Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gordon P Kolisnyk, BHS '76 (1957-2018)

Gordon P Kolisnyk
September 16, 1957 - October 28, 2018

Sad news posted on Facebook today by Richard Brescia...
"I heard we lost Gordon Kolisnyk Class of 76. He was one of my closest High School Friends.

A memorial service was held in Longmont, CO.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Laura Cecile Johnson Chambers, BHS '70 (1952-2019)

May 15, 1952 ~ January 25, 2019

FUNERAL SERVICE, Saturday, February 2, 2019, 11:00 A.M.
Simi Valley Sinaloa LDS Chapel
480 Sinaloa Rd., Simi Valley, CA 93065

VIEWING, Friday Evening, February 1, 2019, 6:00 - 9:00 P.M.
also held at Simi Valley Sinaloa LDS Chapel

Laura Johnson Chambers passed away at 6:14 P.M., Friday, January 25, 2019, at a Hospice Home in Simi Valley, CA, at age 66. Laura’s passing was due to several ongoing health issues of the past few years.

Laura Cecile Johnson was born on May 15, 1952 in Burbank, the fourth of five children in the Johnson family. The family lived at 532 Fairmount Rd. in Burbank, and later at 1080 Walnut Ave. in Burbank, while the kids grew up. Laura attended Emerson Elementary, John Muir Junior High, and Burbank High, graduating in 1970. Laura, along with her family, was a life-long member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Laura and her husband, Richard, were married in March of 2003. Laura and her husband were residents of Simi Valley for the last several years.

Laura is survived by her husband, Clyde Richmond “Richard” Chambers, of Simi Valley; two sons, David Dutton of Gilbert, Arizona, and Nathan Dutton of Encino; one daughter, Elizabeth Dutton of Riverton, Utah; one grandson, David Dutton, Jr., Laura’s daughter-in-law, Teresa Dutton, and step-grandson, Brandon Chacon, all of Gilbert, Arizona; two older sisters, Mary Lou Johnson Anderson (BHS ‘64) of Woodland Hills, and Constance “Connie” Johnson Marrone (BHS ‘66) of Santa Clarita; one younger brother, Phillip Johnson (BHS ‘72) of Grants Pass, Oregon; three step-children, Jared Chambers of Arizona, Jason Chambers of Hawaii, and Rosana Chambers of Texas; step-granddaughter, Lola Chambers of Hawaii; and numerous nephews and nieces. Laura was predeceased by her parents, Cecil Marion Johnson and Wilma Jean Johnson, her step-mother, Irene Johnson, her older brother, Howard Johnson (BHS ‘61) on June 27, 2010, the same evening Laura was attending her BHS ‘70 40th Reunion in Burbank, and by her sister-in-law (Howard's wife), Collette Johnson. Laura was now the same age that Howard and Collette were when each passed away, all three being 66.

With thanks to Jennifer Tutterrow Todd and Charmaine Lambrecht Chastain, both BHS ‘70, for their help with information and Laura’s senior class photo.

Alan Landros
January 25, 2019


" This was the last picture of all 5 of us before my brother Howard passed 9 years ago at the age of 66, the same age Laura was today when she passed."

"This is Laura and dad in the back yard of our home on Fairmount in Burbank. Dad brought one of our horses home, just because he could! (Residential hill section of Burbank. Not quite legal as per the zoning) lol"

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
I’m so saddened to read of Laura’s passing. My deepest sympathy to her husband Richard & her family. ❤️

Charmaine Chastain
Laura was always a kind person. We connected again after high school when our daughters were in Girl Scouts and then again when both she and I worked for the Los Angeles Unified School District. May Laura rest in peace without pain. My condolences to her family.

Susan Landing-Phillips
Deepest sympathies to the family. Laura and I were friends in school!

Elaine Elliott
Rip Laura!!

Kathleen Wyatt Richardson
Sad news, may she rest in peace. A sweet person...condolences to Richard and family

Melissa Prater-Uribe
I went all through school with Laura and remember her as the kindest, sweetest friend. My thoughts and prayers to her family!

Randy Karraker
My thoughts and prayers to her family!

Margo Ewing
So sorry to hear this news. I knew Laura since elementary school, and she was always a good friend. My condolences to her family.

Randi Nadler
So sorry to hear about Laura’s passing. I will always remember how kind and sweet she was😌

Larry Segall
Sad news. May she RIP.

Barbara Thompson
Laura and I shared many classes together in Jr. High and High School. I last saw her at our 45th reunion. My condolences to her family and close friends.

Leslie C. Babroff
Sorry for your loss, condolences to family, may she RIP

Paula Trujillo
So sorry, hugs and condolences

Pam Wright Peterson
Such a sweet person. So sorry to hear this- May she Rest In Peace...

Jim Tyndall
RIP Laura

Marilyn Brown Nance
I will miss Laura. We grew up together attending church, girls camp and being presented as debutants together. When we were in college we had many opportunities to see each other as we both attended universities operated by our church and were only a few hours apart. We remained in contact and enjoyed catching up. I will always remember her beautiful smile, genuine laugh, willingness to help, and loving care she gave to others. You will be missed Laura but the Lord needs you now.❤️

Carol Kinzel
Laura was always kind to all, a friend forever to everyone. Prayers going out 🙏

Kathleen Wyatt Richardson
Well said Marilyn Brown nice ❤

Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace

Jennifer Todd
My condolences and love goes out to all of Laura’s family. Laura has been a dear friend since 7th grade I’ll always remember all the fun things we did like marching in BHS band touring through Europe and enjoying having picnics with all our kids. She wii always be in my ❤️love you Laura. I’ll miss you.

Barbara Zelenay Berry
Sorry to hear of another BHS passing. Though i didn't know her, my thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Maryellen McMahon
May her family find comfort on the memories shared. My condolences to all.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Kathy Lorenz-Waldron, BHS '76 (1958-2019)

Katherin Ann Lorenz-Waldron
July 15, 1958 - January 22, 2019


"Our sister, Kathy Lorenz Waldron, Burbank High class of '76, died today, 1-22-19."

Posted on Facebook by Barbara Prater Coffman‎ yesterday.

Chris Varner
Omg Please RIP

Heather Seapy Tobin
May She rest in peace.

Carol Forrand Tallakson
RIP Kathy😢

Karen Stinson Mosebrook
I’m so sorry! It seems like just a moment ago I saw her just like this.

Melissa Prater-Uribe
Karen Stinson Mosebrook, it really doesn’t seem real right now. She had been in very bad health for a long time so I know she is out of all pain and in Heaven with our mom!

Karen Stinson Mosebrook
Melissa Prater-Uribe, when we don’t see a friend on a regular basis time stands still in our mind. I still see your mom and her sweet dogs from when I would visit. At that point in her life she was younger then you and I are now. I’m glad Kathy is resting with your mom. Warm hugs to you and yours in the days ahead.

Linda Hayes Murvin
I’m so sorry to hear is so hard to loose someone so close. Such a shock. May she RIP 🙏🏻 and May your memories keep you strong!

Melissa Prater-Uribe
Linda Hayes Murvin,
thank you Linda. She had been quite ill for a long time so tonight she is with Jesus and healed from all her pain. We appreciate your prayers.

Caron Kurtis

Paula Trujillo
Oh no, condolences to her loved ones

Taire Pena
I’m so sorry to hear this. She was such a kind person. May she Rest In Peace. Prayers for her family.

Nadine Aguirre Lujan
My condolences. RIP

Joyce Starleaf
I’m so sorry Melissa. I didn’t know she was ill for so long . May all of your wonderful memories bring you some comfort🙏🏻💗

Lisa Engelsman Birtle
So sorry to hear this. Kathy was always so friendly🙏

Pat Bushman
My prayers and condolences to the family. May she rest in peace.

Marilyn Brown Nance
Melissa, I am so sorry for your sister’s passing. May wonderful memories help you find peace and comfort. You and your family are in my prayers.❤️

Melissa Prater-Uribe
Marilyn Brown Nance, thank you my friend! Your thoughts and prayers are felt and much appreciated!😘

Louise Good Hernandez
So sorry for your loss. 🙏🏻

Donald Matthews
RIP. 😂

Dana Ardizzone O'Neal
So sorry for your loss!

John Escobedo Sr.
So sorry for your loss.

John Nave
So, so sorry to hear this news. I’ve lost another childhood friend. Someone who watched me learn to walk and talk. I’m heartbroken. Kathy reached out recently on her PT challenges and I had hoped my words were encouraging. Love to all the family.

Melissa Prater-Uribe
John Nave, she always loved all you neighborhood boys. She was quite the little tomboy with you all! She is at peace now!

Susan Landing-Phillips
I am so sorry for your thoughts and prayers for you and your family!

Sabrina Rodriguez Macksoud
So sorry for your loss. Prayers offered for your loved ones.

Linda Baker
So very sorry for you and your family

Jennifer Todd
So sorry to see this She was in my y-club such s sweet girl. condolences to her family 💗💗💗

Pamela Gordon Ryan
So very sorry. 🙏🏻❤️

Judy Torres
So very sorry ❤️

Kat Schaefer
Oh no! So sorry to hear this. We were inseparable as kids, thru high school! 😢😢 we even shared our birthday.. July 16! RIP sweetie!

Jennifer Todd
Melissa so sorry about your sister She was a great girl 💗💗💗💗she was in my Y club. We also had the same birthday 7–16. So sad

Melissa Prater-Uribe
Jennifer Todd, thank you Jennifer! She always really liked you!

Lori Blume
Kathy and I were such good friends in High School. This is very sad news.

Judie Dunkijacobsnolten
Lori Blume, I remember your friendship with Kathy. She was always nice to me even though I was the annoying little sister.

Loanne Walker Ginchereaux

Jo Memmott
So young.

Dan Jordan
Prayers going up. Peace.

Barbara S. Goldsmith
I’m so very sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful part of our neighborhood group of friends and will be remembered always with love

Melissa Prater-Uribe
Barbara S. Goldsmith, thank you Barbara! We did have some great fun in that neighborhood!

Sheryl Muskatell
Sorry for your loss

Maureen Steckel-Gradvohl
Was her father Curt Lorenz? I knew him.

Melissa Prater-Uribe

Elizabeth Lynn Moon
I'm so sorry to hear this! She was just a youngster!
Love and comfort to your whole family.

Melissa Prater-Uribe
Yes just 60 but in very bad health. Thank you for your kind thoughts!

Gary Bric
Sad and too Young.

Carol Prater Cox
God bless you my precious cousin, thank God Kathy is with your mom and rejoicing, singing and whole again. I love you and know that this is so hard. Please call on me for any little thing. I love you so much!!!

Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace

Karen Wagner
We had just talked Melissa and I about Kathy and her health I wanted to visit her but Melissa said she wouldn't be there too long.. oh gosh I feel horrible this is terrible news I wanted to go see her I wish I could have done something! She had so much spunk I'll always remember your sister the little sister! Miss You!

Deanna Jennings
Such sad news. The Lloyd family sends our heartfelt condolences and prayers.

Karen Sue Salsbury-wolford
So very sorry for your loss

Anita Page
RIP, Kathy.

Elizabeth Havens
I am so sorry.


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Miles Stanton, BHS '63, Passed Away December 2018

Miles Stanton passed away in December 2018 of causes related to cancer.

He graduated from Burbank High with the class of 1963 and excelled as a member of the cross country team and track team.

Miles taught printshop and history at Herbert Hoover High School in Glendale, CA. He retired in 2005 after 34 years.

Until recently, he continued to ski and drive tour buses on ski trips, Las Vegas weekends, etc. Miles was married twice but did not have any children.

Information was provided by classmates Steve Catlin and Carey McLeod.

Pat Bushman
My condolences to the family.

Claudia Hoffman
With sympathy to his family. I dated Miles.

Robbin Moore

Maggie Kirchner
Rest in peace Miles. Remember him with kind thoughts in our '63 class.

Donald Matthews
A great athlete and very nice guy. So sad. RIP, Sir.

Sue Burnette

Karen Sue Salsbury-wolford
RIP Miles

Dave Kemp
So very sorry to hear this. A very nice, quiet and shy person. May God Bless Miles, and May he Rest In Peace.

Mary Boriso Jordan
So sad to hear and prayers to the family....Rest in peace, dear Miles....
No photo description available.

Michele Duarte Kilroy
He lived at the end of our street. I think he and Cary Mccloud used to give trampoline lessons. As a kid, I always thought he was so handsome.

Sherrie King

Nadine Aguirre Lujan

Carrie Diaz-Lathouwers
My condolences to all his family and friends. Fly with the Angels, Miles.

Kathy Mae Culbertson Longanecker
Sorry for his loss

Michael Juarez
R.I.P. fellow Bulldog

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sharise Lynn Luttrell Wingfield, BHS '90 (1972-2019)

Sharise Lynn Luttrell Wingfield
September 18, 1972 - January 10, 2019

Sharise Lynn Wingfield, born September 18 1972 passed January 09 2019.

She was a loving and caring wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, and friend.

She is survived by her husband Rickie Wingfield, her 6 children Geremy Harding, Dalton Harding, Madison Harding, Logan Wingfield, Kourtnye Wingfield, and Austin Wingfield. Six grandchildren. Her mother Sharon, And countless friends. She was preceded in death by her aunts Susan and Shelly, her uncle Stan, her grand father Luis, and her mother in Law Di.

She was a purely kind and compassionate woman whom when times were rough would still give the shirt off her back to help any friends family and even strangers in need.

She will be missed and remembered by so many.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Sharon Diane Kuntz Haas Eisenberg, BHS '62 (1944-2018)

August 18, 1944 ~ December 30, 2018

Sharon Kuntz, BHS '62, passed away suddenly the morning of December 30, 2018, at her home with her family present.

She was born in Glendale, CA and grew up in Burbank on Naomi St. Sharon was first married to Don Haas. Her second husband, Lawrence Eisenberg, passed away in 1988.

Sharon is survived by her daughter, Karen Eisenberg, BHS '99, and two granddaughters, Katie, age 14, and Luella, age 6 (Karen's children). She is also survived by her sister, Susan Kuntz Rohrer, BHS '70, and Susan's son and daughter.

Funeral arrangements are pending at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills.

Written by Alan Landros

Mortuary Viewing:
Tuesday, January 15, 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills Mortuary
Funeral Service:
Wednesday, January 16, 9:30 A.M.
Church of the Hills
Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills
6300 Forest Lawn Dr.
Los Angeles, CA  90068


Sharon Eisenberg, loving mother and grandmother, passed away suddenly at home with her family. Sharon moved with her parents from North Dakota and grew up in Burbank. She attended Burbank High School.

 She was the sweetest, most caring, loving, and selfless mother and grandmother.
She leaves behind daughter Karen, 38, her granddaughters Katie, 14, and Luella, 6, and her furry best friend Lulu the yorkie. We are all shocked, saddened, and devastated by her sudden passing.

Services will be held shortly at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills. For any further information please email:
Published in the Los Angeles Times on Jan. 3, 2019

Doug Atzei
I knew Susan! She lived down the street from Debbie Bell & was friends with Tess(Teri)Stevenson.

Pat Bushman
So sorry to hear this. My condolences and prayers to her family and friends. Rest In Peace.

Susan Landing-Phillips
Condolences to the family. I went to school with Susan. My deepest sympathies to you.

Donald Matthews
Sharon was really a nice person. RIP

Elaine Elliott
Attended church with the family. R.I.P. Diane

Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace

Deb Helsley Bush
Rest In Peace Sharon 🙏🏻💜😪

Elizabeth Havens
RIP. Prayers

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
Deepest sympathy to her family. Rest In Peace 🙏

Michael Juarez

Karen Sue Salsbury-wolford
❤️ she was needed in a better place

Joyce Starleaf
I’m so sorry Susan. May your memories give you comfort💗

Peggy Walker
Oh Susan I'm So sorry for your loss. HUGS to you and your family.

Nancy Bentley
R. I. P.

Mary Maxham Healey
Rest in Peace Classmate

Renee King

Billie Dayian Durbin
Susan, Sorry for the loss of your big sister😥

Barbara Zelenay Berry
So So sorry Susan to hear this.. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family!