Richard Shaw
January 17, 1946 - November 12, 2022
We just learned from the son of Richard Shaw (BHS '63) that Rich passed away this morning, November 12, 2022.
Richard was a Marine and served in Viet Nam. He raised his two boys by himself, as he lost his wife to cancer when the boys were very young.
Richard had been fighting a long time illness for many years and had been recently hospitalized. He is survived by his sons, Nick and Tony, their wives and children and countless friends.
Pam and Jon Kirkwood wrote, "This is a really tough one to share... Richard was a good long-time friend to so many of us and we are so painfully feeling this loss. We will miss him, his smiling face and our marathon phone conversations. Semper Fi, Dear Friend and God Bless."
RIP Rich.
In high school, Richard was voted "Prettiest Eyes" in his Class of '63.along with Carol Lewellyn
Loanne Walker Ginchereaux
Carrie Diaz-Lathouwers
My condolences to all his family and friends. RIP 🙏
Patricia Sorley
Oh Rich. So very sad. What a nice person in high school. R.I.P. old Bulldog. Condolences to your family, friends, loved ones. It's a hard time.
Martin Lillibridge
RIP Bulldog 🙏
Julie Guttridge
So sad losing another Bulldog. What a good man raising his sons alone.
Darlene Culotta
Julie Guttridge
I agree. That is impressive.
Sue Burnette
Sending love and condolences to his family. Had a couple cllasses with Rich. A great guy. RIP Rich.❤️
Kenneth Clark
Rich, my good buddy down my street! Many thanks to you and your family all through the years!
Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace ⚘️
Heather Seapy Tobin
May he rest in peace.
Darlene Culotta
Oh, how sad. Condolences to his family..
Elizabeth Allen
Jaydean Gordon Dyer
Sad news. He showed great strength and courage through it all. He was one of the best. A good friend, loved by many and will be greatly missed by his friends in all circles of his life. Deepest sympathy to his family. RIP dear friend and fellow Bulldog. You will live on in our hearts and in all of our sweet memories of you.
Annette Dinolfo Bennett
So sad 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Mickey DePalo
Rest In Peace, Sir. Slow Hand Salute. 🙏🇺🇸
Steve LeSueur
I am very saddened by this news. Richie (as I knew him) lived up the street from me on Brighton Street. He and Gary Parsons were the older boys on the block and ruled the roost. Richie and Gary organized the games we played on the street--three flies up, hit the bat, touch football, etc.--and they always allowed the younger kids to play. I still remember playing tackle football with Richie on his front lawn with other boys--and I am seven years younger than Richie. Of course, I thought I was just as good as the others and never realized they were taking it easy on me when they let me score those touchdowns.
By the way, for those of you who remember Gary Parsons, he had more muscles than all of the rest of the boys on our street put together.
Richie and I saw each other at the 2008 BHS Centennial celebration and though it had been at least 40 years since we had seen each other, we each recognized the other. We had a nice chat about growing up and all of the characters on our street.
It was a time when kids wandered free and roamed the neighborhood until you found other kids to hang out with, even if they were seven years older! Richie was a part of that time for me and his passing, like the passing of that era, makes me sad. Still, I am grateful for the many pleasant memories. RIP Richie.
Kathleen Wyatt Richardson
Steve LeSueur
wonderful post 😊
Mary Drake
Steve LeSueur
so touching,and yes, what a wonderful childhood we all had! 🙏🏻
Robert Martin Elliot
Rip Rich!
Cecilia Olga Aguirre Sheehan
RIP fellow Bulldog
Mary Lou Struck Shelton
Gosh sorry to hear this - a nice guy. RIP
Richard Clarke
RIP friend
John Panarisi
You will be missed good friend
Carole Wells
Very sad news, indeed.
Lorraine Zensen
So sorry! What a nice person he was. RIP and May the Comfort of our Comforter surround your family and friends 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Sunny Singer
Oh my goodness. Rich WAS goodness. Even though he had been going through some tough times these past few years he was a bulldog slogging through. Upbeat. A special member of our BHS Alumni committee. He will be sorely missed. RIP Richard
Grace Tabura Strong
Oh my. I’m so sorry. 🙏🙏🙏
John Nave
Really sad news. Rich like an older brother via his long friendship with my sis.
Ginny Smallenburg
I am so terribly sorry to know this. Rich has been a good friend the past few years and in high school. My sincere condolences to his sons. Rich has had health problems for a long time but he was always positive and always eager to engage in long chats. We will miss him.
Mary Boriso Jordan
Oh, my goodness. So very sorry to hear this...Rest in peace, Rich...Prayers that God will comfort his family....💕
Mary Lou Johnson Anderson
Oh, no! I’m so sorry to hear this. 
Barry Burnett
Sad news. I really liked Rich. Good man. Condolences!
Kathi Piacenza Lyons
Carol Davidson Baird
I'm so sad to hear this, but he bravely fought on for years. May his family find peace and may he be for a wonderful memory in their hearts as well as all his BHS friends.
Nadine Aguirre Lujan
Renee King
RIP Rich…❤️
Rod Klomp
R.I.P. Rich, you’ll be missed and never forgotten…
Sharon Anderson McEntire
Ginny Smallenburg
RIP Rich.
Betsey Nash
Linda Silvius, one of your classmates.
Carole Collins
The Lord called my dearest friend Richard home today. Heaven has another Angel. He is reunited with Megan. He will be missed by all of his family and many friends. He truly blessed and enriched our lives. You were truly loved!
Jolene Firgens
No, no, no! Not Richard. Sweet man. May he RIP. 😞
Gregg Wietstock
Below is a tribute that was put on FB by Richard Shaw's Sons, Nick and Tony Shaw.
There are also several pictures attached that you can view on Tony Shaw's FB page.
Details for the Memorial Service to be held on December 16, 2022 can be obtained
by emailing Nick Shaw at
It's with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our father Richard Shaw. We are devastated, and it feels like the entire world is dimmer without him here. We sit here recalling the events of the last 6 weeks, and how we felt relief and had hope that he could recover. But ultimately, our father, who was a fighter, is finally able to rest. He doesn't have to fight anymore. He was a lifelong friend to so many, and a supreme father to us boys.
When our mother Megan passed away when we were very young, our father stepped into his calling. He went through more trauma than most people could handle, yet he was always on call to be "dad". He called himself the MADman, the "mom-and-dad man" because he had to do it all. It's only after having children of our own, do we truly understand how incredible what he did was. He raised two (and we'll fully admit, often difficult) children by himself. He gave us a wondrous childhood. We never wanted for anything. And he was always there for us. Somehow present at all the sporting events and stage plays at the same time. It seems impossible. And we feel we have yet to outdo the childhood he gave us with our own kids.
He lived to see his lifelong friendships evolve, and to see his sons turn into men. He watched us become fathers of our own. And he got to spoil four grandchildren, Liam, Collin, Meagan and baby Lincoln. The morals and integrity he taught us will live on through them, just as his incredible presence will live on through all the friends he has touched in his life. We are thankful to have our Aunt Terri (Nana) and Uncle Howard to help guide us through this stretch, because our hearts are broken. The sadness feels like an ocean, and we're in tiny little boats getting rocked by waves. But there's something about hearing your kids laugh that brings you back to dry land. We know we have a lot of time ahead of us, and many new memories to create, but are so grateful that he brought us this far.
We made sure to let him know that his sacrifices didn't go unnoticed, and that we were extremely proud of him. We miss him so much. He was our father, our best friend, and our hero.
The outpouring of genuine love from everyone has been overwhelming and powerful, and we thank you all.
We think about you all the time, Dad.
Love you always.
Your Boys
We want to offer this page as a space for the people he touched in his life, to write a memory about him, and post it here.
The service will be held on December 16th at 12pm. Please email for details to