Friday, August 31, 2012
Retirement Options
You can retire to Phoenix, Arizona where...
1. You are willing to park 3 blocks away because you found shade.
2. You've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl.
3. You can drive for 4 hours in one direction and never leave town.
4. You have over 100 recipes for Mexican food.
5. You know that "dry heat" is comparable to what hits you in the face when you open your oven door.
6. The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
OR You can retire to California where...
1. You make over $250,000 and you still can't afford to buy a house.
2. The fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway.
3. You know how to eat an artichoke.
4. You drive your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party.
5. When someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.
6. The 4 seasons are Fire, Flood, Mud, and Drought.
OR You can retire to New York City where...
1. You say "the city" and expect everyone to know you mean Manhattan .
2. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park, but can't find Wisconsin on a map.
3. You think Central Park is "nature."
4. You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multilingual.
5. You've worn out a car horn. (Ed. Note: if you have a car).
6. You think eye contact is an act of aggression.
OR You can retire to Wisconsin where...
1. You only have four spices: salt, pepper, ketchup, and Tabasco .
2. Halloween costumes fit over parkas.
3. You have more than one recipe for casserole. (another Ed. Note: this is called "hot dish")
4. Sexy lingerie is anything flannel with less than eight buttons.
5. The four seasons are winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction.
OR You can retire to the Deep South where...
1. You can rent a movie and buy bait in the same store.
2. "Y'all" is singular and "all y'all" is plural.
3. "He needed killin'" is a valid defense.
4. Everyone has 2 first names: Billy Bob, Jimmy Bob, Mary Ellen, Betty Jean, etc.
5. Everything is either "in yonder," "over yonder" or "out yonder."
It's important to know the difference, too.
OR You can retire to Colorado where...
1. You carry your $3,000 mountain bike atop your $500 car.
2. You tell your husband to pick up Granola on his way home and he stops at the day care center.
3. A pass does not involve a football or dating.
4. The top of your head is bald, but you still have a pony tail.
OR You can retire to mid Ohio where...
1. You've never met any celebrities, but the mayor knows your name.
2. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor.
3. You have had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" on the same day.
4. You end sentences with a preposition: "Where's my coat at?"
5. When asked how your trip was to any exotic place, you say, "It was different!"
OR FINALLY You can retire to Florida where...
1. You eat dinner at 3:15 in the afternoon.
2. All purchases include a coupon of some kind, even houses and cars.
3. Everyone can recommend an excellent dermatologist.
4. Road construction never ends anywhere in the state.
5. Cars in front of you often appear to be driven by headless people.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wounded Warriors Road 2 Recovery Sept 21, 2012
From Grey Alaimo, BHS '66:
This is a great nonprofit to benefit Wounded Warriors I'm hosting.
Ck out Ride 2 Recovery Facebook page:!/pages/Ride-2-Recovery/158096691111
Spread the word!!

August 31, 2012 UPDATE
Check out this video on YouTube:
This will let you know a little about the nonprofit the fund raiser will benefit Ride 2 Recovery.
Hope you can support our wounded heroes.
Sept 21, 3-9:00 PM Bobs Big Boy

From Greg...
This is one of the Wounded Warriors that the Sept 21, Bob's Big Boy Fund Raiser will Benefit. RIDE 2 RECOVERY.
My friend Nate lost both legs by a road side bomb in Afghanistan on his 3rd deployment. The fund raiser benefits warriors like Nate.
Thanks for all your help.
Gregory J. Alaimo
Privileged & Confidential
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Hi there!
I'm a Burbank High 2002 graduate. I just stumbled upon this picture on and thought I'd share it with you. It's incredibly awesome.
Hope you enjoy.
The 1920's were beautiful.
-Jenny Wallace
Antique photograph of Burbank High School students in a theatre production. The back of the photograph says, "The Operetta Pepita given by the Burbank H.S. on March 7, 1924 went over big. Not complete cast in this but nearly."

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Class '66 at DeBell Clubhouse Grill

Standing: Christy Seekins Evans, Jennifer Dale Schatz, Scott Bruckner, Linda White Silvas and Linda Schuster Mazur
Seated: Greg Alaimo, Owen Newcomer, Dona Foy Bruckner '67 and Bruce Keswick
These guys try to meet each month... a great idea to stay connected.
Snagged this great photo from Facebook - Thanks Linda White Silvas!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Vic Moon, BHS '66 (1948-2007)
Victor Leslie Moon16 August 1948 – 17 January 2007 le
Today Elizabeth Lynn Moon posted on BHS Memorial Facebook wall:
"Happy Birthday little brother (Vic Moon '66) you are missed and much loved."
I didn't know he had passed away and was sorry to read this. When I asked how he died and if I could put a notice here, she wrote:
"Vic died January 16th (or early 17th), 2007. Five years plus already. I imagine it was the cancer that finally got him, but it was basically Viet Nam and the Agent Orange."
August 17, 2012 UPDATE
Received this from Elizabeth...
Hi, Cathy!
This is an email I sent out letting friends know of Vic's passing back those five years ago.
You're welcome to use any part of it for the memorial page that you think is appropriate.
My dear friends and loving friends of Vic Moon,
The night of January 16-17, 2007 my dear and special little brother, Vic passed peacefully out of his body and on to a much easier existence in his new light body form. I am told that friends who knew it was close stopped by to check on him and his newly departed form was sitting in his chair with the remote in hand in his own home; a good way to go.
For those who measure the value of life in money and accomplishments, please know that Vic was rich in a much more enduring form. He was surrounded all his life with a loving, supportive family of friends and he chose his path. There is no greater wealth.
While we all have every right to express whatever sorrow comes up for our loss, please never doubt that for Vic this is undoubtedly a joyous time, for he has shed a form that has long been difficult, and now that wonderful upbeat, fun-loving spirit bears no more shackles.
For me I ask that condolences not be the form of communication. I want to focus on his release and lightness. I would love, however to hear any fun, warm and fond memories of Vic you have to share. My email is
I don’t remember Vic ever being “down”, although pain was his partner most of his life, and most assuredly daily, since shortly after his return from Vietnam due to a motorcycle accident that almost cost his life.
Vic loved his yearly visits to Nanaimo, B.C. Canada to spend a fun-filled summer week with two dear friends, others he grew to know and love, and the festivities of the week of Silly Boat Races and the famous Bathtub Races. I was so intrigued by this habit that I joined him one week a few years ago and understand completely!
I don’t think there’s a place that meant more to him and so that will be the place his physical form will reunite with the earthly elements.
Because friends and family are in remote places, and because I honestly don’t believe Vic would have wanted a cluster of grieving people to be the last memory of him, I’d like to suggest the following:
On Friday, January 26th either go to a hamburger place (Vic loved Bob’s and we always went there when we were down for a visit) and have a hamburger, send him some love and/or warm wishes and if you feel like it and are with others, share stories of your good memories of Vic.
Or if you prefer, pour your favorite drink (alcohol or not – your preference) or go to a bar or club that makes you feel “at home.”
Vic loved this one and I’m sure his friends will be there:
Blue Room
(323) 849-2779
916 S San Fernando Blvd
Burbank, CA 91502
Map it | Get directions
Have a drink and likewise enjoy yourself, think good and loving thoughts of Vic, share stories and laugh. Let’s make it a virtual (and/or global) gathering of good memories and warm hearts to connect and launch him at 6:00pm PST (you might want to arrive at your target site a bit earlier) on Friday, January 26th.
Laughter is a requirement. Vic was really good at that, had a wonderful sense of humor, and I know he would rather be sent off with laughter than with tears.
Elizabeth Lynn Moon
Carmen Edwards Meyer, BHS '42 (1924-2012)
Carmen M Meyer, 87 passed away peacefully August 10, 2012 with her loving husband, Ted CP Meyer & son, Richard C Meyer, & daughters Lynne C Retmier & Sharon A Adams at her side with Elizabeth Hospice.
Carmen was born December 17th, 1924 in Blodgett, Missouri to Jewell Boyd Edwards & Della Gertrude Holifield. By 15 she & family moved to Burbank, Calif. where she completed HS. She worked at Lockheed, lived at home with her parents who rented rooms. My dad saw this redhead at work & then a picture in the house he was renting a room from & asked about her. This was in November, 1942. The romance started & they were married December 31, 1942. They both decided that was a good day because there was “always a party to go to”! This year is their 70th year together.
Carmen was a meticulous homemaker & fulltime mother in the So Ca, when the children were small. After that she worked at Farmer's as an underwriter & made that her career until retirement. In 1994 Carmen & Ted moved to Oceanside, Ca.
Carmen was preceded in death by her parents, her three brothers, & one sister. She is survived by her husband Ted, son Rick, daughters Lynne & Sharon, their spouses, five grandchildren, their spouses, fourteen great grandchildren, one great great grandchild, & two nephews.
You will be dearly missed & I love you mom!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
BHS Mini Reunion Sept 8, 2012
Hi Cathy! As you know, I am being inducted into the BHS Athletic Hall of Fame on Saturday, Sept. 8. Another basketball player (from the class of '65), John Gaball, is also being inducted. So I am hosting a reception/get together on Saturday, September 8, from noon until 3 p.m. at Burbank High honoring the basketball teams of 1965 (Gaball's team) and 1967 (my team). The event is not just for the players but also for any friends, relatives, well-wishers, and former groupies who want to come. Basically, it's an excuse to get together with people who, understandably, are not interested in coming to the ceremony that night but would still like to visit with friends from that era. All classes are invited.
Could you advertise this in your blog? I don't have any way to contact members of the '67 team other than Ron Davidson and Benton White. Hopefully, the others will hear about the event and be able to come.
The reception honoring the '65 and '67 basketball teams will be held Saturday, Sept. 8, noon to 3 p.m., in the BHS art room and, if needed, the dance room. (The two rooms are right across the hall from each other.) It will be very informal--i.e., wear whatever you like.
The evening ceremony is being held in the BHS gym. There is a "meet and greet" at 5:30 pm with the ceremony starting at 6:00 pm.
Thanks for your help!

John Gaball, BHS '65

Dave LeSueur, BHS '67
1965 Ceralbus Yearbook

1966 Ceralbus Yearbook

1967 Ceralbus Yearbook

BHS Class 1993 Class Reunion July 27 2013

All Alumni From Class of 1993 are asked to email your contact info ASAP to the planning committee at
Please help us spread the word!!
Find the group on Facebook too!!!/groups/257673397681191/
JANUARY 1, 2013 UPDATE from Jenee Valdez
20th Class reunion for Class of 1993 will be held at Bardot in Hollywood Saturday July 27th 2013!!! Please email us your info to for further details and please join our group of Fb if you r a 93 alumni!! Spread the word to our classmates...tixs are on sale now...please email our group for those details... Cathy Emmett Palmer, could you please post this on the BHS BlOG SPOT thanks Happy NEW YEAR ALL!!! xoxo
JANUARY 14, 2013 UPDATE from Jenee Valdez via Facebook
Attn Classof 1993 alumni!!!!-please copy and share on your wall!!!
Presale tickets are going fast at 90.00 per person!! (July 27, 2013)
Hurry and get yours today!! Presale cutoff is coming up soon per Greg Karr!! Get yours today!! Visit use email us any pics from back in the day and any from today also if you havent sent us your contact info its not too late! Email those to!! Thanks everyone!!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Cpl. Larry Maxam, BHS '66, is Mentioned in this Video
Thanks Wes Clark for posting this video!
"This is the video which plays in the Vietnam Gallery in the Marine Corps National Museum in Quantico, VA. In it, Richard Weede (D Company, 1st Bn. 4th Marines) describes the service of Cpl. Larry Maxam, Burbank, CA's Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient (at about the 1:50 point), and other points of 1968 Vietnam War history.
"Semper Fi!"
Monday, August 6, 2012
Gary Smestad Memorial Golf Tournament Sept 28, 2012

The Gary Smestad Memorial Golf Tournament
Friday, September 28, 2012
De Bell Golf Course in Burbank, California
This tournament is benefitting the "Wounded Warrior Project".
*** Cost is $125 per person (includes golf cart, golf shirt, range balls, sleeve of balls and a $5.00 pro shop/restaurant credit.
*** 9:00AM check-in...11:00AM shotgun start...4-man scrambles...raffle prizes (1st, 2nd, 3rd and closest to the pin on all Par 3's)
*** Sponsor a hole, $100 includes sinage
*** Non-golfers can join the fun and dinner for $30 per person...
For more information contact:
Fred Ortega at
Brendan Turner at
Visit the Face Book page at The Gary Smestad Memorial Golf Tournament
"Hope to see lots of you there to support a good cause and to honor our dear friend and BHS '64 Classmate, Gary Smestad." - Jon and Pam Kirkwood, BHS '64
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Burbank High Athletic Hall of Fame September 8, 2012
Next group set for Burbank High Athletic Hall of Fame
Twelve former standouts to be honored in next Burbank Athletic Hall of Fame induction
A fine group of former athletes have been honored in two induction ceremonies of the Burbank High Athletic Hall of Fame since it was founded in 2008.
"We have gotten a lot of positive feedback about the Hall of Fame displays that we've put up," said Burbank Athletic Director Fred Cook, who is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Hall of Fame. "I was at the gym the other day and some guy came in off the street just to look at the Hall of Fame displays."
The event is scheduled for Sept. 8 in the school's auditorium. There will be a meet-and-greet at 5:30 p.m. followed by the ceremony at 6.
"We like to make it a real special event," said Cook, who adds to the Hall of Fame every two years.
This year's list of honorees include:
A 1956 Burbank graduate, Richards cultivated a boys' tennis dynasty for the Bulldogs. Along with winning a CIF Southern Section III championship in 1993 — the last title won by the school in any sport — his teams advanced to the division quarterfinals 12 of 13 years. In addition, Burbank captured 13 straight Foothill League crowns under Richards.
Loutensock was a teacher in the Burbank Unified School District for 32 years. He was the Indians boys' basketball coach from 1958-75 and has the most wins in program history. In 1967, a squad coached by Loutensock and paced by a nucleus of six fine players — Dave LeSueur, Benton White, Bob Saia, Ron Davidson, John Hoofman and Mike Acosta — advanced to CIF Division 3-A semifinals. That year, the Bulldogs won the Foothill League championship and amassed 24 wins.
The 1967 graduate was an important member of the 1967 team that advanced to the CIF semifinals. He is the only basketball player from the school to earn high school All-America honors. He also won all-league and All-CIF Southern Section accolades.
The 1965 graduate averaged 20 points a game during his senior season in boys' basketball. He was a two-time Foothill League Player of the Year and was named most valuable play in five separate tournaments.
A 1969 graduate, Dodge is the only athlete in Burbank history to be named a high school All-American in two sports (boys' swimming and water polo). His Bulldogs teams won two Foothill League championships in water polo and three in swimming. He went later earned collegiate All-American accolades at Cal State Northridge.
An accomplished swimmer who could swim every event, Ross was a three-time high school All-American who captured the CIF Southern Section 100-yard freestyle event in 1972. As a senior, the 1973 graduate was undefeated in every dual-meet race he took part in and still holds the school record in the 100 freestyle.
The 1975 graduate was a standout in three sports: football, basketball and track and field. In football, he was a two-time All-CIF Southern Section award winner and was named a Prep Magazine All-American as a senior. He earned a football scholarship to UCLA.
Graduating in 1976, Gronich was one of Burbank's first female athletes to earn All-CIF Southern Section accolades, garnering the award twice in volleyball. She was a three-time all-league award winner in volleyball, also receiving an all-league nod in basketball. She also ran track.
Another of the successful distance runners to come out of Burbank. The 1979 graduate captured a CIF Southern Section 3-A championship in the 1,600 in 1979. In addition, he placed fourth in the State Meet in the 3,200 and is a member of the Bulldogs record-holding distance medley relay team.
Graduating in 1988, Gilles is the only athlete in school history to win a CIF Southern Section triple jump championship, taking the 3-A title in 1987. She held the national triple jump mark as a senior and was a three-time champion in the Foothill League.
Along with Nelson, Lewis was one of the most decorated distance runners in school history. The 1989 graduate captured a title in the boys' Division 3-A 1,600 in 1989 and also added a title in cross-country. In addition, he was a state runner-up in the 800 and captured a Foothill League cross-country title.
Also receiving Distinguished Achievement Awards at the Hall of Fame event are longtime football team doctor Bruce Varon and longtime trainer Scott Moro.
I learned today that the Hall of Fame ceremony at 6:00 P.M. Saturday will be in the BHS Auditorium, as it was two years ago for the 2010 ceremony. (5:30 "Meet and Greet" in the Gym, then over to Auditorium for 6:00 ceremony.)
As you know, John Gaball (BHS ’65) and David LeSueur (BHS ’67) are being inducted into the BHS Athletic Hall of Fame on the evening of September 8. We are hosting a reception/get together on September 8, from noon until 3 p.m. at Burbank High honoring the basketball teams of 1965 (Gaball's team) and 1967 (LeSueur's team). The event is not just for the players but also for any friends, relatives, well-wishers and former groupies who want to come. This will allow people who don't want to come to the ceremony, which is later that night, a chance to visit and reminisce. We're hoping people from many BHS classes, including our class of 1970, come. Those were great basketball teams and so we think the reception will be a good excuse for people who went to BHS during the 60's to get together.
Details: The reception honoring the '65 and '67 basketball teams will be held Sept. 8, noon to 3 p.m., in the BHS art room and, if needed, the dance room. (The two rooms are right across the hall from each other.) It will be very informal. Any manner of dress will be accepted. Show your tattoos if you've got any.
Alan, please spread the word (I will try to do the same).