Leon Keddington
Dec 21, 1947 - Nov 3, 2015
Leon Keddington retired from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power in 2000 and moved to Payson, Arizona, with his wife of 28 years, Elizabeth.
It was while on a cruise to Corzumel, Mexico, that Leon died of a heart attack. His wife told Linda Mazur that he had COPD and regretted that he started smoking.
Leon is also survived by three children.
Here is an article about Leon in the local Payson newspaper from 2014:
People | Leon Keddington
Volunteer, A University Campus in PaysonLeon Keddington is retired from the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power after a successful 30 plus year career.
Most of Mr. Keddington’s career was spent in the power operations side of the business, culminating with his position as the head of the Transmission Division. In this capacity, Mr. Keddington was responsible for all aspects of the high voltage power grid, including more than three hundred employees and an annual budget of several hundred million dollars.
Mr. Keddington currently serves as president of the Chaparral Pines Homeowners Association.
Highlights of Mr. Keddington’s career include helping to position his department to be competitive in the electric deregulation market in California, both in power sales and transmission access issues.