Received this email today from Trudie Lombard Hentze (BHS '65). We will keep keep Carol in our prayers...
Can you please post the email I received below from Chris Collins Cross (BHS 65) regarding her sister, Carole Collins (BHS 63)?
Thank you,
Sometime during the night of June 20th Carole Collins had a stroke in her eye. This is called “central retinal vein occlusion” or nickname “RVO”.
RVO is a disease of the retina that affects approximately 180,000 people each year in the US. Veins in the eye, known as retinal veins are an important part of the eye’s normal circulation. They move blood out of the eye toward the heart. A retinal vein occlusion is the blockage of one of these veins in the central or main retinal vein at the back of the eye. This tissue at the back of the inner eye converts light images to nerve signals and sends them to the brain.
RVO can lead to swelling of the macula, the part of the eye responsible for central vision and fine detail. This swelling can cause blurry or distorted vision in the affected eye. In some cases, RVO can lead to permanent vision loss.
The symptoms of RVO are blurry and or distorted vision. Some people with RVO may not notice any symptoms. Carole has both of these.
The risk factors…..people who are over 50 years old, people with high blood pressure, diabetes, hardening of the arteries, glaucoma, smoking and obesity. Carole has several of these. RVO is most often caused by hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and the formation of a blood clot.
Blockage of retinal veins may cause other eye problems, including: Glaucoma and macular edema.
Carole’s eye will be closely monitored for any more blockages for several months. A tear in the vein has been discovered and she on a medicine named “Lucentis” which is to stop the blood leaking. It is not usual to have an RVO in both eyes.
Many people will regain vision, even without treatment. However, vision rarely returns to normal. There is no way to reverse or open the blockage.
Treatment: Injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) drugs into the eye. Carole has started this. These drugs may block the growth of new blood vessels that can cause glaucoma. Laser treatment to prevent the growth of new, abnormal blood vessels that lead to glaucoma is also a treatment.
Prognosis: The outcome varies. Patients with retinal vein occlusion often regain useful vision. Retinal vein occlusion is a sign of a general blood vessel disease. The same measures used to prevent strokes in the heart, and other coronary artery disease, may decrease the risk of further retinal vein occlusion. Aspirin or other blood thinners may help prevent blockages in the other eye.
Carole really likes her eye Dr. She is taking drugs. Things seem to be a little better. Put her on your prayer list.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Burbank Preservation Story
Today received this email from Phil Young:
FYI- I'm back from a 2-week assignment on the Horseshoe 2 fire and just received this link from our former State & National Register of Historic Places Coordinator. Early in our years of being colleagues at the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division we learned that we were born a generation apart in Loop-land at Burbank Community Hospital (many good folks are). Ciao for now... Phil
Second piece of history saved

Magnolia Boulevard farm house built in 1910 is the second in Burbank to gain status.
June 21, 2011|By Mark Kellam
This house, on the 800 block of Magnolia, in Burbank, was built in 1910, and the owners say they want it to be designated as a historic landmark, on Monday, May 9, 2011. (Tim Berger/Staff Photographer)
This house, on the 800 block of Magnolia, in Burbank, was built in 1910, and the owners say they want it to be designated as a historic landmark, on Monday, May 9, 2011. (Tim Berger/Staff Photographer)
Burbank City Council has saved a second piece of residential history.
Council members last week approved the historic designation of a two-story, wood-framed farm house at 834 E. Magnolia Blvd. — only the second house in Burbank to make it on the historic list since the city’s preservation laws were passed in 1994.
The home’s owners, Kent and Marlene Burton, have made some modifications to the house, built in 1910, such as adding a wood deck in the backyard and replacing the front windows. But the changes have not significantly altered the structure and are reversible if property owners decide to return the house to its original state in the future, according to a city report.
“I just think it’s really important that we try to retain some of what Burbank is all about,” Marlene Burton said. “If we didn’t do that, eventually all these old houses would go down.”
The 2,088-square-foot farm house has six bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms.
Marlene Burton said one of the bedrooms is used as a den and another serves as an office.
When they moved into the house, the additional bedrooms were needed.
“We had three children, so we needed the extra space,” Marlene Burton said.
Any future exterior modifications must now be approved by the Burbank Heritage Commission.
The house met two criteria contained in the city’s historic preservation ordinance — both tied to its design. The house, with its gabled front roof, features a mix of late Queen Anne and early Craftsman designs. Assistant Community Development Director Michael Forbes said few houses with those architectural styles are left in the city.
It was one of the first houses built along Magnolia Boulevard. A photo taken in 1914 shows that stretch of road at the time, Forbes said. The area was primarily fields and farmland, except one house — its peaked roof can be seen above the trees.
Forbes said several residents have expressed interest in having their properties considered for historic designation, but only one application has been filed.
Heritage commissioners are contacting some local businesses to see if their owners would like to pursue historic preservation. Two businesses of interest are Foster’s Freeze on Glenoaks Boulevard and the Burbank Bar and Grill on San Fernando Road, said commission Chairman Don Baldaseroni.
Owners of historically designated structures can apply for property tax exemptions under the Mills Act, which the Burbank City Council approved in 2010.
FYI- I'm back from a 2-week assignment on the Horseshoe 2 fire and just received this link from our former State & National Register of Historic Places Coordinator. Early in our years of being colleagues at the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division we learned that we were born a generation apart in Loop-land at Burbank Community Hospital (many good folks are). Ciao for now... Phil
Second piece of history saved

Magnolia Boulevard farm house built in 1910 is the second in Burbank to gain status.
June 21, 2011|By Mark Kellam
This house, on the 800 block of Magnolia, in Burbank, was built in 1910, and the owners say they want it to be designated as a historic landmark, on Monday, May 9, 2011. (Tim Berger/Staff Photographer)
This house, on the 800 block of Magnolia, in Burbank, was built in 1910, and the owners say they want it to be designated as a historic landmark, on Monday, May 9, 2011. (Tim Berger/Staff Photographer)
Burbank City Council has saved a second piece of residential history.
Council members last week approved the historic designation of a two-story, wood-framed farm house at 834 E. Magnolia Blvd. — only the second house in Burbank to make it on the historic list since the city’s preservation laws were passed in 1994.
The home’s owners, Kent and Marlene Burton, have made some modifications to the house, built in 1910, such as adding a wood deck in the backyard and replacing the front windows. But the changes have not significantly altered the structure and are reversible if property owners decide to return the house to its original state in the future, according to a city report.
“I just think it’s really important that we try to retain some of what Burbank is all about,” Marlene Burton said. “If we didn’t do that, eventually all these old houses would go down.”
The 2,088-square-foot farm house has six bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms.
Marlene Burton said one of the bedrooms is used as a den and another serves as an office.
When they moved into the house, the additional bedrooms were needed.
“We had three children, so we needed the extra space,” Marlene Burton said.
Any future exterior modifications must now be approved by the Burbank Heritage Commission.
The house met two criteria contained in the city’s historic preservation ordinance — both tied to its design. The house, with its gabled front roof, features a mix of late Queen Anne and early Craftsman designs. Assistant Community Development Director Michael Forbes said few houses with those architectural styles are left in the city.
It was one of the first houses built along Magnolia Boulevard. A photo taken in 1914 shows that stretch of road at the time, Forbes said. The area was primarily fields and farmland, except one house — its peaked roof can be seen above the trees.
Forbes said several residents have expressed interest in having their properties considered for historic designation, but only one application has been filed.
Heritage commissioners are contacting some local businesses to see if their owners would like to pursue historic preservation. Two businesses of interest are Foster’s Freeze on Glenoaks Boulevard and the Burbank Bar and Grill on San Fernando Road, said commission Chairman Don Baldaseroni.
Owners of historically designated structures can apply for property tax exemptions under the Mills Act, which the Burbank City Council approved in 2010.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Email from Jim McKenzie (BHS '62)
Thanks Jim for the great photo! I recognize a few others as well like Vince Goddard, Ted Goldstone and Vern Olson all class '67 (2nd row l-r 1, 2 & 4).

Top row, L-R: Kevin ?, Randy Cotter, Bill Boomsma, Mike Light (JBHS 65), ?, Randy Ziglar, Ken Powers, Jim McKenzie, Emil Evanko.
2nd row, L-R: Vince Goddard, Ted Goldstone, Eldon Fuller, Vern Olson, ?, Richard Moll, Mark Bowler (younger brother of Paul BHS 64), John Ferguson, Chris Smith (JBHS 65).
Front row, L-R: Tim Murphy, Robert Meade, Randy Wood, Al Pinson, Pat Fligg, David Pinson, ? Smith (younger brother of Chris).
I periodically check your blog for BHS info and was truly shocked to learn Pat passed away back in January. Around Centennial time in '08 Pat and I reconnected via Facebook or some other social media venue. At the time, I did not realize that Pat attended USMA and graduated in 1971 or John Ferguson in 1972. I left Burbank right after graduation and never really kept in touch with folks. My ties to Burbank were limited since BHS was my third high school. Anyway, I had the pleasure of being on the USMA faculty 81-84. Pat and I emailed back and forth a few times but I never hooked up with John Ferguson or Ken Powers. All three were good guys when I knew them. Well as good as 10 and 11 year old boys can be.
I have attached a photo taken probably around 1961 at the Burbank YMCA. In the photo is a tall teenager in a black shirt your far right....yours truly (BHS '62). I coached the boys Y swim team for a couple years and lettered swimming a couple years at BHS. Directly to my right is Ken Powers (67), directly below Ken is John Ferguson (68) and bottom row third from your right Pat (67). In addition, to Ken's right Randy Ziglar (64) and bottom row second from your left Rob Meade (66). Thought maybe the picture may draw some interest from your readers.
Don't make it to Burbank much. Last trip was June '08 to visit my cousin Tom Turner (BHS 71, he play QB in those days) and his lovely bride, Pat Dalton Turner (72). They reside in Valencia, CA.
Good job on the blog by the way. Enjoy reading it from time to time. Have fun at Panama City.....went there many times when I was stationed (75-78) up the road at Fort Rucker, AL.
Again sadden by Pat's passing.
Warm Regards,
Jim McKenzie
2021 Harris Drive
Possum Kingdom Lake, TX 76449-4329

Top row, L-R: Kevin ?, Randy Cotter, Bill Boomsma, Mike Light (JBHS 65), ?, Randy Ziglar, Ken Powers, Jim McKenzie, Emil Evanko.
2nd row, L-R: Vince Goddard, Ted Goldstone, Eldon Fuller, Vern Olson, ?, Richard Moll, Mark Bowler (younger brother of Paul BHS 64), John Ferguson, Chris Smith (JBHS 65).
Front row, L-R: Tim Murphy, Robert Meade, Randy Wood, Al Pinson, Pat Fligg, David Pinson, ? Smith (younger brother of Chris).
I periodically check your blog for BHS info and was truly shocked to learn Pat passed away back in January. Around Centennial time in '08 Pat and I reconnected via Facebook or some other social media venue. At the time, I did not realize that Pat attended USMA and graduated in 1971 or John Ferguson in 1972. I left Burbank right after graduation and never really kept in touch with folks. My ties to Burbank were limited since BHS was my third high school. Anyway, I had the pleasure of being on the USMA faculty 81-84. Pat and I emailed back and forth a few times but I never hooked up with John Ferguson or Ken Powers. All three were good guys when I knew them. Well as good as 10 and 11 year old boys can be.
I have attached a photo taken probably around 1961 at the Burbank YMCA. In the photo is a tall teenager in a black shirt your far right....yours truly (BHS '62). I coached the boys Y swim team for a couple years and lettered swimming a couple years at BHS. Directly to my right is Ken Powers (67), directly below Ken is John Ferguson (68) and bottom row third from your right Pat (67). In addition, to Ken's right Randy Ziglar (64) and bottom row second from your left Rob Meade (66). Thought maybe the picture may draw some interest from your readers.
Don't make it to Burbank much. Last trip was June '08 to visit my cousin Tom Turner (BHS 71, he play QB in those days) and his lovely bride, Pat Dalton Turner (72). They reside in Valencia, CA.
Good job on the blog by the way. Enjoy reading it from time to time. Have fun at Panama City.....went there many times when I was stationed (75-78) up the road at Fort Rucker, AL.
Again sadden by Pat's passing.
Warm Regards,
Jim McKenzie
2021 Harris Drive
Possum Kingdom Lake, TX 76449-4329
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The Party of the Century -- July 8
Hot off the press from Burbank! I'll be there... will you? Hope so.
The Party of the Century -- July 8
Posted Date: 6/7/2011
The City of Burbank Presents
The Party of the Century!
Burbank Celebrates its Centennial in Style
Friday, July 8 from 5:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Phone: 818.238.5180
DOWNTOWN BURBANK, Calif. -- On the anniversary of its incorporation, the City of Burbank will celebrate its 100th year with the Party of the Century in Downtown Burbank, Friday, July 8 from 5:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Featuring awesome food from Downtown Burbank restaurants, an air parade, multiple stages, top local bands and DJs, a mascot parade, children's entertainers, stilt walkers, Centennial memorabilia and community booths, the Party of the Century will be the ultimate night on the town for kids and families alike.
Encompassing six city blocks including San Fernando Boulevard, Palm Avenue, AMC Walkway, Orange Grove and Olive Avenue, it will express the civic pride and community spirit that have characterized Burbank's first 100 years.
Things will really heat up when the sun goes down. That's when the grand finale with a stunningly choreographed firework show will cap festivities in a profusion of light and sound.
It all starts at 5:00 P.M. with a flag salute and live broadcast on the steps of City Hall (275 E Olive Avenue) featuring KNBC Weatherman Fritz Coleman, civic dignitaries, former Mayors and a host of celebrities from Burbank's rich film and television production history.
During the ceremony, a time capsule will be opened and contents revealed. A new capsule filled with mementos from the Centennial will be buried later in the year for the benefit of future generations.
After the capsule opening, Mickey Mouse will present one of the largest cupcake displays ever. Big enough to feed 2,000 people, this super-sized confection made from thousands of regular-sized cakes stacked high on a custom-built stand, will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis. Concocted by a dream-team of master bakers from Porto's Bakery & Cafe, Martino's Bakery, United Bakery and Yummy Cupcakes, this delectable tower of flour is guaranteed to satisfy every sweet tooth.
§ Just after the ceremony at approximately 5:45 P.M. will be the Air Parade, an awe-inspiring pageant in the sky that will pay homage to Burbank's close ties to aviation. Included will be McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornets and B-25 Mitchell bombers flown by the United States Navy, Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena Police Notar helicopters, a Los Angeles County Sheriff "Air 5" Rescue helicopter, helicopters from Los Angeles County Fire, Long Beach Police and the Orange County Sheriff departments, Aero Squadron World War II planes and more.
§ Then, there will be the Mascot Parade led by Bugs Bunny and featuring Burbank High's Bulldog, the John Burroughs Indian, Hootie the Owl, Domino's Noid, Geoffrey the Giraffe, the H.T. Bee, Sergeant McGruff the Crime Dog, Burbank Fire Department's L'il Squirt and many more. Characters will cavort down Olive Avenue to San Fernando Boulevard, where there will be numerous photos ops with the public.
There will be multiple stages with continuous performances by rock and rollers Captain Cardiac and the Coronaries, the Alley Cats, a USO Show by Wartime Radio Revue, a DJ spinning Burbank's favorite tunes, a Fabulous Fifties stage with the retro crooners High Street, celebrity lookalikes, jazz and blues band The Bluez Express, a kids stage featuring Radio Disney talent, and more.
Downtown restaurants will be offering special menus in celebration of the Centennial.
To finish, a stunning Fireworks Grand Finale choreographed to Burbank-related movie and television soundtracks, such as themes from Laugh In, The Tonight Show, Looney Tunes Cartoons, Happy Days and films by Tim Burton and Ron Howard.
For further information, the public is asked to please call 818.238.5180 or visit
The Party of the Century -- July 8
Posted Date: 6/7/2011
The City of Burbank Presents
The Party of the Century!
Burbank Celebrates its Centennial in Style
Friday, July 8 from 5:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Phone: 818.238.5180
DOWNTOWN BURBANK, Calif. -- On the anniversary of its incorporation, the City of Burbank will celebrate its 100th year with the Party of the Century in Downtown Burbank, Friday, July 8 from 5:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Featuring awesome food from Downtown Burbank restaurants, an air parade, multiple stages, top local bands and DJs, a mascot parade, children's entertainers, stilt walkers, Centennial memorabilia and community booths, the Party of the Century will be the ultimate night on the town for kids and families alike.
Encompassing six city blocks including San Fernando Boulevard, Palm Avenue, AMC Walkway, Orange Grove and Olive Avenue, it will express the civic pride and community spirit that have characterized Burbank's first 100 years.
Things will really heat up when the sun goes down. That's when the grand finale with a stunningly choreographed firework show will cap festivities in a profusion of light and sound.
It all starts at 5:00 P.M. with a flag salute and live broadcast on the steps of City Hall (275 E Olive Avenue) featuring KNBC Weatherman Fritz Coleman, civic dignitaries, former Mayors and a host of celebrities from Burbank's rich film and television production history.
During the ceremony, a time capsule will be opened and contents revealed. A new capsule filled with mementos from the Centennial will be buried later in the year for the benefit of future generations.
After the capsule opening, Mickey Mouse will present one of the largest cupcake displays ever. Big enough to feed 2,000 people, this super-sized confection made from thousands of regular-sized cakes stacked high on a custom-built stand, will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis. Concocted by a dream-team of master bakers from Porto's Bakery & Cafe, Martino's Bakery, United Bakery and Yummy Cupcakes, this delectable tower of flour is guaranteed to satisfy every sweet tooth.
§ Just after the ceremony at approximately 5:45 P.M. will be the Air Parade, an awe-inspiring pageant in the sky that will pay homage to Burbank's close ties to aviation. Included will be McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornets and B-25 Mitchell bombers flown by the United States Navy, Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena Police Notar helicopters, a Los Angeles County Sheriff "Air 5" Rescue helicopter, helicopters from Los Angeles County Fire, Long Beach Police and the Orange County Sheriff departments, Aero Squadron World War II planes and more.
§ Then, there will be the Mascot Parade led by Bugs Bunny and featuring Burbank High's Bulldog, the John Burroughs Indian, Hootie the Owl, Domino's Noid, Geoffrey the Giraffe, the H.T. Bee, Sergeant McGruff the Crime Dog, Burbank Fire Department's L'il Squirt and many more. Characters will cavort down Olive Avenue to San Fernando Boulevard, where there will be numerous photos ops with the public.
There will be multiple stages with continuous performances by rock and rollers Captain Cardiac and the Coronaries, the Alley Cats, a USO Show by Wartime Radio Revue, a DJ spinning Burbank's favorite tunes, a Fabulous Fifties stage with the retro crooners High Street, celebrity lookalikes, jazz and blues band The Bluez Express, a kids stage featuring Radio Disney talent, and more.
Downtown restaurants will be offering special menus in celebration of the Centennial.
To finish, a stunning Fireworks Grand Finale choreographed to Burbank-related movie and television soundtracks, such as themes from Laugh In, The Tonight Show, Looney Tunes Cartoons, Happy Days and films by Tim Burton and Ron Howard.
For further information, the public is asked to please call 818.238.5180 or visit
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