Saturday, August 29, 2020

Paul Hacker, BHS '65 (1947-2020)

Paul Ashley Hacker
May 9, 1947 - August 28, 2020

Aubri Almendariz sent this email today, August 29, 2020:

"It is with the heaviest of hearts that I send this email. My father, Paul Ashley Hacker, passed away peacefully last night at 8:51 pm, three and a half years after his terminal Cancer diagnosis. He was surrounded in love and held in the arms of my mother, my brother, and myself on his journey home."

Paul is survived by wife Jill, children Dustin and Aubri, brother Pete (Henry Ernest) Hacker BHS '54 (?) and brother Dan Hacker BHS '72 along with 4 grandchildren. He is preceded in death by parents Robert and Ruby Hart Hacker, brother Walter Hacker BHS '61 and brother John Michael BHS '62.
Paul is greatly missed by many.

Nick Liosis
Memory Eternal ❤🙏🙏🙏

Bo Boeing
Knew Paul, one really nice guy he was 👍😉👍

Rich Kamins
Sorry to hear Paul has passed. RIP

Marilyn Williams Peterson
So sorry to hear this. What a nice guy.

Veronica Ebel
Sorry to hear. He and my father were classmates

Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace

Mary Joan Swartzbaugh

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
Rest In Peace 🙏

Kimberly A Worsley Thom

Sue Burnette

Bruce Fossler
He was the guy, you wish you were...
John Rocke filled me in on your life...what a wonderful life you had. R.i.P.

Waver Hamrick
I am so sorry to hear Paul passed away. He was such a nice guy
🙏 I am sad for his family.

Carol Forrand Tallakson

Darlene Culotta
What a shame.

Peggy Beliveau
So very sad....🙏🏻🙏🏻😢

Loanne Walker Ginchereaux

Nadine Aguirre Lujan

Mary Boriso Jordan
So very sorry to heart this...Rest in peace, Paul....May God strengthen and comfort his family and friends....🌹

Don Ray
Crushing news. Paul’s dad, Bob, was my stepfather’s best friend. They came to California from Peoria, Illinois in the ‘50s. Paul was a combination big brother and best friend.

Mike Signorelli

Pam Kirkwood
May God Bless him...

Bobbi Baldaseroni
Warm Gentle Hugs to the family. May he Rest In Peace.

Christie Gibbs Nicholls
So sad. RIP. 🙏😟

Annette Dinolfo Bennett
RIP 🙏🏼😇

Patricia Sorley
So very sorry.

Julie Guttridge
Paul was always such a sweetheart. God bless him & his family 😢🙏❤️

Cathy Coyle
I last saw Paul at Kathleen Bryan’s Celebration of Life last November. He was still as handsome as I remembered him from High School. Every girls’ Dreamboat! He had looks, personality, charm and was always a gentleman. Paul always did the name tags for his Class of ‘65 Reunions. So glad I got to see & talk to him last November. Blessings & prayers to his family. He will be sorely missed. ❤️🙏🏻❤️

John Ellis
Sorry for your loss. 90

Anita Page
RIP, sweet dreams Bulldog

John Coyle
For those of you who can still look back and remember your High School days, there were the Jocks, the Brainiacs, the Misfits and that select group of the really popular classmates. Paul Hacker was one of those guys that had it all! He was popular, good looking, friendly to everyone yet unpretentious. He had a smile for everyone and offered a kind word to all. Paul exemplified everything that was good about the BHS Class of ‘65. His dedication to the Reunion Committee was just another attribute to his personality. I am proud to have called him my friend.

Harold Maxham
Will miss you Paul. Thoughts and prayers to his family.

Jolene Firgens
RIP Paul. I know you will be missed!

Richard Clarke

Mary Lou Johnson Anderson
So very sad..

Connie Wilkes Mills
Sad I didn’t know him just of him his name but I remember seeing him. So sorry for his family.

Karen Vitale- Brister

Brenda Rossie-soto
My deapest condolence

Stan Castagnetto
RIB 🙏🏻Laurel

Sharon Smestad Burke

Trudie Lombard Hentze
We sure will miss you, Paul. Such a true "Blue" classmate. Sincere condolences to his family.

Steve Bric
I knew Paul as a super nice guy who always found the positive side in any situation... He was a gentleman.... RIP

Liz Havens

Kirk Grant
R I P my friend.
My condolences to your family.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

John Conover, BHS '78 (1960-2020)

John R. Conover
July 25, 1960 - August 25, 2020

This sad notice and great surfer photo was posted by Mj Bass on Facebook:
It is with a heavy heart that I just received word from his daughter that late this evening, John Conover, BHS Class of ‘78, passed away. John fought a long battle of a rare form of Parkinson’s disease, which ended his career as an airline pilot. My heart is broken, but I know he’s in a better place now. RIP my friend, Captain John R. Conover. You will truly be missed. Forever in my heart. 💔😢

This photo was taken by Leslie Brogan in San Clemente in the summer of 1978.

Here are a couple of photos from John's Facebook page:

Kathleen Pirruccello
I’m so sorry wow my deepest condolences to his family and friend

Teri Chandler
So sorry Mj.

John Nave
So, so sorry to hear this. John was a long old friend. But, his broken body no longer ailing him. He’s free now.

Sheri Fanderlik

Kathy Nagy Houy

Nick Liosis
Memory Eternal ❤🙏🙏🙏

Jilayne Stevens Binning
Handsome pic.💙 My condolences to his family 🦋🌹

Leslie Wetherwax Davenport
This is very sad. May all your family and friends have fond memories.

Tim Vierra

Leslie Brogan

Mary Walker
This is so sad and heartbreaking

Tammy Matzner
No! This is just too much sadness. He had just sent me a new request the other day. We’ve tried several times to video talk on FB. He’d always make me laugh.

Paul J Salerno
So sorry to hear this. John was a good man.

Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace

Dianne Postal-Simmons
Sending prays .. I think he was my brothers age .. so young

Bob Haws
RIP.. too much sad news!

Nancy Morrow Ayers
So sad! I worked with him at Palmer Park in Glendale one summer. Such a fun and nice guy.

Pat Purser Bushman
My prayers and condolences to his family and friends. So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace

Rob Massi

Carolyn Purser
So sorry to hear this, may he rest in peace.

Cindy Symons
RIP & be Free 🙏🙏

Deanne Campeau
Oh, just so sad. The health struggles some of our classmates are enduring is incredibly sad. I always remember John as happy-go-lucky!!! Always with an inclusive smile 😃
BIG GROUP LOVE is sent to his loved ones from our class of ‘78!!! May he now RIP… See More

Rob Massi
He was my step fathers flight instructor...spent many times with John. Cool guy and a hilarious laugh he had. I remember his dad would walk the dog with his car! John was one of good ones. Rest In Peace and blue skies John.

Greg Williams
My condolences

Nadine Aguirre Lujan

Rosa Coria

Pamela Gordon Ryan
So sorry 🙏🏻

Leslie Hall Viera
So sorry for your loss. May he Rest In Peace. Sending prayers for your family ❤️

Sherrie King

Heidi Liddiard Nansel
I am so sorry. Rest In Peace,John❤️

Denise Ann Sedlacek
Another heartbreak ~ Rest In Peace John 💟

Theresa Terry Ballesteros-Thomason
My condolences to his family RIP

Meradith Stire-Santa Cruz
Rest In Peace John🙏🙏❤️

Kathi Piacenza Lyons
Condolences to the Conover family 🙏🏻

Nicole Peterson
Rest In Peace, Bulldog. 😢

Shelley Diks
Oh. My. Gosh. What is going on. This is terrible. Oh I am so sorry to hear this. Rest In Peace, John. 😔🙏

Jennifer Todd
RIP John. 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

Pam Wright Peterson
RIP 🙏🏻

Tracey Allen-Locker
OMG, MJ!!!!! My heart is breaking!!! 💔 MJ, I am so glad we had a chance to go visit him in Arizona, recently. He was so so happy to see us and spend the weekend with us!! Now he is with our heavenly Father and well! May you rest in peace, sweet J… See More

Shari Boyd
I have many memories of John... from Muir to BHS to random encounters at the beach.. he was the first to call Sheri and I Wilma and Betty and it stuck... I loved his humor Im sorry I had no idea he was sick and his passing truly hurts my heart.. You … See More

Maggie Guevara-Fayad Psyd

Al Fredrickson
So very sad to hear this news about another classmate My deepest condolences to his family RIP John Conover 🙏🏻 May you find peace in heaven with our Lord Jesus

Leslie Brogan
Rest In Peace Captain Conover ✈️
You were my first boyfriend and true love you never forget.
We shared so many good times and I was blessed to have you in my life. 💕
Godspeed and May your spirit fly high in heaven.

Tracey Allen-Locker
Leslie Brogan: Hi Leslie, I think we all have this pic of John!! I'm so sad this disease struck John so hard!! May he rest in peace! 🙏

Linda Moyer Hebenstreit
This has truly been a very sad day for our Class of ‘78. RIP John 🙏

Carrie Diaz-Lathouwers
My condolences ti all his family and friends. RIP John.

Tracey Allen-Locker
OMG, I am so sad to hear this MJ!! My heart us breaking!!! 💔 I am so grateful that we went to visit him in AZ when we did!!! He was so happy that we spent the weekend with him!! Well he is finally out of his pain and frustration and now with our heavenly Father! 🙏 Goodbye, sweet John!! We all love you ❤
Mj Bass
Tracey, I’m absolutely devastated. This was a great trip. Glad we went together. ❤️💔😢

Julian Almaraz

Dennis Guillies
John and I have always stayed in touch either by phone or messages. Him and I have done lots of stuff together. Some I can talk about and some I can’t🤣. When we were able to get together we would always reminisce about the good times we had. We always planned to get together but living out of the country the last five years made it a little difficult. He had told me about his condition awhile ago. You will be dearly missed my friend!

Racquel Tommy Rippengale
RIP John...🙏🏻

Lori Diane Pietrantonio
So sad. RIP John. Gone way to soon. We are losing too many of our friends. 🙏❤️🙏👍💔

Marianne Buonanno
Oh John. Fly with the angels. You have your own wings now. Prayers for your family during this difficult time.

Sue Basile

Donna Blum-Fligg
RIP John

Chick Karen P. Rapport
😔Comfort for the family, in Jesus’Name 🙏🙏

Owen Moss
Condolences, I knew John having grown up a few blocks away on Lincoln Street and gone to Horace Mann with him.

Luis Bloise
Very sorry for your loss

Bonnie Galloway
Sorry for your loss🙏❤🤗

Jennifer Rogers Doyle
This is so sad. Prayers to his family.

Barbara Coryell O'Malley
Profound condolences to his family.

Bob Long
So sad to hear. I remember John having an amazing presence about him. RIP 🥀

Mary Boriso Jordan
May God comfort his family....Rest in peace, John...🌹

Sunny Singer

Christy Campbell Gallyon
RIP Captain

Patsy Raymundi
Sorry for your loss

Lynda Woodhouse
So very sorry!

Karen Torres Weil Morrison
Prayers your way!

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
Sending condolences to his family & friends. Rest In Peace John

Stacy Homan
I am so very sorry for your loss, it is clear he was loved by many… You have my deepest condolences.

Marlene Keables Benda
John you'll be missed, So sorry for your loss, our prayers are with your family.

Carol Forrand Tallakson

Angie Capuano-Hunter

Loanne Walker Ginchereaux

Jeanette Alexander
God's blessings to all family and friends! We'll miss you John!

Suzanne Lane Tondre

Rob Rudolph
Very sad. I knew John very well. 😢

Shawna Armstrong
RIP 🙏❤️

Karen G Veggie
Fly high John. I always remember you hanging around the house with Dennis & Tracey. And you were always so happy and friendly. I remember you taking me flying...and doing a dead drop. So glad i did not puke on you. And you laughing. Our mom always liked you!

Leslie Brogan
Karen G Veggie: It’s called a stall maneuver. Part of the pilot training. He loved doing that!

Kari Strouth-Blankenship
Sorry for your loss.

Tracey Allen-Locker
That's funny Karen, 🤣 I remembered John taking me on a small airplane doing the same thing, doing the drop, it was scary but exhilarating. John was awesome!! I miss those days! 😃

Karen G Veggie
We had good times all of us!!! Those really were the days of being carefree.

Dale Baker
John’s daughter called me this morning with the very sad news of Captain John Conover’s passing . I already miss John...he was a once in a lifetime friend. I think about all of the fun we had as kids growing up together. He will be missed by everyone t… See More

Powell Loskamp
My heart goes out, John was someone I looked up to and admired.💙💙

Brian Morrison
I’m so sorry to hear about John’s passing. He was such a mind soul.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Ron Durham, BHS '53 (1935-2020)

This was posted today on Facebook...

Then I found the following here:

RIP Ron.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Bev Peck Brockway, BHS '64 (1946-1994)

Beverly Irene Peck
10 November 1946 – 10 February 1994

I remember Bev Peck from Miller Elementary School days. She was older than I but she was a very nice and fun person. Today I learned she passed away at the young age of 47 from a brain aneurysm.

Her brother, LeMoine Peck, BHS '71, passed away in 2002. Read more here:

She also has a younger sister, Nyla Peck, BHS '69.

RIP Bev.

From Family Search:

Nancy Peckham Burres, BHS '64 (1945-2020)

April 19, 1945 ~ July 29, 2020

Nancy Carol Peckham Burres passed away on Wednesday morning, July 29th, in Cloverdale in northern California, at age 75. Nancy’s daughter and son were with her at her passing. She was diagnosed about two years ago with a rare bile duct liver cancer. Nancy lived longer than predicted, in part due to her use of holistic medicine. Nancy grew up in Burbank on Hilton Dr. at the corner of Eton Dr., and attended Thomas Jefferson, John Muir, and BHS, graduating in 1964. She was the middle daughter of Lena Hobbs Peckham and Willard Peckham, who both passed away in 2013, six months apart, at ages 91 and one week short of 96. Nancy’s father, Willard, was a Burbank Police Officer in the 1940’s and into the early 50’s, then became a Burbank Fireman where he worked at the Bel Aire Dr. station until his retirement in 1972, when they moved from Burbank to northern California to Clearlake Oaks, in part to be near Nancy who was already living in Cloverdale. Nancy’s mother, Lena Hobbs Peckham, grew up in Burbank, and was a 1939 BHS graduate. Nancy’s older sister, Linda Peckham Christian, BHS ‘60, lives in Portland, Oregon, and her younger sister, Janice Peckham Jennings, BHS ‘72, lives in Lucerne, California.

Nancy Burres was a very talented artist, from her school days until her death. She was well known and loved for her paintings in her area of northern California, painting landscapes, including vineyards, forests, lakes, seascapes, with some of her paintings including wildlife. She had lived in Cloverdale, California for over 50 years. Nancy most recently attended the Foursquare Church in her area. Her former husband, Bob Burres, “Eddie Bob,” now lives in Arizona.

Nancy is survived by her daughter Christine, her son Russell, three grandchildren, and her sisters Linda and Janice, and their families. Because of the current situation with the pandemic no service is able to be planned yet for Nancy.

Alan Landros, BHS ‘70
August 1, 2020