted. David acquiesced and sent Randy a ticket. When the band began working, they were all very close. Ozzy used to say to them, ‘Here’s my hand, here’s my heart, this band will never part.’ They recorded the ‘Blizzard of Ozz’ album, and then they began a U.K. tour.”
Randy Rhoads receiving the “Best New Talent” award from Guitar Player magazine with Ozzy and Sharon Arden (now Osbourne) proudly looking on, 1981.

“It was at this time that David had to resign because his daughter had been born prematurely and he was needed at home. This is when Sharon stepped in to replace him. She immediately got cozy with Ozzy and everything changed. When they revisited Ridge Farm to record the Diary of a Madman album, she became notorious for emptying everyone’s suitcases and throwing their personal belongings into the pond outside. Everyone who was there said the vibe changed when she arrived. Ozzy began divorce proceedings with his wife, Thelma, and succumbed to severe depression. He stopped attending writing and rehearsal sessions and drowned his sorrows in drugs and alcohol. The Diary album was nearly complete before the real problems began. It was during these recording sessions that the decision was made to fire Bob [Daisley] and Lee [Kerslake] in favor of younger, greener musicians who wouldn’t challenge authority. When Rudy [Sarzo] and Tommy [Aldridge] were brought in, the band was no longer called the ‘Blizzard of Ozz’ – it had now become an Ozzy Osbourne solo project, which is not what Randy signed up for. Randy expressed his displeasure with anyone who was willing to listen. Randy was no longer happy as a sideman. Add to that, Sharon placed Randy in a very uncomfortable position between herself and Ozzy, which she chronicles in her own book. This was about all he could take. He really just wanted to leave the band and that situation and move on with his life.”
quiet Riot Rudy Sarzo Randy Rhoads
Rudy Sarzo, Kevin DuBrow & Randy Rhoads in the Quiet Riot glory days. “We had one of the best guitar players EVER in our band and we couldn’t get arrested!” –Quiet Riot singer, Kevin DuBrow

“Randy Rhoads and Kevin DuBrow were the best of friends. Very close. Like brothers. Both became stars separately from each other. But the dream was they were going to do it together. They remained good friends even while Randy was with Ozzy. Kevin attended all the local Ozzy concerts and was invite to after-parties at the Osbournes’ house.”
kevin dubrow randy rhoads quiet riot

“Kevin was domineering and Randy hated that. Randy tolerated it because he knew that that component of Kevin’s personalithy was the reason why they were so successful, locally. Those who knew Randy said that if not for Kevin, no one outside of Randy’s garage would have ever heard him play. Kevin was the driving force. Randy was not a go-getter. He just wanted to play and leave the details to others. He was also non-confrontational, which is why he put up with Kevin. It was easier for Randy to say nothing than to argue. Toward the end of 1979, Randy saw the writing on the wall. Music was changing. Disco, Punk, and New Wave had taken over. Randy and Kevin never really saw eye to eye musically. When he finally got settled in with Ozzy, he was happier because he felt he had more musical freedom. Ozzy was constantly telling him to, ‘go out there and be the best Randy Rhoads you can be.’ Ozzy wanted Randy to be a guitar hero. He wanted that explosive playing all over his records. Kevin stifled Randy and preferred poppy, catchy songs because he thought that’s what would ultimately get them a record deal.”
Randy Rhoads personal guitars

“One of the biggest myths around Jackson/Charvel guitars is that many think Grover Jackson or Wayne Charvel made the Randy Rhoads polka dot Flying V. Grover Jackson and Tim Wilson made the white Jackson V. Grover Jackson, Tim Wilson and Mike Shannon made the black Jackson V. And it was Karl Sandoval that actually made the famous Randy Rhoads Polka Dot Flying V. However Karl did work with Grover Jackson and Wayne Charvel for about a year or so. The guitar was ordered on 7/3/79 and completed on 9/22/79. It appeared to be a solid body neck-thru or set-neck construction, but was actually a Danelectro neck that had been glued to a Flying V body! The bow-tie fret inlays were simply routed on either side of the existing dot inlays. The pick-ups were DiMarzio PAF’s, Schaller tuners were installed, and white Gibson Les Paul control knobs were used.
Soon after Randy Rhoads brought the Flying V home the headstock was broken accidently when the strap was not secured to the guitar. Kevin DuBrow was there when it fell and Randy was devastated. He had worked very hard to save the money to buy the V. Karl Sandoval re-painted the neck after the repairs were done for free. Rumors have circulated that Randy had a lot of tuning problems  because the Danelectro neck didn’t have a truss rod, but there sure are a lot of pictures that have been published with Randy playing this guitar. Randy did change the bridge, nut, knobs, and pick-up rings from chrome to black.” –via jacksoncharvelworld.net



LINK: https://youtu.be/V5OvHVeeydA

David Jackson Rugee, BHS '66 (1948-2013)



This is very sad & our hearts go out to the Rugee family.

I just received word that David Rugee, BHS '66, passed away Friday, July 5, 2013, in Arizona where he lived with his wife, Sharon.

Dave is also survived by two sons, four grandchildren and his sister, Leigh Rugee Crossen, BHS '67.

He is loved by a large extended family and will be greatly missed by all.

Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. 

Photo from the 1966 Burbank High School Ceralbus yearbook


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Where Are They Now? Randy Worth, BHS '65

Randy Worth (BHS 65) sent Trudie Hentze this email and photo of him and his newly adopted 2-1/2 yr old son at Waikiki:

I'm leaving today to return to Thailand (I've been in Hawaii since April 1st).

For the last few years I've been spending 9 months there and 3 in Hawaii each year and will probably continue with this schedule for a few more years. I still have my business in Kona.

My wife and I started taking care of her five month old grand-nephew two years ago and have since adopted him so our life has changed much, to say the least. He came with us here to Hawaii and yesterday I got him on a surfboard in Waikiki so the cycle begins again!


Attention Alumni for BHS Class 1965!

Class '65 Senior Pics 

Save the Date: 10/10/15

Reunion will be at the Elks Lodge.

For more information, please contact Trudie Lombard Hentze

Email: tjhentze@aol.com

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Christine Harden Rife, BHS '65, Passed Away July 1, 2013

Please keep the family and loved ones in prayer...

Christine Harden Rife BHS Class of '65 passed away on Monday, July 1, 2013, after a long battle with cancer. Below is the information regarding her arrangements...

Christine’s funeral will be on Tuesday, July 9th at 10 am, details below:
Eternal Valley Cemetery (off the 14 Freeway)
23287 Sierra Highway
Newhall, CA 91321

It will be in the chapel near the gates on the right side as you drive in and there will be a graveside service following that. Then there will be a lunch at Robinson Ranch Golf Club.

27734 Sand Canyon
Canyon Country, CA 91387

If you would like to send a card to her husband Scott, the address is:

27337 Shelburne Dr.
Valencia, CA 91354

JULY 7, 2013 UPDATE:
Janelle (Gould) Hutchison sent us this info about what Chris Harden Rife's family decided to do in lieu of flowers...Pam

We have decided to have the "In Lieu of Flowers" to go to:
JDRF (Los Angeles Chapter)
811 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 1600
Los Angeles, CA 90017


They were very helpful when Nic (Christine’s grandson) was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and as you know we all hope for a cure for him.

(JDRF stands for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, but they are no longer limiting the studies to just children, since over 80% of the people with Type 1 are adults, so they now just use the initials JDRF.)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Keith Burnside, BHS '61 (1943-2013)

We are sad to learn of this...



Burnside, Keith, died on June 27, 2013. He was born July 21st, 1943 in Los Angeles, CA to Allan and Kathryn Burnside. He attended Burbank schools and went to college at the University of Redland, where he met his wife Sandra Mathews in 1966. The Burnsides moved to Orange, CA, where Keith worked as a teacher and counselor for the Anaheim Union High School District for 37 years. He is survived by wife, Sandy; daughters, Lori Jones and Keri Burnside; sons-in-law, Mario Sattro and Robbie Jones; granddaughters, Lila and Lindsey Jones; and cats, Woodi and Sami. Keith enjoyed golfing, playing bridge, hiking, working on his cars and spending time with his wife and family. The Burnsides recently acquired a condo in Lake Crowley where they enjoy exploring new territory and making new friends. Keith was very loved and respected and will be missed.

Published in Orange County Register on July 2, 2013

From Alan Landros regarding Keith's family...

"Don Burnside, BHS '65, also died young. He passed away from brain cancer just before his 37th birthday in 1984. Exactly three years later his dad, Allan Burnside, also died from brain cancer in 1987 at age 68, almost 69. (For those of you who attended Luther Burbank, Allan Burnside was our Principal at John Muir.)"


Keith was a super guy. I am so honored to have had the privilege to work with him. His positive spirit will truly be missed. I am so saddened I was unable to attend his memorial. My thoughts to his family.
Carolyn Houston
July 22, 2013
Keith Burnside, I wish I would have said Thank You for all the things I admired, appreciated and ultimately learned from you. I regret not letting you know you truly made a difference in my life just by listening and not judging. The world needs more people like you. I'm sure I'm not the only person feeling this way. You will be missed.
Patrick K
July 8, 2013
Keith was one of the most positive memories I have of teaching at Kennedy for 30 years. I especially remember Keith dropping by my room late in the afternoon just to chat. He was such a calming influence in a job that can sometimes be terribly stressful. Humor and humanity. That's how I will remember Keith Burnside.
Jim Frye
July 8, 2013
Keith was a good man and an important part of my early teaching career. I am sad to hear of his passing, but I hope that when my time is up, I will have touched as many lives in a positive manner as he did. My thoughts are with your family.
Dave Jankowski
July 7, 2013
Mr. Burnside will always be remembered by the JFK family as a calm caring influence in the Counseling Center. He was one of the kindest people on campus to students and staff. So sorry for your loss.
Patty Dyle (retired JFK Teacher)
July 5, 2013
Dear Mrs. Burnside... and Lori and Keri,
My heart broke when I heard of Mr. Burnside's passing. What an amazing man, father, and husband.
My heart joins yours in this grief and loss. Sending my love,
Monica Kitchens Schruhl
July 5, 2013
I am so saddened for the loss and shock all of you are experiencing. Nothing but good stuff is known about Keith. I think one of our former KHS teachers will forward all our emails to you. My husband and I are still sitting on the chaise lounge frames that I bought from Keith probably 25 years ago. I think you may have been moving or else redecorating. I taught, Keith counseled. I had a lot of troubled kids, but I knew Keith would take time to hear each student as an important person. Wonderful human being who has left a very positive footprint in this world. Mary Ragusa KHS
Mary Ragusa
July 5, 2013
Sandy and Keith's family,
April Pflug and I had breakfast with Keith in the last couple of years, and we were trying to get together with him when Phil Bertoni visited a while back back, but we couldn't get it organized. Wish we had been able to.
As all of his friends have already said, Keith was humorous, pleasant, friendly, smiling, and likable -- the kind of guy everyone liked.
I know that you must be very sad. My sincere condolences to all of you.
George Peterman
July 4, 2013
I am shocked and saddened to hear about Keith's untimely passing. Please, accept
my heartfelt condolences. Sincerely,
Doris Duval
July 4, 2013
It is a sad day to learn of Keith's passing. He was a wonderful co-worker—always calm, always smiling, always a friend. I'm so sorry for the loss to his family and friends.
Shirley Lind, former Kennedy HS teacher
July 4, 2013
Mr Burnside was a fabulous and inspiring mentor for many. He blessed many lives. Rest in eternal peace.
Alicia Bagwell-Davis
July 4, 2013
Mr Burnside was the coolest Counselor at Orangeview Jr High! He was a mentor,a respected authority figure and even had a sense of humor. I remember a group of us were toilet papering his Subaru wagon as a last day of school prank when we were met by a laughing Burnside who was lying in wait with a garden hose and he drenched us all!I know I speak for many when I say he left a positive impression and will always be remembered. My condolences to his Family.
Kelly Winnie (Wilkins)
July 4, 2013
I was fortunate to work with Keith, and a truly amazing faculty at Fremont Jr. High, years ago. There was a spirit about that school which I will never forget. Keith was part of that spirit of caring. I'm grateful to have known him and am saddened by his passing.
Sincerely, Connie Raub (Vocal Music Teacher)
July 3, 2013
I had the greatest respect for Keith, a consummate professional who helped me begin my teaching career 42 years ago. He was a great friend, teacher, and counselor. Such a very sad day. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Hal Morris
July 3, 2013
So sorry to hear about Keith's passing. I worked with him at Fremont and Kennedy and felt he always tried his best and did a good job. He was well liked and will be missed.
Cora Johnson
July 3, 2013
Keith was a super colleague of mine at JFK HS! His humor and quick insights were a daily delight.
phil bertoni
July 3, 2013
Sandy, there are just no words to express how very sad we are for your loss. May the love of friends and your close family help you through your sorrow. Mike and Kyle
July 3, 2013
Oh Sandy, with a heavy heart I send my sincerest condolances.
Roxana Lewis
July 3, 2013
I'm so sorry to hear of Keith's sudden passing. My heart goes out to you and your family in this time of grief. Keith was well loved in our hiking community and will be sorely missed.
Markey Neighbors
July 2, 2013
My heartfelt condolences go out to Keith's family. He was loved and appreciated so much by all of us who worked with him over the years.
Cecily Ballou
July 2, 2013
We were so sorry to hear of Keith's passing. We trust you will find solace in your memories of Keith.
Take Care, The Ventimiglia Family
July 2, 2013
I am so very shocked and saddened to learn of this news. All of us who worked with Keith loved him to pieces! Best wishes to all his family!
Marianne Welsh
July 2, 2013
My family sends our condolences. My brother and I have found memories of the Burnsides, who were our neighbors growing up. Our sincerest condolences.
Scott Bruckner
July 2, 2013
Sandy, Our hearts and prayers go out to you and all your family in this time of sorrow. Keith will be missed by all who knew him.
Arla and Bill Barron
July 2, 2013
Sandy, I am so sorry to hear about Keith. You and all your girls are in my prayers. I hope to see you soon.
Love, (cousin) Marilyn
Marilyn Hagie
July 2, 2013