Stephen's daughter, Dawnmarie Forrest Penrod, posted the following sad news today on Facebook...
My dad, Stephen E. Forrest passed away on June 26, 2017. He will be greatly missed by his family & friends. He was an amazing father, grandfather, great grandfather & friend. He will forever hold a very special place in our hearts. I love you Daddy❤️

Stephen E. Forrest
Received this from Alan Landros
Memorial Service for Steve Forrest, BHS ‘66
Saturday, August 5, 2017
2:00 P.M.
Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church
438 E. Harvard Rd., corner of Fifth Street
Burbank, CA 91501
JULY 16, 2017 UPDATE
Stephen E. Forrest, 69, passed away on June 26, 2017, with his family by his side. Stephen was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. He loved his family dearly and will be truly missed.
Stephen was born on November 16, 1947 in Burbank Ca. to Gene and June Forrest. He graduated from Burbank High school in 1966. He was inducted into the United States Navy in 1966 and left for boot camp in 1967. He was an electricians mate on the USS Independence where he proudly served 4 years. Stephen was a Real Estate broker, and worked for the City of Burbank for 25 years.
Stephen was an avid outdoors man and golfer. He loved fly fishing and belonged to the Pasadena Casting Club & the Saltwater Fly Rodders. He loved spending his days on the river fishing with his brother, sons and grandson. He was also a life long San Francisco Giants fan and spent many years coaching his grandson and other youth at Encino Little League. All who knew him appreciated his love and knowledge of the game and his passion to teach.
Stephen is survived his wife, Mary Forrest, three children: Steve, Mathew & Dawnmarie (Layne), 2 stepchildren, Ryan and Shannon, four grandchildren, four great grandchildren, his mother June, brother Mike, sister Carolyn (Charlie) and three nephews.
Stephen was preceded in death by his father Gene, Uncle Grant & grandsons Gregory & Brantley.
There will be a graveside service on August 4th and a memorial service to celebrate his life on August 5, 2017 at 2pm at the Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church. 438 E Harvard. Rd. Burbank Ca.