Monday, February 25, 2019

Bill North, BHS '54 (1936-2019)

Senior photo from Burbank High School 1954 Ceralbus yearbook

Faculty photo from 1962 John Muir Jr High School Highlander yearbook

Ralph William "Bill" North
June 6, 1936 - Feb 24, 2019

Former BHS teacher, Mr. Bill North, passed away yesterday, Sunday, February 24, 2019. Bill was in Colorado when he passed away. He was there for only two days visiting friends, who said he was happy and cheerful the entire weekend. The friends said Bill left them for the airport on Sunday with “smiles, hugs, and love all around.” He was on an airport tram to get to his gate at Denver International Airport to come back home when he suddenly passed away. He was 82 years old.

Bill started out in Shorewood, Wisconsin, and in Burbank grew up in the 900 block of Cornell Dr. and was a 1954 BHS graduate. He was a History Major at UCLA. He taught Social Studies and English at John Muir Junior High for 15 years from 1960 to 1975. He then taught Government and Economics for 21 years at BHS from 1975 to 1996 when he retired. He was also the Ceralbus advisor from 1986 to 1996. Many will remember Bill's use of "paper clip awards” in his John Muir classes,
and his BHS students learned of his vast knowledge of Fire Department vehicles!

Bill married his John Muir colleague, Mrs. Barbara Bullock, and they enjoyed many happy years together. Barbara passed away in 2006 from cancer. He continued living in Burbank until now, and had been doing well. Just last August he purchased a new Subaru wagon. Bill and former John Muir and BHS teacher, Clyde Richards, have been close friends over all these years. Bill North attended our BHS ‘70 reunions in both 2010 and 2015. He and Barbara were planning to attend our 2005 reunion, also, but the diagnosis of Barbara’s illness came the same week as the reunion so they couldn’t join us of course, and Barbara passed away a few months after that.

When I’ve sent notices like this over the years for BHS ‘70 alumni and former BHS teachers I would almost always hear from Bill complimenting me on what I had written. He would always tell me that when he died he wanted me to write his obituary! We would laugh back and forth about that each time. I NEVER thought that his passing would come this soon. I even thought that he might outlive me. Not to be. This is a sad day for Burbank and for everyone who knew Mr. Bill North.

The two pictures below of Bill were taken in Denver the day before his death and the day of his death. The other man pictured is part of the family Bill was visiting in Denver for this man’s retirement party, which Bill surprised some of them by attending. Bill made the wood base that he is holding as a retirement gift for this friend.

Alan Landros
February 25, 2019

In a Class by Himself
Burbank High School Says Goodbye, Mr. North
June 18, 1996|SCOTT HARRIS

Graduation Day had come and with it the strains of "Pomp and Circumstance." In royal blue caps and gowns, Burbank High School's Class of '96 marched down from the grassy slope above the Starlight Amphitheater to take their seats. Waiting on stage were school officials, their gowns all black and serious.

There was one exception. On the day after his 60th birthday, teacher Bill North had elected to wear the blue of a graduating senior. He was, in a sense, graduating for a second time from Burbank High, retiring after more than 37 years of teaching, the last 21 at his alma mater. Before too long, Mr. North, as the students call him, would step to the dais. The students stood and cheered in his honor.

First he asked everyone to say hi to his mother, Jeanne, who had watched her boy graduate at the Starlight in 1954. "Mom and I think this is so much fun," Mr. North said, "we're going to do this every 42 years."

Mr. North, local legend, is known for his wit, kindness and a unique talent for teaching. Ask around Burbank High and the testimony becomes overwhelming. Mr. North came from the same mold as the storied Mr. Chips. He is one of those beloved teachers who routinely rise above the call of duty.

When it was first suggested that Mr. North's retirement might be newsworthy, I was dubious, especially since it was Mrs. North who make the suggestion. A teacher herself, Barbara North gave me some phone numbers of colleagues and former students who all said that, yes, Mr. North was the real deal.

"There's not a person there who doesn't love the guy," said math teacher Clyde Richards. The clincher came when I called Burbank police, leaving a message for an officer who had been one of Mr. North's students. It so happened that Officer Jeff Goenner, Burbank High Class of '82, took the message. Mr. North "was one of the best teachers a kid could ever have," Goenner declared. "He was great."

And so there was Bill North at the dais in royal blue, reflecting on how Burbank High had changed in the 42 years since his first graduation. From the crowd came a girl's voice:

"Mr. North! Mr. North!" Back then, Mr. North quipped, "We didn't have students interrupt us for one thing."

Helen Diab, 17, came out of the throng and stepped on stage, doing her modern Valley Girl routine from the movie "Clueless," marked with such catch phrases as the sarcastically dismissive "as if!" and the grudgingly tolerant "what-ever." This was a little skit Mr. North and Helen had worked out on their own. When Mr. North tried to share some of Burbank High's heritage, Helen reacted with a non sequitur.

Helen: "Did I tell you Bullock's changed to Macy's?"

Mr. North: "But, Helen, I'm trying to talk about history."

Helen: "I'm talking about history too. Bullock's is history."

And so on. In Mr. North's economics class, Helen declared, she learned that "the more credit cards you use, the more credit cards you get." And when Helen protested one of her grades, explaining how hard she worked for an A, Mr. North could only say, "As if!"

Soon the skit was over, but Helen wasn't leaving the stage, not just yet. Mr. North seemed visibly puzzled, uncertain what to do, as Helen kept talking. She was serious now, not clueless, in offering a tribute.

"You take the time to get to know students," she said for all to hear. "You listen with an open heart . . . You make learning fun."

And so, Helen explained, there would be a presentation. To Mr. North's obvious surprise, an assistant principal stepped forward with a yellow firefighter's coat, marked with his name and the declaration that he is a No. 1 Teacher. Why a firefighter's coat? Everybody at Burbank High knows about Mr. North's fascination with firetrucks, about how he can even tell their sirens apart.

Graduation Day was, in fact, the crown of a series of events, large and small, that marked Mr. North's retirement. When a retirement party was held at the Castaway restaurant in May, arrangements were made for the Burbank Fire Department to chauffeur Mr. North in one of its engines. About 200 colleagues and former students roasted him in tribute.

"Only this year I learned his first name wasn't mister," said Blair Ridgewood, a student from the late '70s. Other former students dropped by Burbank High to pay their respects.

And, because of Mrs. North's persistence, Mr. North was asked about the secret of his success.

Mr. North can remember the moment he decided to become a teacher.

"I was a senior at Burbank High, sitting in a classroom that was dingy, with a long-term sub who was just terrible. And it dawned on me. I was thinking, 'I could do better than this.' "

He went to UCLA and absorbed the latest in educational methodology. At his first job at John Muir Junior High, Principal Bob Leland monitored his first few weeks of work.

"I was busy showing him all the fancy teaching techniques I learned at UCLA. He had a troubled look on his face . . . Finally, he said to me, 'Why don't you do it the way you want?'

This man was greatly loved!

Annette Dinolfo Bennett

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
Rest In Peace Mr. North ❤️

Barbara S. Goldsmith
Was a wonderful teacher and person. He will be remembered always as a favorite teacher that brought out the best in each student.

Marc MG Gofstein
I would love it if the Burbank Fire Department could do something in tribute. Those who had a class with him will understand what I'm saying.

Bruce Smentek
Marc MG Gofstein What’s his connection to the fire department? I graduated in 1973 from BHS. I got on the BFD in 1981 and retired in 2014.

Joanne Ferrare-Provenzano
Marc...I can relate to what you said regarding the son is now a Battalion Chief with LA County Fire Dept...his passion for the fire service profession began in high school (BHS) and I can recall the times that he and Mr. North talked about the fire service profession...I've no doubt to this day, that Mr. North had a role in this and would be most proud in all that my son has accomplished with his career over the years. Thanks for your post and I will share with my son.

Marc MG Gofstein
He said that, if you didn't learn anything else in his class, you at least needed to know the difference between fire engines and fire trucks...Engines had the water, trucks had the ladders.

Michael Juarez
Marc MG Gofstein I so remember that. He told me that as we were sitting in his class as the class was taking a test and a fire engine went by with it’s siren going. He asked me if I knew the difference.

Krenn Scott
I had him at John Muir and enjoyed his class! I don't recall the paper clip awards, but he was a fun teacher. So sorry to learn of his passing!!!❤

Patrice Webb
I remember him from John Muir.

Kelly Pettersen
Definitely a teacher that stands out in my mind from my high school days at BHS. RIP

Jana Guest
I am a proud recipient of a paper clip award, in recognition of beating Greg Simay on a test. I still have it! I was lucky enough to spend time with Bill a few years back when I was still living in Ridgecrest. He wanted to see the changes in the area from when he had delivered newspapers there. In his early teaching days, on weekends he would deliver bulk papers from Los Angeles to the high, high Desert. I loved his stories of during summer breaks, he would drive the tour buses in Glacier National Park. A remarkable man, who led a remarkable life and left an indelible imprint on so many young people.

Kris Kouri
Thanks for letting us all know. His Wife, Mrs. North was my teacher at Muir. She was a lovely person and I'm sorry to hear that she passed some time ago.

Loanne Walker Ginchereaux

Carissa Scheible Wright I never had him myself, but all my friends who did loved him. So sad.😪

Jen Rez
RIP Mr. North ✨

Dave Drucker
He was such a nice man. And a great teacher

Jenine Moran
we all loved to hear the fire engines & trucks coming so we can *test* him...he always guessed the correct truck # just from how it sounded

Cindy Barcus Aylward
You know you're a nerd when you ask a teacher to sign your Highlander. Mr. North signed next to his photo, with a paperclip, of course! Enjoyed both him and Mrs. Bullock as teachers (she signed, as well!) Rest in peace, Mr. North . . . you made learning fun!!!

Natalie Black Hovsepian
Love you Mr. North!!! Until we meet again!

Curt Kimmins
R.I.P. Sir, his paper clip award also included those of us less scholarly and inattentive students with a paper clip attached to an ear. Not complaining he helped me greatly and always took time after school to assist. So sorry he wasn’t in the presence and armies of loved ones.❤️

Jim Schmitt
In a Class by Himself

Trudie Hentze
This was a great article. If you loved having Mr. North as a teacher, you should read this.

Alisa Bruce
Jim Schmitt - this is so sad. He was Burbank

Kathy Bice
RIP Mr. North 🙏🏻😢

Clyde Richards
Bill North was a great teacher, a good husband and human being and he was my best friend for 60 years. Good bye Bill you will be greatly missed by all the people you touched and helped.

Clifford Fewel
Clyde Richards You and Bill North were cut from the same cloth: respectful, intelligent, independent, fun-loving, genuine and blessed with the common touch. So sorry for your loss.

Cindy Barcus Aylward
You are a Burbank legend, just like your friend. Hugs to you, Mr. Richards.

Bob Long
One of my favorite teachers...sad!

Kelly Lee
One if my favorite teachers. I got an award in his class for writing my spelling list the smallest.

Lori Lentz
He was the BEST!!!!

Kent Brown
Loved Mr. North. Still think about him when I see paper clips. John Muir 1968.

Nan Miles
so many of our teachers come and go in our memories, but Mr. North was unforgettable. sad news and he will be missed and remembered by oh so many of us. John Muir 72, BHS 75

Bob Moore
Truly the best of the best. He made me believe in myself.

Bob Fields
RIP Mr. North, one of the best💙😓

Gerri Davis McCorkle
Sad to hear of his passing! I too remember him and he was a a character! RIP sir!

Darin Conant
Mr. North was my inspiration to become a firefighter. I loved his love for the fire service and thankfully, it stuck. I am so happy that I was able to reconnect with him on Facebook to give him the heartfelt thank you that he deserved. I can honestly say that I owe my career choice and work ethic to him.

Steve Hollingshead
Mr North and the 1 minute mysteries starring Ellery Queen. What a treat!! Mr North inspired me to be a teacher of students. 30 years strong

Barbara Thompson
He was my favorite jr. high teacher! What a great teacher!

Louanne Peterson
Such a sad, sad day losing Mr North...I will miss his yearly Christmas card addressed to "ol' What'shername", our little inside joke! He was one of my favorite teachers and human beings!

Nancy Arnaldo

Andrea Scott
He was a great teacher! May he rest in peace.

Lori Diane Patterson
So sad. He was such a great man and teacher. RIP 🙏🙏💙

Brian Wilber
Because of him I know "fire engine", "fire truck".....

Julie Poulson Standlee
One of the best teachers EVER! He made such a great impact on many students lives. He had a love for fire trucks and could literally tell what kind was passing by the school. RIP Mr. North ❤️

Alex Torres
RIP Mr. North. He wasn't just a great teacher but shared his passions with his class like his interest in firefighting equipment. Also recall watching Rodney King riots live in his classroom. One of my favorite teachers ever.

Steve Young
one of my favorite teachers; RIP

April VanHoorelbeke
Oh my gosh I tried to find him we wrote letters when I had moved he was a good friend to me and teacher now I can’t say hello to him I’m gonna cry 😢

April VanHoorelbeke
I remember the lunch box!

April VanHoorelbeke
I am so sad 😞

Jennifer Todd
condolences to his family. I Remember him well

Sherrie King
RIP Mr. North. One of a few all time favorite teachers of mine! My memories of infamous “Paperclip Awards”, and always referring to me as Sherrie 👑 Queen. A wonderful man and teacher!♥️✨

Cyndi Colvin
Sherrie King isn’t it fun how he gave many of us nicknames!

Sherrie King
Cyndi Colvin yes it was!😁

Elaine Elliott
R.I.P. Mr North

Stacy Homan
This is so sad. I had both him and his wife at Muir, and I was also lucky enough to have him at BHS. He was a great teacher and a good man. RIP.

Maureen Colleran
Gods speed Mr. North

Joan Taylor Cappocchi
We were blessed to have great teachers like Mr. North! I still have my paper clip award, ☺️

Joyce Starleaf
So do I!!

Elaine Petrik
Joyce Starleaf me too!! I am so sorry to hear this sad news. He was my favorite teacher by far! My heartfelt condolences to his family.

Stacie Andrews Cross
Great teacher and friend! RIP!

Linda Hayes Murvin
Thank you Alan for always keeping us updated!

Julie Williams-Davey

Linda Stoddard Johnson
Just got a text about this😐 We are sad here, he left such a great legacy, but Heaven is happy! Wonder if he meets some of those people he taught about, was he right? I know he was! Thank you Mr. Bill North❤

Cyndi Colvin
Oh no! I loved Mr. North! He was one of my first adults to call me Cinderella... now my business name. He was so loved..💖💕💐

Lynette Vogt Ballas
He was my favorite secondary teacher! Every time I see a paper clip, especially those huge oversized ones, I think of him.

Lisa Engelsman Birtle
Such a nice man and many great memories❤️🙏❤️

Leticia Almaraz
Thank you for letting us all know of his passing

Cher Boucher
So sorry to hear of Mr. North's passing. I had a class or 2 with him. I remember the paperclip Condolences to his family and friends. R.I.P Mr. North

Eric Cowfer Fire trucks. He always knew the sound of the fire trucks...

Gary Holloway
Mr. North was the best teacher I ever had. RIP sir.

Donald Matthews
RIP, Sir

Jennifer Kant
Mr North should have given classes to other teachers on how to keep students engaged. He was larger than life in the classroom and on the campus. Always loved by his students. He left a legacy within each student he taught, and probably all who knew him!

Cyndi Colvin
Does he have family or will there be a service?

Mary Joan Swartzbaugh
Such a nice man. Rest In Peace 🙏💙

Toni Ethridge
Oh gosh! Such a great teacher and sweet man!😔😔😔

Jeanne Provensen
I remember him from Muir jr. high. He was a lot of fun. RIP

Derrick Okeefe

Andrea Robinson
Ohhh , this is sad. He was such a good and also a nice teacher. I never had any bad memories of Mr North..RIP kind Gentleman.

Tracey Calhoun
I will always remember how to tell a fire engine from a fire truck thanks to Mr. North.

Daniel Groff
May he RIP!

John Clayton
Rest In Peace Mr. North!!🙁 I had him for math in the early 80’s. While we were in class, he would hear a truck coming up the hill in front of BHS. He could tell you with out looking, if it was a fire truck or a fire engine 🚒 and what # it was. I was always very impressed!! He was an excellent teacher!!!

Roy Klassen
Legacy left behind? A+

Cyndi Colvin
Roy Klassen you two were my favorite teachers back at John Muir, oh to be back in those old days of youth and awe for life...💖💕

Roy Klassen
Thank you Cyndi! What an honor. Bill was a great man and inspiring teacher. He was in the game. I was still on the bench. It's all about the students! You bring out the best, even when we may not have known what to do. God bless you.

Ronna Cansler Ackerman
I still have a few of his “paper clip” awards! RIP Mr. North.

Amy Souza
he was my ultimate favorite. and i will now always know the fire truck and fire engine jobs!!

Kirk Grant
RIP sir !

Donna Cress
Mr. North! You were a great man and so admired ❤️

Gloria Moya
RIP Mr. North🙏🏻 One of my favorite teachers at BHS. Kind soul💙

Aimee Balas
He’s riding a his very own fire engine with his wife now😢

Pat Burkin
I loved Mr. North! And I still use one of his favorite jokes....Did you get your hair cut? No. I got them all cut! Rest In Peace you dear sweet man.

Suzan Stanley Ballentine
So devastating, he was my favorite teacher!! I’ll never forget how he used to poke his head out the door to say “Miss Stanley, do you plan on joining us today?” I was usually late to class since I had him after the nutrition break. You will forever be missed Mr. North ❤️

Corey Lappo
I had him for Social Science when I was 16.

Terri Arredondo Jones
RIP Mr. North! He was a sweet man.

Christopher Hisel
He was one of the best teachers I had. Loved his tests, always had a question about fire engines and trucks.

Leslie Gentile Chamberlain
He was a much beloved man and teacher. Always so pleasant. We liked school bc of his teaching style.

Teresa Hurst
One of my all time fave teachers. Used to hang out in his class during the short nutrition period. Visited him at his home where he loved his woodworking and his cats. My friends and I just called him Northy.... And the way he could call out every fire truck and engine in the city just by the sound was just impressive. RIP Northy, you shall be missed.

Paula Hunter Germann
I had Mr. North for "On your own" He was such a personable man & really captured your attention. I loved how he taught me the difference between fire engines & fire trucks. ❤️😪

Joe Zapata
OMG so sad to hear. Hats down my favorite teacher in high school. I remember his "On your own" class. Used to love how he could identify all the fire trucks when the driver by just by the sound of the engine.

Jen Wilkinson
Omg!!! I was just telling my daughter the same thing almost word for word!!! What an amazing teacher!

Nick Liosis
Memory Eternal

Maria Theresa Ramos
RIP Wonderful teacher. 💕

Jill Ann Wolffe
He was the best!

Michael Meltzer
I remember getting my paper clip award and him reading to us a wrinkle in time

Edith Gazca
Every time I see a firetruck or engine I point out the differences 😔

Michael Juarez
Rest In Peace. I was a TA for him and he was an inspiration. He’s one of the few teachers that not only got the kids but was an awesome teacher too.
Lorna Till Maxwell
Oh no!

Steve Brownell
Had him both at John Muir and Burbank High, he was one of the good guys!

Brenda Squires Burke
RIP Mr. North. Great teacher

Kate Carson
He was an amazing teacher and impacted so many of us with his warmth, humor and love of teaching. He will be missed. RIP Here's a paperclip award 📎📎📎📎 to you for being an Amazing Teacher with Big Impact!! Your light continues to burn on in so many of us. 🙌🙌🙌

Wendy Walters
He was one if my favorite teachers at BHS. RIP Mr. North.

Ami Wruck
💜🖤he was a great teacher... I think about him a lot when I teach... 🖤💜

Darci Fisher
He was a great teacher..And always made sure I had my glasses on..

Dan Krattiger
I'm so sorry to hear this. Rest in Peace Mr. North.

Jen Wilkinson
I was a 1984 graduate and had Mr North for "On Your Own"... I have always remembered to stay away from balloon to balance a checkbook and if I ever come home to a home invasion in progress...."don't block the doorway!!" The fire trucks and his fire hat that lit up with the sirens what an amazing man and a wonderful teacher!
Always a place in my heart for dear Mr. North!

Skip Nicholson
How lucky I was to be a colleague of Bill's for many years and to learn from him. He was a master teacher. But, above all, as Andrea points out, he was a consummate gentleman. We are all poorer for losing him.

Isabel Trevino
RIP Mr. North

Rich Morrison
This is Bill North's senior picture from 1954 Ceralbus. He was college prep and member of the rifle team.

Jeremy Gates
Mr. North was my economics teacher

Jessi Leigh King
He was one of my favorite teachers at Muir along with Mr. Young.

Debbie Shaffer Oler
The best teacher I ever had. He loved teaching and loved us Students. R. I. P. sweet Mr. North!!

Mary Joan Swartzbaugh
He was a senior my sophomore year. I remember him. Then when he started teaching at John Muir, he taught with my father in law Amon “Coach” Swartzbaugh. He was such a nice man❤️

Cara Cruz
Rest in paradise, Mr. North! Forever admiring his fire trucks, fire engines, and quints. Such a wonderful teacher.

Taire Pena
R.I.P. Mr. North😪

Michael Zeff
The best teacher!

Paula Trujillo
Oh he was a great teacher so sorry to hear

John Nave
One of the most positive influences of my education. We’ve lost one of the good ones..

Sarah Amos
Loved his government class. I could always make him laugh by attempting to untie his shoes.

Karen Lessley Ingersoll
I had him at Muir and BHS. Great teacher! I remember when he and Mrs Bullock became a couple. I think their rooms were across from each other.

Lisa Lovett
Karen Lessley Ingersoll, You were lucky! I was SO pissed when I graduated from BHS and later heard that Bill North and Laurel Hiestand (AKA Madam Victorson) had moved to BHS and I MISSED THEM! I was so happy to have had them at Muir!

Donna Cress
Karen Lessley Ingersoll That was so cute, wasn't it? They were the sweetest.

Lisa Lovett
My heart is broken! I got him and several other teachers to come to my class of 1976 BHS reunion in 2011. Most of them had joined my John Muir and "Burbank High 1976 or Whatever" groups. It was wonderful to see them.

Art Lopez
He was a great teacher & he inspired me to go into teaching. RIP, Mr. North.

Sarah Amos
Art Lopez me too.

Chris Patterson
I forwarded this to my kids. He taught all 3 of my them. They all really liked him. They said he identified the fire engines and the truck companies as they went by.....wondering if he knew their dad was a firefighter 🚒 RIP

Darren Nutt
RIP Mr. North! You were a great teacher that I was very fortunate to have for Government and Economics during my Senior year in 91-92!

Ross Cotton
Mr. North was absolutely one of the very best teachers I ever had. Both at John Muir and BHS. I loved his sense of humor. He called me Hoss and I called him Mr. South. He gave me a huge smile whenever we saw each other. He also gave great advice, and was a fantastic listener. I was so happy when he and Ms. Bullock got married.
Deep Peace, Mr. North. You were one of a kind. ❤️

Sheyla Manjarrez
RIP "Sunshine". My condolences to his family and friends.

John Basile
A very sad day indeed. Rest in peace Mr. North.

Lisa Lovett
Party with Barbara, Bill! I am definitely not resting in peace!🤔

Brenda Goris Michel
My absolute favorite teacher of all! When I get those security questions, like who's your favorite teacher, it's always Mr. North! He touched so many. RIP Mr. North, you sure made an impact on this earth ❤️❤️

Tamra Anderson
RIP Mr. North. You touched so many of our lives .

Rhonda Haug
This makes me so sad 😥 I TA'd for him both semesters my senior year. I had 4 classes that year and three were with Mr. North. I will always remember his love of fire trucks and fire engines. To this day I tell people the difference between the two and the stories of the great teacher who used those as extra credit. He will definitely live on in everyone he taught!

Lorraine Devenport Peterson
I remember him.. very nice man. Rest In Peace

Carissa Scheible Wright
Ok, now I feel like I REALLY need to know how to tell fire engines and trucks apart! I feel like I totally missed out on something here!

John Escobedo Sr.
One if my favorite teachers at John Muir. R.I.P. Mr.North

Steve Bric
He was one of most favorite teachers.... We were blessed to have him steer us during our younger years... his legacy is those who he guided and taught by example.... RIP Mr. North

Dave Boido
Great guy, Sad loss.
I loved his corny jokesI loved his corny jokes. Weekend nights he drove a truck delivering the Herald Examiner from their printing plant in LA to Bakersfield. Monday morning he told the class “I was driving all night, and then it dawned on me”

Thanks Alan...Well done...Mr. North would have been very proud of you for writing such a nice obituary for him...We didn't really know him, except to say hi...He lived just down the street from us. His home was always kept as "Neat as a pin"...We would see him around the neighborhood frequently...The last time we saw him, we were having dinner at the Olive's Bistro for our Anniversary in November. Mr. North was a frequent patron of the restaurant and knew all of the young people who worked there. That night, he had brought a beautifully-wrapped gift for one of the girls who was a server...You could tell all of the kids there thought the world of him...He was obviously loved by so many others, as well...What a wonderful "legacy of love", he left for us all. Heaven's gain is our loss...Bon Voyage, Mr. North...
Pam and Jon Kirkwood

Mr. North and Mr. Laris came to one of our reunions, I think it was either 40 or 45. He was only 10 years older than us in the Class of 65, and we all thought he was so cute. He was my home room teacher at John Muir. He was a wonderful man and will be sorely missed.
Thanks for letting us know.
Trudie Lombard Hentze

Thank you Alan. This is sad news indeed. Mr. North made history come alive and made learning fun. I remember how proud I was the day I was given a paper clip award- they were not easily won! It was good to see him at the reunion and I wish I would have had more time to visit with him. I saw that someone referred to him as a prince of a guy- he really was.
Doris Au MacDonald
BHS ‘73

Thank you Alan for this tribute. I won a paper clip award, maybe two, in his Social Studies class at Muir. He was probably my favorite teacher- he had that rare combination of humor, discipline, competence and warmth that opened us knuckle headed junior high kids to things we needed to begin thinking about. I am sad to have him off the planet.
With fond memories and thanksgiving,
Dick Thompson, BHS ‘71

Hi Alan
Thank you so much for letting us all know about Mr. North. He still remains today my all time favorite teacher... including all college profs. What a shock to hear of his passing.
Thank you for all the time you spend keeping us informed. Our class is so blessed to have you.
Thank you again for all you do!!
Loisann Smith Terry, BHS ‘70

Thank you once again for being our bearer of sad news. I still remember the two paperclip awards I won from Mr. North, one for listing all the prepositions in 8th grade English and one for answering a doozey question on a quiz after a film on Africa in 9th grade Social Studies. I also remember the beautiful paperclip box that Greg Chambers made for Mr. North on his lathe and the word that I failed to spell correctly in a spelling bee in his English class. Mr. North was one of the teachers who really made a mark on my academic life.
Steve Gregory, BHS ‘70

Bill worked in the Burbank Public Library through college.
His mom and my mom worked together. He was one of my first crushes!!!
I took horseback riding lessons for about two years with his sister.
I am so sad...mostly for the world. He was very special.❤️
Carolyn Bailey Grogan, BHS ‘63, and retired longtime BHS teacher


I was wondering, is there anyway you could add this to the post of Bill North. We had just had him at our house on February 15 and he gave me the very last paper clip award because I had asked him about it. His eyes twinkled and he told me the story about how it came about which was so sweet to hear. My husband Todd Bruner, had Bill in John Muir and BHS and received one but I also went through both schools with my husband but never had Bill so after our home cook Italian dinner with our grown kids I received this. I was tickled pink about it. And now I hold it dear to my heart. Since so many people mention it on your blog I thought it would be really wonderful for people to see it and bring back memories because it was printed on a machine from back in the 70’s. I also bought out our year book from 78 and he had a blast
going through ever page and talking about it. Really a wonderful man. The top photo is what I posted in his page from Facebook. See below. Thank you.
Todd and Camille Bruner
Class Burbank High School 1978

Clyde Richards posted on Facebook "I have more information about Bill North. Because Bill died in Colorado, and not California, there are a lot of state rules and regulations about a body. It will take many days to make the necessary arrangements and I will let everyone know when the funeral ceremony is. I think it will be about the middle of March."

March 6, 2019 UPDATE from Clyde Richards
The Memorial Service for Bill North will be held on Wednesday, March 13, at 2:30 PM at the Forest Lawn Hollywood ; The address is 6300 Forest Lawn Dr.. Los Angeles 90068 The service will be held in the Old North Chapel Let's all turn out to honor and remember this great teacher and human being.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Robert (Bob) Quintanar, BHS '66 (1946-2006)

Robert or Roberto (Bob) Quintanar
January 20, 1946 - June 25, 2006
Parents: Rudolph Quintanar and Maria D Ramirez Quintanar

When Ed Morton mentioned in Facebook that classmate Bob Quintanar, a great photographer, had passed away, Ed confirmed that Robert was born on January 20 1946 and lived in Burbank when he died on June 25, 2006, at age 60.

As far as we know, Bob is survived by his brother, Alex, who was in BHS class '67.

Both Bob and Alex were talented, friendly and fun-loving fellows, well liked by their classmates.

Also, another brother, Gilberto "Gilbert", and cousin, Linda, were both in BHS '70 class.

RIP Bob.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sylvia Linnell, BHS '42 (1924-2019)

Posted on Facebook today by daughter, Lorena Swift:
"Sylvia Linnell, Class of 1942, passed away at the age of 94 on January 7, 2019."

Sylvia Isabel Linnell, 94, born on February 5, 1924, in Berryton, Kansas, passed away January 7, 2019, in Mission Viejo, California.

Loving mother of Lorena Swift and David Linnell; grandmother of Patricia Okura, Stephanie Jensrud, Adam Linnell and Andrea Fox; and great-grandmother of Sierra Jensrud, Darren Okura, Kiersten Okura, and Aiden Linnell.

Graveside service scheduled for Friday, January 11th, 12:00pm at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills, California.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Denise Arredondo Ghezzi, BHS '69 (1951-2019)

Posted in Facebook today by Connie Wilmore Schweitzer:
"Denise Arrendondo Ghezzi passed away January 9th 2019"

Denise D. Ghezzi
April 30, 1951 - January 9, 2019

Denise Ghezzi, nee Arredondo, passed away, peacefully, at City of Hope Hospital January 9, 2019 at the age of 67. Denise is survived by her mother, Irene Arredondo, son, Jim, Jr., his wife, Amanda and their two daughters, her daughter, Dani, brother, Michael, and many cousins, nieces, and nephews. She is reunited with her husband of 43 years, Jim, Sr.

Services will be held at Sts. Felicitas & Perpetua Catholic Church, Saturday, March 9 at 10:30a. In lieu of flowers, please donate in Denise's memory to City of Hope to further the research of Dr. Mihaela Cristea. Online donations can be made at Please sign the guestbook at

Published in Pasadena Star-News on Feb. 7, 2019

Harry Bieker, BHS '44, Passed Away Feb 6, 2019

Dianne Marie (Bieker) Long posted on Facebook that her father, Harry Bieker, passed away February 6, 2019. He was BHS Class of 1944.

"Dear friends. Tonight my Father Harry Bieker passed on. Many of you knew him. Some of you knew him since childhood. I was holding his hand when Jesus carried him home. He was 92. He and Mom are together now."

We offer our sincere condolences to the family and ask the Lord to comfort each one.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Linda McComas Trotta, BHS '61 Passed Away February 4, 2019

"Today we lost my dear sister-in-law and friend Linda McComas Trotta , a BHS graduate , not sure of the graduating year , i'm guessing 1961. RIP 😢"
Posted yesterday on Facebook by Pina Trotta-Buono

Louise Trotta, BHS '67 (1949-19770

Dennis McComas, BHS '67 (1948-2014)

Randy Karraker
My condolences.

Donna Luce Veatch Neitman
Linda was the sister of Dennis McComas BHS 67 who passed away in 2014. My condolences to the family of Linda!

Bev Peters
May she RIP. 1962??

Linda C. Mustion
RIP Linda

Ronnie Garner
I knew Monica McComas, BHS ‘62. Any relation?

Donna Luce Veatch Neitman
Ronnie Garner, cousins.

Pam Kirkwood
Monica McComas was BHS '64 in my class...

Pat Bushman
My condolences to her family and friends. Rest In Peace.

Rich Morrison
RIP. She's in the 1959 Ceralbus as a sophomore.

Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace

Nadine Aguirre Lujan

Lynda Rech Franzen
So sorry for your loss.

Kirk Grant
I’m so sorry for your loss.

Pina Trotta-Buono
Louise Trotta was Linda's husbands cousin and also my cousin.

Donna Luce Veatch Neitman
Pina Trotta-Buono, was Jerry your brother? I went HS with Louise and Denny McComas. Long story I’ve known the Trotta’s and McComas families since the 50’s and 60’s. Did you live on the corner if Buena Vista and Kenmere?

Pina Trotta-Buono
Donna Luce Veatch Neitman , I remember you Donna, Jerry is my brother and we did live on Buena Vista. You married Tom who lived across the street from Linda McComas Trotta.

Dan Larson
I lived on Myers closer to where Monica and Teri lived. I knew Linda and Dennis because they lived next door to my grandparents (I think). RIP Linda.

Donna Luce Veatch Neitman
Dan Larson, who were your Grandarents? The Newgards lived next to Denny and Linda and it was a German couple (can’t remember their names) on the other side. Gladys and Mac, Terry and Monica’s parents lived up the street from Helen and Bud, Linda and Denny’s parents.

Dan Larson
Donna Luce Veatch Neitman I guess my grandparents lived a little further up Myers. They were Enoch and Alta Larson. My address was 2716. We all played together. Steve Newhart. Dennis. Teri and the Kelly boys (Kevin and John).

Donna Luce Veatch Neitman
Dan Larson There was also Neil and Carol McCarthy. Tom Veatch lived on the corner of Glenoaks and Myers. We got married in 1968. Tom is now married to Linda McComas’s cousin. Alice Floyd lived on the corner of Myers and Kenneth. Such a small world we live in.

April VanHoorelbeke
Gary Patrick Trotta ???? Is she related to your family!

Gary Patrick Trotta
Yes... didn't know her though... there are lots of us.

Carrie Diaz-Lathouwers
My condolences to all her family and friends. RIP Linda.

Peggy Melton Cyphers

Connie Cirinelli
My condolences to her family.

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
Sending condolences to her family.

Deb Helsley Bush
Rest In Peace 🙏🏻💜

Brenda Rossie-soto

Susan Rohrer
This is getting so sad, way to young.

Monday, February 4, 2019

BHS Kemp-Kallem Field Dedication Ceremony May 4, 2019


The athletic field at Burbank High School, 902 N 3rd Street, Burbank, CA, has been given formal approval by the BUSD School Board to be named Kemp-Kallem Field, in recognition of the dedicated service of Coach Dave Kemp and Coach Frank Kallem.

"As Chairman of the Facilities Naming Committee, I cordially invite everyone to attend the Dedication Ceremony, which will be held at Burbank High, on May 4th, 2019, at 10:30 am. I will also be creating a fundraiser using the Burbank Education Foundation in the next few days with appropriate links should you care to throw a few dollars toward this worthy endeavor. At the conclusion of the ceremony, refreshments will be provided by the Burbank-Burroughs Alumni Association."

Randy Arrington
(619) 865-9817

Friday, February 1, 2019

Tom Cline, BHS '74 Passed Away January 8, 2014

From Debbie Cooper Billiot: "My step-brother Tom Cline passed away in 2014 after seven years of fighting the effects of Agent Orange. Tom was stationed in Korea, at the DMZ, as a military policeman. He was in Vietnam in 1975 when Saigon fell. Tom lived in DeRidder, Louisiana."

The picture shown here is from the 1973 Ceralbus. Tom's photo does not appear in the 1974 edition; he would have graduated with that class but enlisted at age 17.

Tommie Eugene Cline, 58, of Florien, Louisiana, passed away Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at his home.

A Memorial service will be Saturday, January 11, at 1pm at Chaddick Funeral Home. The funeral home will open at 11:30am.

Tommie is survived by his wife, Carolyn of Florien; five daughters, Shantel Stephens of Murphysboro, Illinois, Jessica Hall & Mirick of San Antonio, Texas, Elizabeth Warren of Merryville, Louisiana, Christina Geery of Florien, and Rikkie Parker of Florien; one son, Dave Cline & Joy of Jackson, Missouri; one sister, Debbie Billiot & Joe of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana; two brothers, Frederick Cooper of DeRidder, and Greg Cline of DeRidder; mother, Dazine Propst of DeRidder; and thirteen grandchildren.

Tommie is preceded in death by his father, Charles Eugene Cline, Sr., his sister, Barbara Martin; and his brothers, Charles Eugene Cline, Jr., and Charles Wayne Cline.

Condolences can be made at
Chaddick Funeral Home
1931 N Pine St
Deridder, LA 70634