August 20, 1953 ~ May 9, 2018
Sad news from Debbie Blatnik Roberson, BHS ‘70
Debbie spoke to Val’s dad, Bill Pyros, and this is what he told her. Val passed away on Wednesday at 1:30.
She had gone to a wedding two weeks earlier and was doing great. After that she woke up screaming and couldn’t breathe.
Immediately Mark got her to St. Joseph’s. She suffered a stroke and cardiac arrest.
She was not responsive and passed away on May 9th from a blood clot in the lung.
Valerie grew up at 1015 Groton Drive in Burbank and in high school was a banner carrier and a drill team leader. She lived with her husband in Burbank.
Among the family that survives her are her husband, Mark Jenkins, her 90 year old father, Bill Pyros, of Burbank, and her younger brother, Roy Pyros, BHS ‘75, also of Burbank, and his family.
Per Valerie’s wishes, there will be no services for her.
Alan Landros, BHS ‘70
May 12, 2018
Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Tammy Klinger
Another Bulldog Angel..... prayers for the family!
Jennifer Todd
Really nice girl. So sad💗
Judy Sturm Seay
I am so sorry to hear this, prayers for her family.
Adele Bassett
So sad. RIP
Pat Bushman
My prayers and condolences to the family. Rest In Peace.
Martha Rios
Blessings to the family in should a hard time
Nancy McNamara Zambrana
So sorry to hear this news. She was a very sweet person. God bless you Val ❤️
Kathleen Wyatt Richardson
So sad, grew up with Valerie on Groton... RIP
Carrie Diaz Lathouwers
My condolences to all her family and friends. RIP Val.
Vicki Herrin Fields
So young. Rest in Peace.
Ann Rickard
Such a sweet familiar face. Many blessings always Val!
Mike Signorelli
May God bless her and her family...RIP
Annette Dinolfo Bennett
So sad I knew her parents. RIP
Dennis Wootton
Rest in peace!
Pam Wright Peterson
So sorry to hear this! 😕 We were banner carriers together... RIP Val- gone too soon.
Sandy Talamantes
So sorry to hear this. Our thoughts and prayers to her family and friends...
Jeanette Alexander
God bless all family and friends. Prayers!
Anthy Hellmers
Many prayers for Mr Pyros, Roy and Mark. Memory eternal.
Michael Ruiz
How sad, I've known her since elementary school, R.I.P. Val....
Anita Page
RIP sweet lady.
Doug Atzei
I can't help from noticing the older I get the more I hear about friends leaving this world, but on another note, I guess I'm ready to see what's on the other side. This world is starting to get too crazy for me. Peace and comfort to all who has lost loved ones! 🌹 💕 🙏🏽
Bruce Smentek
So very sad to hear. I remember her from BHS I was a sophomore. I didn’t know her. I knew Roy growing up across from the Flavin’s.
These are the hard ones to understand. It just goes to show you as tough and as unique our bodies are, they are also very complex and fragile at the same time.
Live and enjoy life at its fullest everyday.
R.I.P. Valerie. Heartfelt sympathy to the family.