Sharon Barcus Johnson-Ball
March 2, 1953 - June 18, 2021
We are so sorry to learn of Sharon's passing from her sister, Cindy Barcus Aylward...
The great class of 1971 just lost another classmate, Sharon (Barcus) Johnson-Ball. Her body simply couldn’t fight a horrible fall, underlying health issues and the sad death of her husband/soulmate of 30+ years, Colin Ball, earlier this year.
Sharon enjoyed being a quality engineer at HR Textron, Valencia (eventually becoming Woodward HRT) for over 40 years before retiring in 2020. She loved her vacations, especially the many cruises, waterski trips and gambling adventures in Las Vegas.
She leaves behind her beloved dog, Lilly, plus too many family members and friends who will always remember her kindness and love of life.
We found a few more sweet family photos on Facebook...
Don MeredithTruly sad. Seems God must have a need for Bulldogs of 71. Way too many have passed. God Bless
Dale LevineMy deepest condolences to her friends and loved ones.
Michele Duarte KilroyI am so very sorry to hear this. She was very sweet.

Condolences to her entire family.
Nancy Olsen BarryI am so sorry to hear this. I remember Sharon and send many prayers to her family!
Chas WilsonI'm so sorry to hear this she was so wonderful. Prayer to her family.
Doug AtzeiIt
seems the older we get more people will know leave this life. Now I’m
sad for all their love ones who miss them, but know this, our day will
come too! My advice, they are gone, nothing can change that, but if
heaven is where they are at, know this, God will bring us all together
once again to a life that has no pain, no sorrows, hate, or
confusion…….that’s His promise to all who believe & trust in His

Barry BurnettMy
heart hurts at this news. Loved as long as we've known each other! Deep
condolences to Cindy and family. All Sharon's friends will always hold
her close and feel the loss.
Judy RoseI
am so glad I got to know you and enjoy your company growing up
together. May you rest in peace and know you are now rejoicing with
your Husband and Mom and Dad!