You may recognize a face or two :)
Source: Los Angeles Public Library

Photograph caption dated October 31, 1959 reads, "Members of Burbank-Valley Junior Garden Club display carousel exhibited in table setting contest at McCambridge Park Recreation Center. Among younsters who participated in events, from left, are Martha Oliver, Roland Young, Holly Smith and Cynthia Corey. Group is sponsored by Burbank-Valley Seniors Garden Club and is open to boys and girls 7 to 12 years of age. Meetings are held monthly at McCambridge."
NOTE: Roland is a BHS '67 grad.

Joaquin Miller School, October 5, 1942, 1B, Miss Thias

1940 Photo of Highland dancers, taken at the Olive Recreation Center in Burbank. Mary McAvoy, is on the right.

1954 photograph caption dated reads, "Burbank's Tsuki-Teru Car Club includes among top club secrets meaning of name, whose Far eastern characters are inscribed on club plaque. Beautiful jackets are made of 100 per cent Orlon, softest and lightest in weight of synthetic fabrics. Left to right are President Dick Lewis and Glen Hooker, vice president."

The San Val at night

The San Val Drive-In Theatre in Burbank. It was the second drive-in theater built in California, in 1938, and was located at 2720 Winona Street, at San Fernando Road. It was designed by Clifford Balch and managed by the Pacific Theatres chain until it closed in the mid l970s.

Exterior view of a large brick house located on Bethany Road, 500 block north, Burbank.

Burbank High School

Burbank High School

Ariel view of Burbank High School

View of Olive Avenue, looking north from San Fernando Road in 1911.

View looking at the business area on San Fernando Road in Burbank, Calif. Many cars are either parked by the curbside or traveling on the road. 1947

View looking up Olive Avenue in Burbank, Calif. Many cars are parked by the curb. Central Drug Co. and Hotel Marion can be seen on the left corner of Olive Avenue and San Fernando Road intersection. 1927

Photo shows how main street--San Fernando Boulevard--of Burbank looks today. View is looking north from Verdugo Avenue. What once was a sheep ranch is now a thriving "junior metropolis." City has emerged from a 20-year coma that followed collapse of its christening boom. Population is expected to reach 1,000,000 by 1960. Photo dated: May 3, 1951.

Panoramic view of Burbank looking north on Olive Avenue at the intersection of San Fernando Road on November 6, 1954, taken from the top of the Security Building. Note the new city hall a block away on the left, built in 1942 at a cost of $335,000. Note the pepper trees are gone.

33 students from 18 countries visit a school in Burbank to see the operation of American classrooms on November 16, 1956.

Kathie Schmidt, Randie De Leon, Wanda Van Hoye, dog "Sandy" and mother of Kathie in the doorway, as the children set off to George Washington School, Burbank, on September 14, 1953.

Donnie De Leon, who is only 3 years old, is going to be a very lonesome boy. For three months, as the youngest of the "gang," he had the time of his life playing with his brother and neighborhood kids. Now, the "gang" is going away...away to school, and Donnie is the one they left behind on September 14, 1953. Bidding him goodby are, left to right: Valerie Chamblin, 10; Sylvia Odekirk, 10; W. Van Hoye, 5; George Van Hoye, 7; Cathie Schmidt; and Randie De Leon, 5. The children attend Washington Street School in Burbank.

Rocky Marciano, world heavyweight boxing champion, sends his congratulations to David Starr Jordan Junior High School of Burbank through Douglass Gifford, student (left). Marciano recognized school for support of Save the Children Federation program. Photo dated: April 15, 1955.

Exterior view of Café Blue Evening, located on Park Ave. and Riverside Dr. in the city of Burbank. This photo was taken from across the street and shows a two-story "beach home", complete with two rooftop terraces, beach umbrellas and lounge chairs. The Café Blue Evening sits on a corner lot with a view of the mountains in the background. Photo dated: 1936.

Photograph caption dated July 6, 1959 reads, "Four-year-old Mark Malone of Burbank sticks to old-fashioned firecracker as his buddies, Myron Lieberman, 18, center, of Burbank, and Leston Newbill, 17, of Burbank, prepare to launch three-stage rocket they built for July Fourth celebration."

Photograph caption reads: "Walter French, center, member of the Burbank Board of Education, inspects list of awards won by Burbank students in the Ford Motor Co. Industrial Art Awards contest as four of the city's 13 winners look on. They are, from left to right, Louis Reed and Conrad Morse, of Luther Burbank, and Dave Anderson and Alfonzo Lucero, of John Muir". Photograph dated: Oct. 19, 1953.

Photograph caption reads: "NRA instructor Charles Crocker, standing, gives dry firing instruction to four of his top Junior shooters. From left, Tony Alcorn, 15; Bob Lee, 14; David Brick, 17; Rich Taylor, 14, all Burbank boys are taking sight at training target. Youths train and fire .22-caliber bolt action rifle at McCambridge Range. These boys will represent the Juniors in team competition." Photograph dated: May 1, 1959.

From left to right : Carole Campbell, Van Nuys High School songleader; Brian McClanahan, Burbank High School Yell King; Jerry Allenbaugh San Fernando Valley High School Yell King and Ronne Troup, North Hollywood High School songleader.

Photograph caption dated August 22, 1959 reads, "Will Skate In Show. Brian McClanahan, 14, helps his sister Dale, 11, into old Cadillac in which they will ride to help publicize Sept. 11 and 12 performances of "Roaring 20s" this year's Schramm's Ice Show at Burbank Starlight Bowl."
NOTE: Dale is a BHS '65 grad.