Saturday, January 29, 2011
Alumni Angel Trust
January 28, 2011
Dear Burbank Alumni,
As most of you know, we recently lost our dear friend Bob Holst. Our condolences go out to the entire Holst family. Prior to Bob's passing, a request was made by Bob's friends to the BHS Alumni to gift monies so that Bob could see his children before his passing -- Bob's last wish. Thus, "The BHS Angel Fund" was originated. Gifts poured in, not only from Bob's friends and classmates at BHS, but from Harvard School in Studio City, CA and Lakeside School in Seattle, WA as well. On January 18, 2011, excess funds collected in Bob’s name were released to the SENIOR BULLDOGS FOUNDATION; a check in the amount of $728.28 will act as the seed money to establish the annual ROBERT G HOLST Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The inspiration for creating an Angel Fund in order to help others in similar situations was the brainchild of several BHS Alumni. The project became a community outreach effort. Our thanks go out to all those that opened their hearts to help a friend in need.
In January 2011, Allison & Guy Gingell secured funding to form the Alumni Angel Trust which will help BHS Alumni, as well as our children and grandchildren. The Trust will include BHS, JBHS and other high school alumni associations from classes 1960-1980. Allison will act as Trustee and Guy as President. Board members include: Jim Grasse, Mike Feix, Karlene Patrick and Betty Worland.
Alumni Angel Trust Golf Tournament and Auction: The Charity Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 26th at DeBell Golf course in Burbank, CA. If you are interested in playing please contact Guy Gingell at 206 459-8864.
With that being said, I am asking for your assistance on our upcoming Auction. I need volunteers for our committee, donations, soliciting for donations, locations for storage, and manpower. I support this cause 100% and know our alumni and JBHS alumni feel the same way. Our mission in this life is to help those who are in need. We can make this upcoming event a great success!!! It is a great way to give back to our fellow alumni and our community. I can use all the help I can get. If you would like to volunteer and/or donate, please contact me at worlandb@aol.com or call (928) 404-4838.
Thanking you in advance, for your help and understanding. We can make a difference!!!!
Betty (Wareham) Worland
Board Member of the Alumni Angel Trust
VP Fund Raising -- Southwest
Dear Burbank Alumni,
As most of you know, we recently lost our dear friend Bob Holst. Our condolences go out to the entire Holst family. Prior to Bob's passing, a request was made by Bob's friends to the BHS Alumni to gift monies so that Bob could see his children before his passing -- Bob's last wish. Thus, "The BHS Angel Fund" was originated. Gifts poured in, not only from Bob's friends and classmates at BHS, but from Harvard School in Studio City, CA and Lakeside School in Seattle, WA as well. On January 18, 2011, excess funds collected in Bob’s name were released to the SENIOR BULLDOGS FOUNDATION; a check in the amount of $728.28 will act as the seed money to establish the annual ROBERT G HOLST Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The inspiration for creating an Angel Fund in order to help others in similar situations was the brainchild of several BHS Alumni. The project became a community outreach effort. Our thanks go out to all those that opened their hearts to help a friend in need.
In January 2011, Allison & Guy Gingell secured funding to form the Alumni Angel Trust which will help BHS Alumni, as well as our children and grandchildren. The Trust will include BHS, JBHS and other high school alumni associations from classes 1960-1980. Allison will act as Trustee and Guy as President. Board members include: Jim Grasse, Mike Feix, Karlene Patrick and Betty Worland.
Alumni Angel Trust Golf Tournament and Auction: The Charity Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 26th at DeBell Golf course in Burbank, CA. If you are interested in playing please contact Guy Gingell at 206 459-8864.
With that being said, I am asking for your assistance on our upcoming Auction. I need volunteers for our committee, donations, soliciting for donations, locations for storage, and manpower. I support this cause 100% and know our alumni and JBHS alumni feel the same way. Our mission in this life is to help those who are in need. We can make this upcoming event a great success!!! It is a great way to give back to our fellow alumni and our community. I can use all the help I can get. If you would like to volunteer and/or donate, please contact me at worlandb@aol.com or call (928) 404-4838.
Thanking you in advance, for your help and understanding. We can make a difference!!!!
Betty (Wareham) Worland
Board Member of the Alumni Angel Trust
VP Fund Raising -- Southwest
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Memorial Field Destruction 1-25-2011
Out with the old and in with the new! Thanks to Wes Clark and Mike McDaniel for these photos...


Willard Saint-Clair Palmer Jr (BHS '48) 1929-2004

Willard Saint-Clair Palmer
November 3, 1929 - July 1, 2004
Little Will, as we called him, was my cousin, the son of my father's brother. He was the only male cousin of the 5 Palmer brothers and we had lost touch with all our Palmer cousins until a few days ago when we connected with Willard's son and daughter-in-law, Greg and Teresa.
Then we were able to connect with Willard's sister, Marlene Palmer Burke, who we had not talked to since the 1950's. How wonderful to reconnect after all these years! Now we hope to meet up this summer in Burbank when I come out for the Centennial in July.
Many thanks to Herb Vincent ('46) and Linda Mustion ('67) for helping get this information.
Cathy Palmer
BHS '67

Willard graduated from Burbank High School in 1948, received a football scholarship to UCLA and then went into the Air Force and finally became a physicist.

Edna Palmer with her five sons: Gene #5, Bob #3. Willard Sr #2, Gordon (my father) #1, Charles #4
The Palmer Clan in 1949

Willard Jr is standing 2nd from right, between his sister, Marlene, and his father. I am a baby being held my by father with my sisters Susie and Patty to the left.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
1984 Burbank Civic Calendar
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Al DiSarro (BHS '70) 1951-2011
Scroll down for Updates
Received this sad news today... Please keep Jan and the family in prayer.

Hi Cathy,
Yesterday morning our classmate Al DiSarro passed away at his home. Al graduated in 1970. He had had elbow surgery on Wednesday and was then sent home. After breakfast Al went back to bed and never woke up. His wife is Jan Henderson DiSarro also a 1970 graduate. Services have not been arranged as yet. They lived in Palmdale.
When I get more information I send it to you.
Thank you,
Janis Bustrum Moss (class of 1969)
Also received the following from fellow classmate, Alan Landros

The Passing of our BHS '70 Classmate, Al DiSarro
Al DiSarro passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly on Thursday morning, January 13, 2011. One day earlier, on Wednesday, January 12, he underwent planned surgery on his elbow as an out-patient. It isn't known yet if that surgery had any impact on his passing. On Thursday morning Janet, his wife, became aware that his breathing was not normal. She tried to wake him without success, and then shortly after that he stopped breathing and she began CPR. When the paramedics arrived Al was already gone.
Some of you who use FaceBook saw this news about Al beginning Thursday afternoon, and some of you have posted comments about his passing. We waited until now to send out this notice until we could confirm more details about Al's passing.
Alfred Steven DiSarro was born December 14, 1951. He grew up in Burbank in the 800 block of Santa Anita Ave. He attended Miller Elementary, Muir Jr. High, and then BHS graduating with us in 1970. He and his high school sweetheart, Janet Henderson DiSarro, were married in October 1970, and this past October celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Janet also grew up in Burbank and attended Jefferson Elementary, John Muir, and graduated with Al from BHS in 1970. For a number of years they have lived in Agua Dulce, California.
Al and Janet attended the Class of '70 40th Reunion this past June at the Castaway in Burbank. That was the first of the '70 Class reunions that they had been to in twenty years. They were recognized that night as the classmates who had been married the longest. Please open the attachment to this message to see a wonderful photo of Al and Janet that Tim Tolnay took that night at the Castaway. Our reunions are becoming more special, more precious, by the month, it seems!
Al DiSarro has been a widely known and very well respected Special Effects Coordinator for the studios and movie industry for almost all of his adult life. He owned his own business in that field, and was employed by many different studios. He received an Academy Award nomination for his Special Effects on the movie "Die Hard". A few of his other well known movies are "Transformers", "Predator", and the other "Die Hard" movies. His last movie was "Transformers 3" from 2010.
Al leaves behind his wife Janet Henderson DiSarro, daughter Amy, son Matt, daughter-in-law Jennifer, granddaughter Madison, and younger brother Mark DiSarro and his family. Arrangements have not been completed yet in the planning of a Memorial Service for Al. We will send another message with those details when they are confirmed.
Alan Landros and Joyce Starleaf
January 24, 2011 UPDATE
Received this sad news today... Please keep Jan and the family in prayer.

Hi Cathy,
Yesterday morning our classmate Al DiSarro passed away at his home. Al graduated in 1970. He had had elbow surgery on Wednesday and was then sent home. After breakfast Al went back to bed and never woke up. His wife is Jan Henderson DiSarro also a 1970 graduate. Services have not been arranged as yet. They lived in Palmdale.
When I get more information I send it to you.
Thank you,
Janis Bustrum Moss (class of 1969)
Also received the following from fellow classmate, Alan Landros
The Passing of our BHS '70 Classmate, Al DiSarro
Al DiSarro passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly on Thursday morning, January 13, 2011. One day earlier, on Wednesday, January 12, he underwent planned surgery on his elbow as an out-patient. It isn't known yet if that surgery had any impact on his passing. On Thursday morning Janet, his wife, became aware that his breathing was not normal. She tried to wake him without success, and then shortly after that he stopped breathing and she began CPR. When the paramedics arrived Al was already gone.
Some of you who use FaceBook saw this news about Al beginning Thursday afternoon, and some of you have posted comments about his passing. We waited until now to send out this notice until we could confirm more details about Al's passing.
Alfred Steven DiSarro was born December 14, 1951. He grew up in Burbank in the 800 block of Santa Anita Ave. He attended Miller Elementary, Muir Jr. High, and then BHS graduating with us in 1970. He and his high school sweetheart, Janet Henderson DiSarro, were married in October 1970, and this past October celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Janet also grew up in Burbank and attended Jefferson Elementary, John Muir, and graduated with Al from BHS in 1970. For a number of years they have lived in Agua Dulce, California.
Al and Janet attended the Class of '70 40th Reunion this past June at the Castaway in Burbank. That was the first of the '70 Class reunions that they had been to in twenty years. They were recognized that night as the classmates who had been married the longest. Please open the attachment to this message to see a wonderful photo of Al and Janet that Tim Tolnay took that night at the Castaway. Our reunions are becoming more special, more precious, by the month, it seems!
Al DiSarro has been a widely known and very well respected Special Effects Coordinator for the studios and movie industry for almost all of his adult life. He owned his own business in that field, and was employed by many different studios. He received an Academy Award nomination for his Special Effects on the movie "Die Hard". A few of his other well known movies are "Transformers", "Predator", and the other "Die Hard" movies. His last movie was "Transformers 3" from 2010.
Al leaves behind his wife Janet Henderson DiSarro, daughter Amy, son Matt, daughter-in-law Jennifer, granddaughter Madison, and younger brother Mark DiSarro and his family. Arrangements have not been completed yet in the planning of a Memorial Service for Al. We will send another message with those details when they are confirmed.
Alan Landros and Joyce Starleaf
January 24, 2011 UPDATE
Alfred Steven Di Sarro
December 14, 1951 - January 13, 2011
Will Be
Sunday, February 13, 2011
1:30 P.M.
Universal Studios, Universal City
"Stage 6"
Casual Dress (In Honor of Al!)
From Lankersham Blvd. enter the Universal lot at "Gate 3"
Proceed to the parking structure and park there
All attendees will proceed through a
before they may enter "Stage 6" for the service
An exact cause of Al's death has yet to be determined
For those wishing to know, Janet and family have requested no flowers be sent
Instead memorial donations may be sent to Janet's favorite charity:
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Donor Services
P.O. Box 4072
Pittsfield, MA 01202
or by phone:
or by e-mail:
Please be sure to specify "In Memory of Alfred S. Di Sarro"
and include Janet's name and address:
Mrs. Janet Di Sarro
33322 Deerglen Lane
Agua Dulce, CA 91390-4859
Also, be sure to include your own name and address with your donation
Alan Landros and Joyce Starleaf
December 14, 1951 - January 13, 2011
Will Be
Sunday, February 13, 2011
1:30 P.M.
Universal Studios, Universal City
"Stage 6"
Casual Dress (In Honor of Al!)
From Lankersham Blvd. enter the Universal lot at "Gate 3"
Proceed to the parking structure and park there
All attendees will proceed through a
before they may enter "Stage 6" for the service
An exact cause of Al's death has yet to be determined
For those wishing to know, Janet and family have requested no flowers be sent
Instead memorial donations may be sent to Janet's favorite charity:
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Donor Services
P.O. Box 4072
Pittsfield, MA 01202
or by phone:
or by e-mail:
Please be sure to specify "In Memory of Alfred S. Di Sarro"
and include Janet's name and address:
Mrs. Janet Di Sarro
33322 Deerglen Lane
Agua Dulce, CA 91390-4859
Also, be sure to include your own name and address with your donation
Alan Landros and Joyce Starleaf
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Louis Dominick Basso (BHS '40) 1922-1943

Memorial site for Louis' submarine
My Uncle Louis' parents, Romano and Domania Basso, came to the US in 1902 from Gallio, Italy and went straight to Colorado where they were copper miners. Then they moved to Montana around 1920, also copper miners there. Louis was born in Montana in 1922 on March 20th. He was the youngest of 5 kids. Louis' dad is the brother to my dad's dad, also a miner.
Louis' family came to LA in the late 1920's and settled in Sun Valley, but Louis either lived with my dad's family or used their address. He attended BHS all 3 years and stated in his senior interview that he wanted to go to the Navy and be an electrician. He played 2 years of football, 2 of basketball and 1 year of track.
His surviving 2 sisters and brother told my dad and wife that Louis had his heart set on being an electrician once out of the Navy so that he could earn money and take care of his family as they worked hard to take care of him. He wanted them to be proud of him. Also, he was very close to his mother.
I was just in contact with Bruce Osgood and he just ordered Louis's plaque for the WWII wall at BHS. My dad was there for my daughter's winter choir show and noticed that Louis was not on the wall.
When Louis entered the Navy he was given a manual and on the inside of the cover he wrote a poem. Here it is:
"Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Lead me Father, guide me
Help me play life's game.
Answer the prayers of my mother
As she prays for her son
as she thinks of him as a hero,
stout hearted, loyal and true.
Father help her daily,
as she waits for mail from me
Anxiously waiting and praying
For her son who sails the sea.
Let this always be her prayer
As I think of her back there.
Father help me be the man
My mother thinks I am.
Father help me to be clean and strong,
a man amongst men.
True to my flag and service,
For the sake of my mother
Sadly, Louis died when his submarine, the USS Triton (SS-201), was sunk in WW2.

Submitted by Patti Basso Maisner (BHS class of 1975)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Who Remembers Operation Cookie-Life 1967?
Back in the late 60's during the Vietnam war, one way Burbank supported the troops was via "Operation Cookie Lift" which was started by Doris Vick, former WAVE and mother of 1967 classmate Sally Vick (1949-2007).
People baked cookies for the soldiers from Burbank and shipped them to Vietnam in old film cans from the studios. Being in Z club we baked and packed hundreds of cookies! It was fun.
Here is a 1967 article from Wes Clark/Mike McDaniels website, Burbankia (click to enlarge or click here):

Funny... when I first read the article and saw the word COOKY, I thought, oops, a typo, but COOKY or COOKIE are both right. Also the 1967 article says the price to ship from Burbank to Vietnam was $2 and then reduced to .80 cents. Just a couple of weeks ago I mailed some homemade cookies and banana nut bread to family in Scottsdale, Arizona from Panama City Beach, Florida and it cost $22. My how times have changed!
People baked cookies for the soldiers from Burbank and shipped them to Vietnam in old film cans from the studios. Being in Z club we baked and packed hundreds of cookies! It was fun.
Here is a 1967 article from Wes Clark/Mike McDaniels website, Burbankia (click to enlarge or click here):
Funny... when I first read the article and saw the word COOKY, I thought, oops, a typo, but COOKY or COOKIE are both right. Also the 1967 article says the price to ship from Burbank to Vietnam was $2 and then reduced to .80 cents. Just a couple of weeks ago I mailed some homemade cookies and banana nut bread to family in Scottsdale, Arizona from Panama City Beach, Florida and it cost $22. My how times have changed!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Burbank on Parade April 9, 2011 @ 11am

LINK: http://www.burbankonparade.com/
Received this email today from Linda Johnson (LnJhn9@aol.com)... and remember, ANYONE can march in the Alumni Drill Team even if you weren't on it in high school!
Attention Alumni Drill Team............the Burbank On Parade is Saturday, April 9th........so mark your calendars.........please, please let me know if you are unable to be there..........
Hugs................Linda Lee
P.S......tell a friend.......more the merrier......not to mention that we will look better
And to all of you....

Have A Great New Year!!!
Alumni Drill Team in 2010 Burbank on Parade

MORE PICS HERE http://bhsclass67.blogspot.com/2010/04/burbank-on-parade-was-today.html
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New CD by Marilyn Williams Peterson (BHS 67)

Received the following email today... FANTASTIC, Marilyn!
I got a huge New Year’s gift this morning—my new CD became available for download on iTunes, Amazon music and at cdbaby.com. The physical CD’s will be available in about a week if you prefer. A great start to the new year. I’m on a roll, 3 more recordings are in the works and will be coming over the next 2-3 months! I would appreciate your passing on the information to anyone you think might like it.
Thank you!
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