Patsy L. Nelson Burton '52 passed away May 29, 2017 from congestive heart failure, after fighting Parkinson's and diabetes for the last twenty years.
Patsy was a loving wife for 65 years. I met her when she was a senior at BHS (I already knew her brother, Jack "Basher" Nelson, '50). Patsy and I married in 1953 and raised six children together (five boys and a girl).
After 30 years as a full-time wife and mother, she returned to work, training herself to become a word processor. Starting at First Interstate Bank, she ultimately moved to reinsurance company Beecher & Carlson, where she was well-loved. After a 15-year career, she retired with a nice retirement and medical benefits.
Patsy was generous and openhearted, and kept in touch with quite a few BHS graduates. She welcomed each of her children's spouses with open arms, and especially loved her grandchildren, turning every Christmas into a boundless display of giving and love.
In addition to her children and 22 grandchildren, she left behind 28 great-grandchildren. We miss her dearly.
Submitted by Russ Burton '47